If you liked
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
...then you might like
Kill la Kill
Both are outrageous series, with an over-the-top animation style and some ludicrous character designs. If you like one of them, you'd most likely enjoy the other.
This serious is full of ridiculousness and crazy fight scenes. It's by the director of Gurren Lagann and it truly shows. We get crazy outfits, villains and fight scenes that just make us think of fire through the flames!
Recommended by hamstar138
Kill la Kill has many references to TTGL and is about a badass main character who obtains a special power to battle against the tyranny. Both are epic beyond imagination.
The similarities are astounding. The plot building, the characters, the animation, the universe, the humor, the simplicity in which things are explained to its barest minimum, the superpowers, and the philosophy so say some.
Lastly and to no ones surprise, the two shows are by the same creators.
Recommended by bimbambusse
Extremely dynamic and fast pace, pure and over exaggerated epicness and awesomeness, resulting in concentrated wtf and energy.
From the same director and writer, two series that will built you up emotionally in the beginning and captivate you in the end. Explosions abound and characters will be really memorable.
Those two shows should go together and actually by many are considered as set in one universe - the same adventurous spirit, the same riddiculous actions, many epic fights, unique, memorable characters. There is no end of that positive creaziness :D
TTGL and Kill la Kill are series by the same director so they retain the craziness, excitement, and wild epic battles that both perspective series share (minus the mecha part for KLK).
Both series have similar artwork with the main protagonists going out-all, odds against their adversaries.
The action presented from both of these series is over-the-top in the sense of craziness and insane movements. The main female protagonists also share a trait of being natural-born fighters with gifted talents.
There is also over the top comedy that both series share to deliver entertainment that you deserve.
Kill la Kill is the spiritual successor of Gurren Lagann. Made by Studio Trigger, which was composed of mostly the same crew that brought to you Gurren Lagann. There are some striking parallels between the characters (sometimes even the same voice actor). Fights are brought to ridiculous proportions of awesomeness. Both are quite random at the first half, but in the second half the plot gets moving.
It's made by the same makers and has the same drawing style. It is just as EPIC, and over the top but this one will makes you al ot more sexually frustrated ;) (In a good way)!
Recommended by yeahiwatchanime
From the same creators of Gurren Lagann brings you Kill la Kill
1: Perverted Scenes just like TTGL.
2: Action just like TTGL.
3: Randomness just like TTGL.
4: Awesomeness just like TTGL.
Both are very flashy and over the top, also share some of the same staff and style. They have blatant fanservice and characters aren't afraid to be silly.
Recommended by RaySinLimit
I always thing like KLK takes place in TTGL universe yet they don't have mechs instead they have cloths. Made by different studios but animation is done by same person. Even story progress is same. They start at lowest.Somewhere near mid in anime a big downfall happens.Then they reach the highest.Oh and expect the near-same crayzness level for fights too.
If you look on it closer you will see that mechas and clothes are pretty the same, you get in them and get superpowers, jet-packs or other useful stuff to destroy super evil enemies.
It's all about nonsense.
Kill la Kill has the same feel as Gurren Lagann, From the over the top, bold character design, to the cheesy, loud motivational rants and one-liners. That being said, this is in no way a complaint. Though both can seem cheesy and "trope-y", they have so much more to them one you dedicate yourself. I would even say Kill la Kill is an awesome amalgamation of Gurren Lagann and FLCL(and if that isn't a recipe for success, i don't know what is.)
Recommended by thefalleniso
Very similar art styles in just about way from the character designs to the action to the fanservice. The action is always as over-the-top and nonsensical as it can possibly be and (almost) no one in the show ever finds it the least bit strange. Similar mixes of comedy and drama (most of the comedy comes the nonsensical parts). Strong people are extremely overpowered and keep getting stronger. Matoi is kind of a mix of Simon, Kamina, and Yoko all rolled into one girl.
-both are by the same director
-both deny logic and common sense and put forward ridiculousness
-both are epic to the MAX
-both have epic action
-both have similar art style
-both have crazy badass characters
-both are extremely exhilarating and exciting
Conclusion: If you liked one or the other, you will most likely/definitely like the other.
