If you liked
...then you might like
Death Note
They both deal with 'monsters' in people. By this, both shows are portraying the 'good' that each person thinks is 'right'.
Recommended by lucia-chan
Monster and Death Note are unique in many ways. In both cases the issue of morality in its truest form, that is the frontier between good and evil, is explored via highly tense psychological thrillers. Monster is highly realistic and portrays a very believable world while Death Note has a supernatural element to it; in both the viewer is forced to think and make choices toward deciding who the real villains are and just what it is that makes one individual evil.
Both are psychological thriller and suspense. The only difference is that Death Note is more supernatural while Monster is more dramatic. If you like Monster, then surely you'll like Death Note, vice-versa.
Recommended by timoytisoy
Both feature main characters who are being chased by detectives. While Monster may be more mature, Death Note is just as good but more supernatural
Both are high ranking thriller that will have you at the edge of your seat screaming for more. The mysteries and plot twists will leave your head spinning off its shoulders. I give it 10/10! A true Masterpiece!
Recommended by ninelifedemon
Its almost Basically the Same mystery/horror Good Guy vs Bad Guy type of Story except that The 2 Main Characters of the Show Kill for different reasons
Both have plots that don't focus on action, instead they focus on the minds and personalities of the characters and how they interact with eachother. Both also have that kind of battle of 2 characters through non-direct attacks.
A couple of good guys come together to hunt down a psychotic mass murderer. A macabre game of 'cat and mouse' ensues, leaving the viewer at the edge of his seat. The story in both cases goes at a very complex depth, and so do the characters.
In Monster, the story is much more complex, and focuses more on character development. Monster grapples with issues of morality and is a bit more philosophical.
Both have amazing characters, good animation and a FANTASTIC STORY! they are both about a serial killer but they are a little different from each other:). U will get addicted immediately! These are one of the best ever made.
Recommended by Animaniac123
Both anime are psychological thrillers dealing with never ending battle/chase between good and evil. Both plots are full of twists and cliffhangers although the pacing of the two series are quite different. Death Note has a faster pacing with more focus on the main few characters while Monster introduces many side characters in depth through different arcs.
Both shows deal with similar topics: equality of human life, good vs. evil, the right of a killer to live, etc. Whereas Death Note is more concentrated on the cerebral task of investigation, Monster's focus is on morality and redemption. Both of them are top-notch, but I find Monster to be better overall.
Intellectual game between two brilliant characters that makes you wait to see the next episode.
Death Note is a anime about crime, however it the character are top noch and the story-line keeps you at the edge of your seat. You sometimes end up trying to guess who will lose their life next and how it all will end however, i can say you will be hooked on this anime till the ultimate end. I highly recommend this anime to anyone and everyone.
Recommended by ShiroKuran3812
These series are both brilliant, compelling and you can't get enough of either of them! It's hard to say why these two series are like each other, i think it's the sence of justice and the practactly the same morals. Both of 'em will have you off your seat, guesting what will happen next.
Recommended by onlyoneonline
Both are psychological, detective dramas. The difference being that Monster is a seinen and Death Note is a shonen hence Monster has none of the annoying characters and general bull that goes on in Death Note.
Both are psychological thrillers. While in Death Note there is heavily influenced by the supernatural, Monster is more realistic, and could even happen in real life. If you liked one, you should watch the other. There's a nice chance that you'll like it.
Recommended by Ryanmatsua
These are both long, enveloping stories in which a mystery is trying to be solved.
Both are extremely good and worth watching. Classic Anime.
both anime contains elements of thriller, dark atmosphere, psychology, morality... And incredibly interesting plot!!!
Recommended by dopestarrr
Both these compelling thriller animes, have morals. Hidden in the characters past, or beliefs, even the plot, there are morals. These two animes are brilliant, will leave a lasting impression.
