If you liked
No Game No Life
...then you might like
Amagi Brilliant Park
Both have protagonists who are charged with saving their new community from outside threats, and to better it from within. Butt tons of fan service and laughs on both ends, and the protagonist constantly has some nice eye candy next to him in the form of loli Shiro or waifu Sento!
If you love a great anime with a high re-watch value and also centered around an original idea, you should definitely check this out as well!
Both MC's practically have the same type of mind set of protecting what they want to protect and doing what they think best regardless, They are both in-charge of supervising and protecting there own fraction.
Even though the story is very much different in these animes, there is some similarity in the atmosphere and character styles. Both animes have fantasy themes, and the main protagonists have certain similarities. They both also have plenty of humour and ecchi, but maintain the serious side very well.
Both have a fantasy genre and a really smart main character who has to make tough decisions.
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The Captain and the Leader. NGNL and Amaburi are stories based on the average individual taking up a forced off chance in life they wouldn't expect to change their entire world, quite literally too. What is given to us is a story of nothing but fluidity and vibrant colours roaring across the atmosphere of this strange fantasy world.
NGNL is more centred around games, so expect a lot of strategy and tactics to come with these mind games. Compared to a more relaxed but demanding management role present in Amaburi. Whether you are the neets for the world's best gamers or just some random bishounen at
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