Recommended by LeFlower-kun
Same animations, same ridiculousness, same great character awesomeness. Both have great plots along with plot twists, and both have some really good scenes.
Both shows are very similar except some replacement so it isn't a copy.
-plot goes from personal fight to galactic level
-similar plot twist and progression
-focusing on friendship
-will power is the strongest power
-instead mechas kill la kill has Goku uniforms
-MC is female in Kill la Killa
-Kill la Killa has ecchi
-more cartoon style
If you are looking for a anime with a growing and epic stroyline like TTGL, KlK is a choice, the animation is identical not smooth and beautiful but memorable.
They have different themes one about gears and spiral, and the other about close and the power of cloth, ORIGINAL is the best word to describe, so if you have seen TTGL i think KlK should also be seen.
Recommended by THEbaganza
if you liked fighting highschool super uniform boobs you'll love bikini sniper boobs
but seriously same director and equal manliness
These anime where made by the same people. If you like the creative genius of either anime you will more than likely enjoy the other.
The protagonist in both anime are young with one main goal stated at the very beginning of the show. In both they have to overcome insurmountable obstacles to achieve that goal.
the animation and over-the-top nature of the two shows is prevalent throughout each series. Kill La Kill was directed by Gurren Lagann's directors. If you like explosions, ridiculous fight scenes and a great story, these are both shows that you should try out.
Recommended by Calamity_Bravo20
It's by the same creators to start off. Kill la Kill doesn't have the mecha genre but its a great anime all the same. Both of these series are about humans fighting back for mankind. Also both of these series have a tenancy to go overboard when their main characters power up. The only real thing I would advise about Kill la Kill is that its more comedy which gives it a slower start from Gurren Lagaan which usually hooks people episode 1.
Both are super over the top not to mention that ''aniki'' looks like one of the characters in kill la kill.Ttrust me when you see him you'll get what i mean. Also in both the Mc's get super powers battle someone with almost the same powers if you consider clothing mechs Kill la Kill is even more similar to Gurren Lagann.
And if you consider the premise with the beastmen ruling the world thats pretty similar too
Aside from the obvious similarity of the creative staff, both shows have larger-than life enemies and plot, and moments of pure absurdity. The art style is similar as well, and both shows did have little moments of genius scattered within them.
Recommended by SugoiChappy
While it may not be a mech-based anime, Kill La Kill is made by the same people who made TTGL. It certainly has the same over the top feeling that TTGL had, and its what makes me love both series so much. If you enjoyed Kamina's outrageousness in TTGL, you'll surely love every character of Kill La Kill.
One word to describe both of these shows: Badass ! These 2 shows have crazy stories with amazing actions scenes that will make your jaw drop.
Recommended by DoctorWasabi
Both are written by the same head writer - Kazuki Nakashima - so both carry the same flavor. Kill la Kill is definitely more over-the-top and comedic.
It has similar fight scenes
It has the same good amount of action
It has a really good storyline
The characters are both extremely good
It gives off the same vibe of wanting to continue
It is very good.
If like me you loved Gurren Lagan, you will find Kill La Kill amazing! I found a lot of similarities between the two animes. Both are a subtile alliance of fights and humour with a little echi side. The two stories evolve really fast, you never get bored.I would put Kill La Kill a little bit above for the quality of the fight scenes.
Similar art, lots of actions, both have a good unique setting. Overall if you like one you would like the other one as well.
Both shows are created by Studio Trigger and have over-the-top super powers and creative, crazy, nonsensical action and comedy.
Recommended by msantiago49
Escalating action and absurdity form a hype train that never brakes. Kill La Kill is made by Studio Trigger, a studio that is filled with former members of Gainax, the creators of TTGL. They share the purpose of wowing the audience with over-the-top visuals, action and characters. If you like one, you'll like the other.
Recommended by TyrannoFan
Kill La Kill has the same director as Gurren Lagann, so one might think that's the only similarity. But the similarities number far more than just that.