Recommended by ForeverDead
Monster and Death Note both are psychological thrillers. Both are full of mysteries, although Death Note is more involved with the police system, and solving crime, while Monster is a mystery which the main character is trying to solve basically on his own. Both have that dark, psychological thriller feel to them, and keep you captivated throughout the whole series (although Monster is quite a bit longer than Death Note).
Recommended by xsilentxninjax
Death Note and Monster both share the common theme of Justice. They both look quite deeply into human nature, and they are also both quite dark.
Whilst the main characters in Monster and Death Note are almost polar opposites, the idea of a 'battle of the minds' is in both series'.
It's really hard creating a long running thriller series in the medium of animation, mainly because animation doesn't have any real, live-action actors to evoke some kind of terror in front of a camera. Both Death Note and Monster have presented exhilarating concepts that feels totally unprecedented in the thriller genre.
Recommended by GrimmjowReaper
Monster is very similiar with this anime in terms of it's atmosphere and the main idea that wanted to present to audiences. They both have depressing, dark and thrilling atmosphere and it keeps going that way until the end. They both critize the system of their own time. Death Note critizes justice in 21st century Japan, Monster critizes 20th century Germany, especially Nazi rulership times with the orphanage incidents in the anime. These were very powerful critiques.
They both have very memorable characters, especially the antagonists. They both are very evil but have their own reasons, their own purposes for their actions and these are
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Recommended by EpicSaxGuy
Both anime deals with the protagonist fighting the antagonist. The character that is considered evil is considered a monster and serial killer, having cops chase after them, usually having to deal with a very intelligent policeman.
Monster is an excellent anime. The only anime that has great suspense and mystery, and the only anime that can change the speed of heartbeat. So if you liked death note defintely check out the more supenseful Monster!
Recommended by MangaMonkey
In the world of Death Note and Monster exists a dark atmosphere and tone involving crimes, murders, and conspiracy. Both of these series are an excellent watch for those interested in for some psychological thriller themes.
Both series employs violence as well as plot holes and twists that can keep a viewer glued at their seats.
The psychological element of both series are present with a lot of mind twists and intelligence. Speaking of which, the main protagonist in both series are quite intelligent and cunning as with the antagonists.
Both series also deals with detective fiction and the exploration of law and identity. There are moral
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They both involve a serial killer. But it's different. Monster is more serious. Death Note pulls you in more. They're both good, but I like Death Note best. It's cool.
Recommended by LiYamagami
Both are very dark, have complex and interesting stories with antagonist characters that are very witty, intelligent, conniving and or just outright dangerous.
Because has got interesting plot and cat and mouse game like Death Note.
Recommended by command606
They been compared thousand of times in different sites worldwide. They initially look so different but watching more you will realize that have the same issues that they want to convey: What is the extent of what human beings can do?
Like Death Note, Monster is a crime based, psychological thriller with thought-provoking themes and a realistic atmosphere. If you're looking for a charismatic villain similar to Light Yagami, Monster has that covered too. Its main villain is both charming and frightening, and he doesn't become an arrogant prick as Light does as the series progresses. While it's much longer than Death Note, don't be discouraged. It keeps focus on its central themes the entire time and paces its story in a skillful manner.
They're both mystery anime about a criminal mastermind
Recommended by QueenOfHeroes
I don't want to sound like a broken tape recorder and just state the obvious. Yes; these are both mystery/thriller/drama/crime. Yes; it involves mind games and the debate of good vs. evil. Though the main difference that people leave out is that Monster is more mature in the sense that the majority of the characters are full grown adults with hardships, motivations, and not the "I'm crazy because I laugh a lot" aspect that most shows portray. The world of Monster is so believable that it seems like an obscure story that the world forgot about. I admit it's 74 episodes and a bit slow
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Recommended by AristocraticZed
Death Note is a very popular anime that most people probably have watched or have heard of at one point. While there are no anime that are exactly exciting and stimulating as Death Note, Monster also has its alluring side. If you liked to watch brain battles between Light and L, you should love the struggles Dr. Tenma goes through to fix his past mistake in Monster. Dare I say the atmosphere between Dr. Tenma and Johan was one of the best thriller material. If you loved Monster, you would love Death Note as well. Death Note is more fictional while Monster is more realistic.
