If you liked
Kill la Kill
...then you might like
Uchuu Patrol Luluco
Kill la Kill and Space Patrol Luluco are very high action and animated by studio Trigger. A main character of Kill La Kill (Mako) is high energy, carefree, and simple and the main character in Space Patrol Luluco is also carefree and strives to be as simple as possible. Each story takes place in a sci-fi school setting and pulls the viewer in with it's unique art-style and diverse setting. If you enjoyed the high energy, simple comedy, and sci-fi twist in either show I'd recommend trying the other.
Recommended by Nikoru-san
If you liked the constant action, an inventive direction (same director), the charismatic characters and the nonsense plot of Kill La Kill is almost impossible you
don't sympathize with Uchuu Patrol Luluco at least.
Done by both the same animation studio and director, as well as sharing many characteristics in tone and ideas. The main character is basically if Mako was the protagonist instead of Ryuko, and the characters turn into guns in their transformation sequences, rather than changing clothes.
While the stories in Uchuu Patrol Luluco and Kill la Kill may be different, outfit transformations are present in them. Some of the story, art style, and comedy in Uchuu Patrol Luluco appear to be influenced by Kill la Kill. The main character, Luluco, is similar to one of characters in Kill la Kill – Mako – both in which are very carefree and energetic. If you are interested in bizarre settings with high intense action scenes, then you’ll most likely enjoy these anime as well.
Two Trigger anime by director Hiroyuki Imaishi featuring his trademark style of smashing together the lowbrow and highbrow with bombastic beauty.
Recommended by thenamenerd
They have similar art style and live in a strange town. Also, the main character reminds me of Mako because they both get bad grades and live in a run down house, but Luluco only lives with her dad.
Uchuu Patrol Luluco is a homage of Trigger Studio to its animes (& Gainax's). Basically, it's a non-stop dynamic and energetic mad venture just like KLK with a lot of references to Trigger's stuff. It's the to-go stuff when you're like "I now have a void I would like to fulfill by watching a show that has a lot of references to animes I have watched and made a void on me"
Recommended by Luqueasaur
This anime is just a pure beauty of animation and music. The soundtrack is amazing, the story is short but very cool and funny and the characters are very endearing. This anime is one of my favorite just for the animation, the soundtrack and the tributes to other anime of the studio. See it, it's 90 min of pure pleasure.
. (sorry for the english, i'm french )
Both Kill la Kill and Uchuu Patrol Luluco are creations of director Hiroyuki Imaishi, and share extremely similar qualities, from the transforming outfits, to the fast-paced and unique animation style that screams Trigger, the studio behind the two.
Both are best enjoyed when the brain is turned off, so the absurd, yet fun plot is not overthought, but they both still have deep, immersive messages that can get the viewer thinking if they are paying attention to metaphor and symbolism.
If you enjoyed the style, animation, and themes of either show, you will find the other enjoyable, as well.
I recommend watching this show after watching the last two. This show borrows heavily from both those shows, and by borrow I basically mean take elements directly from those shows. The show only has 7minute episodes but is still able to tell a fun and enjoyable story.
Recommended by GosuPikachu
Kill la Kill and Uchuu Patrol Luluco both share the same director and studio, Hiroyuki Imaishi and Trigger. Both have a similar over the top style, and both anime are filled to the brim of action and comedy. The art styles are very similar as well. However, Uchuu Patrol Luluco is lighter than Kill la Kill, and doesn’t have ecchi. I prefer Uchuu Patrol Luluco, but I would still recommend both anime to other people. Also, there’s some references to Kill la Kill in Uchuu Patrol Luluco as well!
Recommended by SebCyrSC2000
They both have the same over-the-top action with wholesome moments and fluent animation complimented by bright colours and upbeat music. They feel similar to watch in the best possible way and are both lots of fun to watch
Both series were made by the same animation studio, Uchuu Patrol Luluco shares the same feeling of craziness delivered by Kill la Kill. And it also has some Kill la Kill references in it !
Recommended by Danmafrique