-The animation style of both shows are extremely similar.
-The story is completely batshit crazy in both cases.
-Both have an unbelievable amount of awesome in them(More so Gurren Lagaan than in KLK)
-The main villains aren't what they seem.
-They both have iconic battle songs:"Libera me to Hell" and "Don't lose your way".
-The "over-the-top" action scenes are the main draw in both of them.
If you loved/liked TTGL/KLK then you will probably feel the same way for the other.
Recommended by LPGeneratorx
Besides the fact that it had some of the same people working on it, it also has that over the top epic stuff with a nice overal story and great music.
-Similar comedy and overblown style
-Both revolve around the "human vs automated life cycle entity (for lack of a better word)" type conflict
The shows feel epic and even abstract at times.
Recommended by bladeangel
No plot, just mindless violence. Requires you to put your brain aside and watch. There's bit of fan service present too. But TTGL is better than KlK.
Recommended by Fate-Symphony
Both have :
- flashy animation with the high energy battle sequences.
- a moral of believing in yourself
- a huge cast that is a lot like a family
- constant power-leveling
Maybe this two things are the most crazy action-drama+comedy gainax`s titles. I was asking wondering what the hell was going on, laughed and cry at the same time. I stringly recomend both this titles to every anime-lover.
Both hyperbolic and zany in nature, they feature eccentric casts, epic scales and distinctive art styles.
Recommended by LoveLikeBlood
Made by the same studio. Storyline is similar due to the main character starting weak and becoming more and more powerful as the story unfolds. Also both are pretty ridiculous in nature.
Both are made by the same people (Those at Gainax who made Gurren Lagann went on to form Trigger and make Kill La Kill) and are similarly fast-paced and energetic, with simple but interesting storylines and lovable characters. I will follow everything Trigger makes because of these two wonderful anime!
Both have over-the-top and unique art styles. They are extremely similar in the way characters are portrayed and the story is told. Battle scenes are far from the ordinary and are backed up by a great soundtrack. Logic isn't big in both and shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Recommended by tearbender
Pretty random storyline which can turn serious and be beastly. Made by the same studio and have similar art
Recommended by GiantQAACSleier
These two have very similar atmosphere and feeling which makes them perfect match to each other. And the story, conceptually, is almost the same.
Basically TTGL's spiritual successor, made by mostly the same team. The same infectious energy, the same will, the same epic fights, make for a must see if you loved TTGL.
Both from the mind of Hiroyuki Imaishi, these stories follow a protagonist who learns what it means to believe in themselves and fight for what means the most to them. Over the top, nonstop, NO FILLER insanity ensues- a wild ride you'll never forget.
Gurren Lagann is like zero to infinity. It starts in a cave, but ending concerned the whole universe. Kill la Kill is also similar but on a smaller scale than Gurren Lagann. Both the protagonist initially had a little amount of power. But later they rise to the top of their worlds. And the tragedy of losing friends at the end matches too.
Both are directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi and have the same kinda of unique animation and artstyle that the show offers. Both are well directed, have great production values, and a memorable soundtrack you will not forget about. Both shows offer crazy actions scenes full of thrills, intense moments, and strong characters that help keep the show going.
Recommended by The_Archking
Same study, same writer, same artist, over all basically the same team. Both stories are written with the same slapstick humor and doesn't take itself too seriously (until the story progresses and the viewer becomes accustomed to the story).
Recommended by GeoGeostar
Just like Gurren Lagann, this also has over-the-top action all the time, except it's a lot better, because the anime doesn't take itself seriously in the meanwhile. It goes absolutely crazy and careless. Don't question it. Just laugh at it.
This entire anime is on drugs. What drugs you ask? All the drugs!
Same awesome animation, same outrageously over the top action sequences, same slights at the very genres they embody, and overall just incredibly epic.
The only major differences are that Gurren Lagann has better animation quality, and Kill la Kill has a better, more coherent story.
Recommended by catullus_d_rus
Kill la Kill is actually the femenine version of TTGL.