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Recommended by SirLanceALot
Both have opposing ideas of justice, and are essentially crime detection thrillers.
Recommended by vampalchemist
I don't actually think that they are similar with story line but, similarity to both of these shows are genres, like "Police, Psychological, Thriller". Both of these animes have big role in Police stuff, finding the main suspect of all murders. The stories are really deep, so deep that it makes you want to keep watching all night, because every episode you watch, it leaves some unsolved mystery , crime and it's hard to leave and stop watching. Story is really psychological in both series, you need to keep up with the story and try to understand the main purpose of the series,
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Both are top-tier anime for the mystery genre. They are very entertaining and well-done. If nothing else binds these two anime together, then their flawlessness would do just that. Regardless of whether or not you are fans of this genre, it is still highly likely that you will come to love and enjoy both of these vastly entertaining titles.
Both series are masterpieces who have very psychological plots and prota-antagonists who are too smart and sick.
Both have a dark atmosphere and characters who are going after the crazy ones.
As a person who was magnetized by Death Note's unique plot and beautiful characters and as someone who rated it a 10, I have to say, starting Monster was one of the best decisions I made in my life. I know you are out there. You. Who loves DN so much that you cant find something that can stand next to it. But I did. I found it. Believe me Monster will not dissapoint you. The plot might not be the same. But...how do I put this into words.Monster has the same vibe as Death Note. They are made of the same material. They
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Monster is similar to Death Note in terms of tension the series brings with. But else than Death Note it needs a few more episodes until it really gets you. Overall Monster is even better than Death note, but that is just my opinion.
Thriller Fans should definitely take a look!
(There is a bug with recommendation order, it should say if you liked Death Note you might like Monster)
Recommended by Zer0Skill259
After watching death note I couldn't find an anime that would be as good as this one. But when I tried Monster I knew that they are alike.The story is really good. You might thing that for this anime there's too much episodes, but no. All these episodes are for a great character and story developing. You loved Kira and L, you're gonna love doctor Tenma, Johan, Lunge and others. Both animes gets you more affected to the characters and story. Choosing the sides good or evil.Both Death note and Monster has a dark atmosphere, great story and characters, soundtracks and what I
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The thing that makes Monster similar to Death note is the unexpected events that happen. Every episode excites you and makes you wonder "What's going to happen next?" Both of them have psychological points in them. By watching these two anime, you get the feeling that the Mangakas really are geniuses, having the ability to come up with such ideas. Monster is more realistic than Death Note, since Death Note involves Shinigamis and all. (Death Gods) And the art in Death Note is a lot better. Maybe at first you won't be able to accept the drawing style in Monster, but you'll get used
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both brilliant and engaging psychological thrillers that are mainly driven by the dialouge. both seem sort of upbeat at some points but have underlying dark tones of murder, isolation, and insanity, accompanied by the whole detective/police thing that drove so many people to watch death note. monster and death note show that in mentally taxing situations the human psyche will do whatever it can to save itself.
Both are mystery thriller anime which focus on a game of cat and mouse between the main protagonists. They both deal with similar themes and raise several philosophical questions about morality. In both anime, the protagonists have to make hard moral choices. Also, they both have genius detectives chasing serial killers. While Monster is more realistic & complex and has more character development, both anime create a similar atmosphere that keeps the watcher at the edge of their seats.
Recommended by BohemianRhapsody
These two anime are similar in the way that they both delve really deeply into the minds of psychopaths, Johan and Light, respectively. However I feel like Monster did it in a more "show, don't tell" sort of way, which I preferred. Whereas in Death Note, a lot of the thoughts going through the characters are spoken on screen.
