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Similar stories, except Kingdom have no magical or supernatural elements. Both Naruto and Xin in Kingdom are orphans. They are strong, and both have the same lack of respect for rank and formal authority. Naruto dreams about being a hokage and respected by all. Xin has the same dream, except he wants to be the greatest general. Iruka is the big-brother figure in Naruto and the first one to really see Naruto’s strength. That’s Heiki in Kingdom. He, like Iruka, isn’t not one of the overwhelmingly strong characters, but he cares about and watches over Xin. Shikamaru is the smart friend, Xin has Kario Ten
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Xin Li and Naruto are both aiming to become #1 military ranks. Both involve a lot of epic fights lasting many episodes, while Naruto is more about super power, but Kingdom is also looking mysteriuos at time, though it tends to be realistic. So these start a very long journey towards the glory, and who knows where it is gonna lead them...