They also feature a similar artstyle and memorable songs.
While TTGL is mecha, Kill la Kill is based off the magical girl genre. Even the guys in that show can be "magical".
Recommended by parallelle_slip
over the top action show, has fun with itself but can get serious when needed
Kill la Kill was made by the same staff, but with a different studio, but you can clearly see a lot of common point, mostly on the art/animation, and rythm (in both series you always think that it's going to end at the end of the episode). Both are original series and are the result of a passionate staff.
Kill la kill and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann are like cousins, they have determined protagonists and exaggerated styles with colorful art and fluid animation, also both pass a look of awesomeness. (besides the fact that they have the same director)
If you liked KlK you will probably like TTGL because of similar art-style and some inner tropes: its another full of action anime than doesnt take itself too seriously and yet is able to deliver on interesting and catching storyline with original and rarely seen visual designs and also timeskip motive. However, if you are a hardcore mecha fan, you can get dissapointed with 'weird' mecha designs.
Recommended by StratusHound
The characters , artwork and fighting is over the top in both series!
The first thing that struck me when watching KLK was the similar artwork to TTGL, a bit rough but still lovely, also the explosiveness of the fighting scenes are great in both shows last but not least it's the cockiness of KLKs Matoi and TTGLs Kamina! Their attitudes are a lot alike and brought a smile to my face many times.
TLDR; If you liked one off em you are bound to like the other one as well!
Recommended by Eholmbergh
Both have simple cartoonish art-style but with awesome animation. They both also have crazy, random, and slightly sexual humor, while also keeping solid plot and characters, both also symbolize characters interactions through action fights in an awesome way.
The watcher gets a similar vibe while watching both these shows.
They both have what one would call 'boss battles' where the main character faces a overpowered fighters. Kill la kill and Gurren Lagann both set in a place where there is a lord or a person overlooking the place.
One could also relate to the ludicrousness as the power given the main character keeps upgrading and increases to maximum over time.
Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill are similar because they both feature an outrageous story, similar animation styles, and lovable characters. Both shows are also very upbeat, action-packed, and feature a great soundtrack to accompany each moment.
Recommended by Linnaean_Cowboy
What can i say... If you love and if you are crazy about this anime like me then you are definitely going to like Kill la Kill.
It's made by the same staff that made TTGL and it has little throw backs to Gurren Lagann.
The characters are equally likable and the story is crazy as hell. You know... every aspect of this amine is crazy, and you will love it!!!
Recommended by JuanjoKun21
Two of the best anime in the coming of age genre.
The cool character who helps the protagonist grow up (TTGG: Kamina, FLCL: Haruko) have the same down sloped style eyes. My favourite character trademark btw.
Both are excellent and compelling stories. They both have plenty of plot twists to sweeten the deal.
The action in both of these anime is absolutely amazing.
Both rely on some fort of ever-developing transformation.
Both revolve around an idea or entity that is the main point of the story.
Both heavily follow the cliche of "motivation == power" where just at the last moment they will always come though.
Both have specific fanservice from the main characters in them, however the shows do not emphasis it as the main selling point.
Recommended by trigger_segfault
Juicy action galore, combined with what I believe to be a more intricate story that truly leaves one satisfied to the end, such as was my experience, but that's just what I think haha
Recommended by sonic06andahalf
-Both have similar character archetypes
-Both make use of excessive hyperbole and over the top action sequences
-Both use their ridiculousness to make impressive analogies, which often carry the same message, being that humans tenacity allow them to overcome even the greatest of foes
Recommended by thelectricow
Did you like Gurren Lagann because the whole anime is absolutely epic from all point of view ? So go watch the last Hiroyuki Imaishi's anime . Humour and animation are really similar, only the story and the universe are different .
First thing I instantly notice is how similar it is with Kill la Kill. Animation is EXACTLY same characteristic. Same character illustrations, environment illustrations, and how lively it is altho Kill la Kill have more close ups and oddly distinct style of arts in some parts.