Both these anime also explore the backgrounds and characters of the villains as much as they do the heroes. I've always seen Light as the villain of Death Note, he kills because of his ego, nothing more. Johan kills because he wants to see the end.
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They both deal with mortality and justification of an evil power for good.
I see the two works as something of a sibling relationship.
Monster representing the serious, slow-burning, down to earth older brotherly figure, and the other, while not necessarily eclipsed by the former's shadow, the stylish loudmouth, the flamboyant yet self aware younger sibling.
Both works definitely exploring grounds of similar nature, yet never really in the same way. Where one celebrates its flirting with its themes and undertones of power, the other arrives after the party, picture cops with flashlights at night, slowly investigating the beginning, the middle, and the aftermath of what occured.
Just like L needs to seek out Kira, Dr Tenma must seek out the monster. They are both psychological thrillers and created to make you think .
Recommended by iloveotani
The use of detective logic is well constucted through both series. Both of the plots are built up through a cat and mouse game.
Recommended by KonaKoffee
The story quite different indeed, but for someone who likes psychological anime Monster is one of the best, if not the best anime I can recommend.
Recommended by WoodenHeart
"Monster" can be read as the antithesis to "Death Note" (or vice-versa, given that the latter aired a couple of years after the former). Both are neo-noir psychological crime thrillers animated by Madhouse featuring a handsome, blond-haired, manipulative serial killer who is highly intelligent and charismatic and a rugged, black-haired man who is determined to put an end to their rampage, with the hero being notably older than the villain in both cases. However, that's where the similarities end:
* Light has his motivations known from the beginning, is heavily reliant on his supernatural murder weapon, has no real reason for being a narcissistic sociopath and
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Recommended by Joe_Devaney
If you started with Death Note and were intrigued by the thriller, psychological aspect of the shonen, you'll definitely like the much more mature seinen anime that is Monster.
Recommended by whiteyaksha27
First, both shows have complex stories concerning-- revolving around human sense of justice & morality. Both shows produce insanely complex character identities, overall rare one in the world characters. Both have weird uneasy atmosphere that keeps you cautious-- maybe because of dark more-to-the-realistic artstyle, or because of the intense soundtracks... Overall, both are very similar in almost every aspect.
Both have interesting and compelling characters
Both raise interesting moral and psychological questions
both have amazing soundtracks which bring the series to life
both have amazing suspense and drama
Overall I loved both animes and would definitely recommend watching both
Both are dark animes that are serious,both are about mysteries and the psicology of their characters,both are well animated by Madhouse,Kira and Johan are great manipulating people's mind and both are villains.Both are great animes and have well done characters.
Both series are intense psychological thrillers that manage to create an excellent dark atmosphere, and if you liked one, you will probably like the other. They are similar, but at the same time very different. They both focus on different aspects of their genre, but nail just about everything they do. I would say Death Note is more of a thriller and Monster is more psychological, but that's not to say they aren't both great at accomplishing both.
Both have a very dark storyline with an protagonist and antagonist who come into conflict. They both also touch on what is means to be evil, and how evil is made.
Recommended by denderaebbw
They have a similarly themed thriller, besides being the same animation studio (madhouse), its design is also bantaste similar images, the characters are very real in both works.
Life, death and justice are the main themes of Death Note and Monster. Death Note is a good way to introduce the psychology and the themes of Monster for a younger audience.
Recommended by Animeiberico
Both stories play out like a large scale cat-and-mouse game with a serial killer on one end and a detective on the other. They both deal with and explore complex moral dilemmas and psychology. The main difference between these two is that Death Note deals with a supernatural element, whereas Monster is grounded in reality, and thus, more dramatic.
Recommended by TheEdgeFactor
Both revolve around catching a murderer. Lots of detective work.
