If you liked
Initial D First Stage
...then you might like
Kuroko no Basket
- Popular Shounen animes
- Kuroko and Takumi have similar personalities in that they are really blank and deadpan most of the time. They don't show strong emotions and generally act spacey despite being the protagonists.
- Focus is on the action, so you get plenty of court time in KnB and plenty of street time in Initial D.
- Little character development yet they have many solid flat characters that are still able to contribute and further the story.
- Badly written female characters that will make many women cringe.
- Good clean fun between competitors. Even though there is a lot of smack talking
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Recommended by PeachYogurt31
Do you like cars and street racing? Initial D will be your best option. It carries out the same formula as Kuroko no Basket, a talented guy who meets other talented rivals in which each encounter they become more skilled including their rivals. Each encounter is packed with emotion and strategy. Personally I din't like the drawings and the character development of Initial D (except for the main character), but that's my personal opinion. Even that, I enjoyed the series a lot, so give it a try if you enjoyed Kuroko no Basket