The character also filled with the same energetic and vigorous attitude. Have the same genre of action altho Gurenn Lagann tend to be a mecha type of action while Kill la Kill is a close combat ken-jutsu (sword art) but in that respect..since Kill la Kill focused around a Battle Suit, I found it quite identical with Lagan in a
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Recommended by samuel_sfx
Both are high in action and have animation styles that are similar to each other. If you liked the silly and often times ridiculous story and script of one you will like then other. I personally liked both very much and really appreciated their quirkiness. Both are anime you can't take seriously but sometimes that is a good thing, here it is.
Recommended by UnholyMachine
Frenetic and over the top action, people shouting the power's name, epic OST, a lot of people naked and a even more epic ending. These two are almost twin brothers!
Recommended by Bl4ckD3vil
Both series were made by the same staff, including director and writer, and have big over the top personalities, wide array of likeable and memorable side characters, similar animation styles, similar character designs, and are both "silly" action series.
Recommended by Brady_Saylor
This is kind of an obvious recommendation, as they are done by the same people. The art style is basically the same, and the shows both have the same satirical, bold, over the top attitude. While one is a mecha and the other is a bloody, fighting based series, there are some parallels to the way the characters abilities grow throughout. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME SERIES however, and both explore different concepts in satirical ways as just mentioned.
Absolutely outrageous!!! Incredible soundtracks, engrossing animation, and a level of fun that pierces the heavens!
Over the top exaggerated action, animation, and dramatic epic soundtrack. contain skimpy outfit girl but still have a good plot/plot twist.
Recommended by AriesChara
One is a mecha anime, another is a fighting anime, both are great shounens. Even though they are not from the same studio, they present similarities such as animation, the development of the story (according to the world and context of each one of course), expressive characters, an extremely creative world, and without any doubt, the ridiculous level of absurdity that the two reach, especially in the end.
Recommended by Samuel_Araujo
both are crazy, scandalous and hyped shows, you WILL get Hyped with over the top fights and transformation, the stakes get incredibly high, they have a similar production and animation style and are original, i would say Kill La Kill is like Tengen Toppa but without Mecha, and more relatable to the real world, both have remarkable OST and the progression of the story is similar on both animes
Recommended by RafaKiyoura
Made by largely the same staff, both have a tendency to go off model for pristine and amazing animation, both are extremely entertaining and ridiculous but have more beneath the surface and you seriously need to watch both of these series like right now.
Recommended by Angielicious
I would say these both have a similar art style first of all. Same kind of vibes overall can be felt from both too. Both are good anime.
Recommended by Limit_Breakrr420
Same artstyle, same style of insanity, with many of the production working on Gurren Lagann also worked on Kill la Kill! In fact, they formed their very own studio for it.
The surreal style of animation, eccentric and accelerated narrative, humor style, surreal battle scenes and plot twist is very similar in both series.
At the same time that kLk seems generic and compiled of everything from mainstream that you see around there is also unique.
A clear satire to the genre MahouShoujo. or is it just a completely different way? I do not know, I'm not an expert to say but it's what I think.
Charismatic and striking characters, though all or almost all of them are generic stereotypes, are all worked out in such a way that they stand out among many characters in this vast world of animes.
Dynamic, fun and comic, I think you can summarize Kill la Kill as well.
rule of 3 episodes. neither more nor less.
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Recommended by IagoHedgehog
Started at the bottem and now we're here action pack story driven amazing animation storys.
The best way to describe Kill la Kill is over the top. It knows exactly what it is and it's unashamedly kept itself how it is. Gurren Lagann takes that over the top aspect and as the show progresses, completely blows it out of proportion through power scaling. Both shows are brilliant and i couldn't recommend them more.
Both are action-comedy romps, with similar visual style and flair. Feature a colorful cast of characters, with some great fights, soundtrack and story.
Recommended by YeOldeGamer1
both anime has the same art style and has the same character development plus kill la kill has a lot of fanservice.
Recommended by Solers_510
Both made by essentially the same people, and have a central message of not being constrained by fate and doing what you want to do.