Recommended by TheRealMao
Both have dark atmospheres, and have strong characters. They both are psychological shows (at least have psychological aspects similar to each other). They are both about the value of life, and the consequences of you taking it away. They both have tragic heroes and intellectual terrifying villains. The stories are different but the tones are similar.
Both animes are investigative and deal with Crimes. But their similarities end there. While Monster deals realistically with the theme, Death Note adds Supernatural as a way of controlling events.
The anime is mostly psychological, like death note, but doesn't have any super natural elements in it. It's set in Germany.You follow Kenzo Tenma, a japanese man that studied in germany and became the best neurosurgeon. He is married to the chief's daughter and had a bright future in front of him. But everything changes when he does against the chiefs orders and saves a kids life instead of the mayor.
I won't really say anything else, but this is the first episode of the anime. You follow Tenma trying to find the kid that he saved, figure out who he is and try to
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- both are psychological thrillers
- fascinating, complex characters
- focus on the cat-and-mouse-esque dynamic of a serial killer and the man investigating him
- long, overarching storyline
Monster has a more mature and down-to-earth approach to its story, a slower pace and deals quite a lot with the politics of 80's-90's Germany, but if you particularly enjoyed Death Note's characterizations and the dynamic between L and Light, you have to give this one a chance
Both have various discussions about what is right and wrong in our society, as well as an excellent characterization of human corruption and the value of life.
Both have very dark themes but also have moral grays. What really is the right thing to do? And, how can one resolve something that seems impossible to resolve? They are masterpieces that deal with the psychological and will (hopefully) deeply move you. They also feature some of the greatest villains in all of anime (in my opinion, obviously).
Recommended by SixLeafCloverOF
Both feature a heavy psychological aspect in their story and involve police as well as a mystery.
Recommended by Ecchi_Zone
They are two of my favorite series by far. In both stories, the two main characters are similar in many ways, they are opposing each other, one is good, one is evil. They are both masterminds and are trying to outwit the other and are hunting each other, both trying to come out on top. The characters are flipped tho, in Death Note, the main character is evil and in Monster he's good.
The story has some similarities too, like mind games, similar psychology, similar supporting characters, and there is murder and investigation in both.
Monster has a little slow start compared to Death Note, but
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Both anime series', including the manga, revolve around the themes and concepts of death -- at opposite ends of the discussion. Death Note plays "devil's advocate" with the concept of vigilantism and how power reveals one's true self. With Monster, it deals with the responsibility of saving the life of someone who could / may be an ultimately evil individual and how that person see's murder as the answer.
A major character uses their intelligence and deception skills to mask their existence while committing various crimes that negatively impact others for their satisfaction. Meanwhile being pursued by another individual that sees the trail they leave behind.
-Both are somewhat realistic tv series that deal with themes of morality and evil.
-Both feature dark thematic themes, and have overall dark tones.
Monster is longer and has a slower pace than Death Note
Recommended by TheWolfmanHulk
Both shows are psychological thriller with highly intelligent characters and intriguing villains.
Recommended by xShinigami3125
Monster is Intellectually challenging. It deals with deep philosophical and psychological questions. The main antagonist's personality resemples Light's in certain ways.
Recommended by StoicSamurai
If you had a feeling that Death Note was a masterpiece you should check Monster as soon as possible. Both anime stand out when it comes to mistery and thrilling events. In Monster there are only two different ideologies: one that every single human can be trash, two, that every human has something good inside. Both anime has strong ideologies that exploits human behaviour and they can definetly keep you in your chair watching and wondering what could happen next.
Both Light Yagami( Evil Antagonist ) and Johan liebert ( Protagonist ) can predict what happen next. They are very smartest character.
Recommended by KirinKatoki
Both are psychological thriller and suspense. Both share the common theme of Justice. The only difference is that Death Note is more supernatural while Monster is total real. If you like Monster, then surely you'll like Death Note, vice-versa. I give them 10/10! True Masterpieces!
Both deal with the morality of killing.
Their plots both revolve around two entities who are opposite in morals.
They both focus on Nihilism. Monster focuses on Nihilism within the main antagonist while Death Note focuses on the meaninglessness of justice and validity.
They both have thriller and psychological themes surrounding a cat-and-mouse chase.
Both the series belong to the same genre of psychological thrillers.
Both the series have an amazing stories and characters.
Both the series have some of the best villains in anime in 'Light Yagami' and 'Johan Leibert'
Both the series have been created by the same studio 'Madhouse'.
I can assure you if you enjoyed one you are going to love the other as well.
Same thrill,suspense in both the series.While in Monster there is wider cast of characters.Sense of justice,what is right or wrong? both series ask these questions
Both shows have the best villains I've seen in a show and also a good counter protagonist. In Death Note you have L chasing down Kira and in Monster it's Tenma chasing down Johan. The only major difference I can think of is in Monster there are no supernatural forces like there is in Death Note.
Recommended by EnchantedHeart
If you enjoyed the dark themes and atmosphere of Death Note as well as the philosophical questions brought forward of what is right and wrong, you will enjoy Monster. It is a smart anime with a lot of twists and turns just like Death Note and has a detective that rivals that of L. The endings are also both quite unsatisfying until you look deeper into them.
both have very intriguing mind battles and are in my opinion staples for whoever enjoys psychological and thriller genres
Both are very good some of the best Psychological Anime ever created
Recommended by OtakuPothead
Although conveyed through different perspectives, both are thrillers that slowly "unravel" the mystery contained within them, and the suspense one feels watching either is immense. If you're a sucker for anime enveloped in psychology, woven with great mystery, or embedded in extreme tension, then Monster is good for you.
Both are really good psychological thrillers.
Monster is definitely on par with if not better than Death Note.
Monster is 100% worth the watch if are into psychological thriller.
Battle between 2 geniuses, One has a good-hearted doctor becoming a vigilante with good intentions, while one has a Sociopath, bent on becoming the god of the new world.
2 has a rival, that being a detective who is just as intelligent as they are. Willing to catch them on the act, or dig deep to find the truth. Difference is one is antagonistic, while one is more heroic.
Recommended by KiroTheAssassin
Both are great shows that revolve around 2 of the main characters which try to 1-up each other. Both shows are also psychological in their own way, Death Note covering the more 'Battle of Wits' type of psychology while Monster focuses more on human emotions and actions.
Recommended by BorisThePea
Both Monster & Death Note are for intelligent people.. they both make you use your fuckin brain.
If you enjoed watching death note, you are gonna love Monster even more!
Monster is more mysterious, realistic and it has the greatest villain in any anime i have ever watched. Both monster and death note are psychological and mind blowing.
Also deals with investigation of crimes and has very intelligent e protagonists and antagonists.
Aside from other similarities, the two stories feature a thematic resemblance: it should not be up to us to judge whether other people deserve to live or not. Light persistently goes against this, while Tenma is steadfast in this belief.
Recommended by ilalochezia
similar plot. shows the "monster" inside humans
Recommended by KoroSensei024
Death Note & Monster both share themes of Justice. Death Note is a supernatural thriller focused on psychological warfare while Monster is a grounded suspense/mystery series. There are some noted parallel scenes.
Recommended by seraphmartyr
The main similarity is the cat-and-mouse game between the two main characters. Both shows are also very psychological and deal with underlying philosophical themes. If you're looking for a fantastic thriller, both of these anime will definitely scratch that itch.
Both shows feature many psychological themes and feature a protagonist who is attempting to kill an antagonist.
Recommended by Conpsycho100
-both are police/mystery animes
-both have smart protagonists and antagonists
-complex storyline
-both are great mind twisting animes
Recommended by Xx_Arashi_xX
both are similar because they have good plot. Both are psychological too.
the antagonist of monster is a sociopath that's so smart that he could make a person feel so guilty about themselves that they commit suicide and not leave any evidence he was there.