Recommended by GosuPikachu
Both have very similar art styles and insanely over-the-top fight scenes.
Both of these shows are full of great use of art, color, and direction, that present these beautiful over-the-top moments that you won't see anywhere outside of the anime medium. Gurren Lagann does this through the raw manliness and courage that Kamina brings to the table, which is juxtaposed when considering Kill La Kill's undeniably female-centric "sexy" ethos. While Gurren Lagann isn't a Studio Trigger work, it definitely *feels* like it is in this regard. Beyond that, they both also use their first handful of episodes to focus on developing a narrative ethos and establishing the absurdities of their worlds, before dropping a twist on
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Both series are over the top and filled to the brim with action. Both series also have quirky and fun side characters. The animation are also fluid and are unique. Both series also have slight cartoon like animation.
Both coming from the big man Hiroyuki Imaishi himself and a huge chunk of staff that would later leave Gainax to join TRIGGER, these two anime share a lot of the same great aspects in common. Filled to the brim with references, over-the-top action and comedy, insane animation, themes about growing up and fighting the system, as well as an excellent OST and visuals, both TTGL and KlK will never fail to exhilarate you.
Simply put, they are the both the rule of cool taken to their logical extremes.
These two anime are pretty much brother and sister.
Same production, similar stories, similar art direction, both have immediately likeable iconic characters. If you like one of these anime, there's a very high chance you'll enjoy the other.
Recommended by Tatsuloverii
both have great over-the-top action and and really good comedic timing
You will find the same kind of humour in Kill la Kill.
Kill la Kill was one of the first anime that made me realise that there was no other medium like anime.
The story is has entertaining as Guren and there is a lot of similitudes between the two
These two series share action sequences that escalate further and further until you have no idea how they can top the last one. There are overwhelming opponents that are defeated by sheer willpower or new abilities. The characters are likable, and they make the fight scenes all seem worthwhile instead of just being mindless schlock. Kill la Kill reveals more skin than Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
Action packed anime with charismatic characters.
Both main characters are good at fighting and their battles are satisfying to watch
The amount of cg blend in the anime to make it feel alive is unbelievable good
Other than being action packed the story is also character focused
Flow of combat feels the same.
similar comedy
similar extremely stylized flashy design
confident hyped vibes
epic narrative scale
Both TTGL and Kill la Kill are over the top funny ecchi animes that are really popular. They both have great art styles and if you like one you are sure to like the other.
Recommended by Reapercodbo3
The two animes have a similar design, both animes have great character development and both are from the same director (Hiroyuki Imaishi).
This is a very common recommendation, but it’s true. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill are very similar anime series. Both anime have the same director and scriptwriter, Hiroyuki Imaishi and Kazuki Nakashima. Both anime are very over the top and the atmosphere is almost identical as well. The art styles are the same as well. Kill la Kill might not have mechs, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has less fanservice, but fans of one are pretty much required to watch the other.
Recommended by SebCyrSC2000
There are a lot of similarities between these two series, most of them are because trigger and gainax studios are somewhat related. Both have good action, music and animation. The art style may seem different than other anime but it is what it is and its good. Both have good plot reveals at some point of their story and overall amazing shows.
Recommended by Casual_Elite
same animation studio,every episode is funny,great fights and dialogues and animation is different for those who seek to take a break from regular styles
Recommended by vishnureddy922
same studio, same fun repetitive transformations, unexplained power ups but with good narrative. all round fun yet touching stories
os dois tem o roteiro "simples " propositalmente para trazer uma mensagem ou lutas incríveis além de serem muito bons em todos os aspectos
Kill La Kill offers a similar tale to Gurren Lagann but with better pacing as it doesn't find itself jumping all over the place and losing focus of the main importance of pacing/action.
Both EPIC and FUN to watch. Awesome fight scene and story. Same energy, same people who made it.
Trigger Studio rarely misses and both Kill La Kill and Gurren Lagann are Trigger at their very best
Recommended by SlikSilver
Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann are two of Trigger's most iconic works and, while the plot lines are completely different, they're good for similar reasons.
Recommended by YeetYoloLol
If you liked Gurren Lagann, you will most likely enjoy Kill la Kill.
Guren Lagann is pretty much "Drill la Drill - Dressed to Drill".
Both shows boast a rapidly evolving story, with lots of action and comedic moments (Kill la Kill feels more ridiculous), that still makes sense though, supported by great characters and superb soundtracks as well as Gainax'/Trigger's unique art style with vibrant, high contrast color palettes.
the main similarity is their distinct pacing - both start and end in completely different places. These two series are the only series that I have watched that have such a shocking change of pace half way through where they almost become seperate story lines. Def both worth a watch.
Recommended by Fluffy_Buffy
The two animes have a very similar sense of humor and tense moments of struggle, an animation very similar aesthetically, the design of the characters as well.
the animation is similiar and so is the humour, both are great, however gurren lagann is a bit more serious.
Both Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill have extremely action-packed fight scenes while having extremely over the tops plots. They're both shows that are just extremely enjoyable with easy-to-understand stories. While absolutely ridiculous, both shows embrace their stupidity for the sake of justifying absolutely sick fights.
Recommended by LandSwimmer
Over-the-top explosive action, an exciting storyline, revealing outfits and epicness at its finest. Are these the things you are looking for in your next anime? Then you've come to the right place! Though the settings and themes are different, both Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill share all of the aforementioned elements and execute them in a wonderful fashion. If you like one, you're almost guaranteed to like the other.
They are so much alike that Kill La Kill is, without a doubt, the successor to Gurren Lagann.
Very similar style of comedy and animation. Kill la Kill is a bit more light-hearted.
Recommended by FoxyGramp_
Fun story with interesting characters and top tier animation.
Recommended by Fatbanana21
Kill la Kill is essentially Gurren Lagann's succesor, it's campy, it's flashy, it's over the top, and the soundtrack goes hard whenever cool things are happening.TTGL and KLK are similar yet different and most agree if you like one, you'll like the other.
Recommended by RamenRonin
-Similar structure with many funny, but also serious scenes.
- The animations are at the absolute top level and look almost the same.
- Both anime are very exaggerated, so the plot happens mostly chaotically and fast.
Both are somewhat over the top, similar in duration, and have a similar style.
Do you like badass, over-the-top designs? Do you like manly MCs that fight through determination? Do you like weird villains? Both of these animes have similar aspect now that they're made by the same crew, although made in 2 different studios.
Recommended by EatYourFrutz_
Both feature similar art style and ridiculous, hype-enducing, over-the-top action.
Recommended by Yannisp101
Colourful, bright, vibrant Madness, that consists of bizarre plot and unique style. Characters that combine their comedic side and interesting backstories. Unbelievable lore of universe. Scale of action.
Two over the top ridicolous anime written by the same person, Kazuki Nakashima and made by more or less the same studio Gainax/Trigger. If you like one of the, you'll like the other one too
Recommended by LordKamina
Both shows are over the top in both story and style. The similarities in their stories are felt throughout the show from their ridiculousness, many layers, superlatives and even the pacing with a double cour-take. Both shows are from the same writer.
If you like one you'll almost guaranteed like the other.
Similar emotional energy, both shows have a silly air about them along with a lot of action. Both are kind of two shows in one, though Kill la Kill doesn't necessarily do so in as obvious of a way as Gurren Lagann.
Recommended by princeofwasia
Kill La Kill is Gurren Lagann but more silly. although Gurren Lagann is in my opinion better, your pretty likely to enjoy Kill la Kill if you enjoyed Gurren Lagann as both the shows are over the top, silly, and epic.
I guess the biggest reason that they`re similar is the animation. Gurren Lagann has some great animation for the year it came out and even if they have a big time gap and another studio, they`ve similar coulour use and moves. Almost everything is high paced, both have great fightings, mecha and even the fanservice is almost the same amount. So... yeah, I`d surprise myself ;)