Recommended by animeessimp
If you've watched DN, you own it to yourself to watch Monster and vice versa, Both have immensely engaging cat and mouse games being played between the protagonists and antagonists, with a plethora of loveable side characters, Monster sure is a treat if you can get through the first chunk of episodes. as you can already guess, both are pretty slow in pacing, so look out for that (DN is a bit faster in my opinion). Are you still reading this recommendation? STOP READING AND GO BINGE MOSTER OR DEATH NOTE NOW!
If you like cat and mouse thriller stories where they're trying to catch the antagonist.
Recommended by smithdog223
Both are top mystery psychological monster is a must watch or read the manga if you have problem with the old animation
Recommended by Johanliebert1977
Both Monster and Death Note are psychological thrillers that explore dark themes. Their similarities include:
Genius protagonists with god complexes: Light (Death Note) uses a notebook to kill those he deems unworthy, while Tenma (Monster) grapples with a monster he unleashed due to a medical choice. Both blur the lines between hero and villain.
Complex cat-and-mouse games: L (Death Note) hunts Kira (Light's alias), while Tenma chases the enigmatic Johan. Their intellectual clashes create suspense and raise moral questions.
Exploration of good and evil: Both series delve into the potential for good intentions to lead to darkness and the existence of evil without motive.
Psychological depth and suspense: The
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Both fantastic psychological thrillers, not overtly horror but still disturbing.
both good cat and mouse games. both handle its philosophies well. monster is more consistent with its quality and also has a lot of realism to it. monster is a slow burn but if you can handle that, you'll love monster.
Recommended by cosmicoisreal
Both have some of greatest villains and anti-hero of all time in the history of entertainment.
If you are into disturbing content, Suspense, Thrillers and Plot Twists like me, just go and watch now.
Monster takes lot of time but worth it and Death Note just take 3-4 episodes and boom you would complete remaining in a single day.
Recommended by DurgaVikas
Both are psychological thrillers that will keep you at the edge of your seat. In Monster, a doctor tries to save as many lives as he can while also trying to find redemption for past mistakes. Death Note is about a high school student who finds a notebook that kills anyone whose name is written in it and decides to use it to cleanse the world of criminals. However, both anime have masterful story-telling and complex characters that will make you think twice about what is right and wrong.
Monster and Death Note are both detective fiction pieces with unique and creative twists that constantly keep you at the edge of your seat.
Recommended by AvidFemboyLover
both are thrillers and will get you at the edge of your seat both revolve around the villain
Both series feature highly intelligent and strategic protagonists. In "Death Note," Light Yagami and L face off in a battle of wits involving a supernatural notebook. In "Monster," Dr. Kenzo Tenma matches wits with a cunning adversary while unraveling a complex conspiracy.
Both anime are suspenseful and often delve into thriller elements. They keep viewers on the edge of their seats as the protagonists navigate through dangerous situations and face formidable opponents.
Both series explore deep moral and ethical questions. In "Death Note," the moral implications of using the Death Note to pass judgment on criminals are central to the story. In "Monster," the protagonist is faced
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Recommended by _Exotic_Gaming_
Both are similar in that they involve a super-intelligent character manipulating others, creating conspiracies, and framing others for his crimes. The difference is in Death Note, he is the protagonist, while in Monster, he is the antagonist.
Recommended by earwaxqtip
If you liked the dark and grimm asspect of death note youl love Monster its adds a interesting backstory that plays out like a detective serial.
The two series are about good versus evil, monsters versus good people. In a very rational, intelligent and stragetic way, the characters involved try to pursue their goals. The horror scenes only intensify the feeling of dealing with real monsters.
Recommended by DarkGryphus
both are full of twists and turns
i bet you would like it if you liked deathnote
Recommended by arimpei2428