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Shingeki no Kyojin
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Both series are about a group of young individuals having to face a threat that may lead to extinction of the whole humanity. In Attack on Titan this threat is giants devouring humans, called titans, while in 86 humanity is under attack by robots from a faction called Legion. Apart from that, the one and the other shows are filled with good looking action sequences and are full of dramatic moments. One of themes appearing in them, even though their settings differ from each other, is the theme of "illusion of safety", with said safety being presumably granted by the fact of living behind the
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Both are series where humanity believes to be protected by walls that prevents them to be killed by Robots/titans.
Both have incredible animation.
Both have OST by Hiroyuki Sawano aka god.
There is a kingdom inside walls, outside of them there is certain death. The protagonists learn more about the world and what's out there. There are battles with unknown creatures (titans, legions) and a mystery surrounding their existence. There's also Sawano making the music in both anime, so he might give similar vibes.
-Both are about a fantasy world in which there is a looming threat that hunts the human race for no discernable reason
-Both feature discrimination heavily in their political systems, with both having those of higher status farther from danger deeper in civilization
-Both are distinctly based around the military of these societies, and feature fast paced action with highly mobile equipment to deal with the threat to the human race
Recommended by thelectricow
Human society is isolated from the outside world due to an long ongoing war against an unknown enemy. Tensions rise up as the safety of the city is threatened and a small group of soldiers use especial machinery to fight in the enemy territory. Gripping military action thriller that discusses war, loyalty, freedom, racism and politics. Top tier animation quality, epic Hiroyuki Sawano's soundtrack and lots of German references.
Both AOT and 86 are war anime that address political themes in addition to certain humanitarian social issues that arise in the respective worlds.
In both shows, a group of young people must deal with a danger that could cause all of humanity to perish.
Together with excellent audiovisuals, both are excellent military action anime.
- Discrimination
- World setting
- Narrative
- Action Scene
- Animation Quality
- Hiroyuki Sawano Ost
Walls and war. Consistent conflict in such an unfair world. Such is the spark of retaliation, or at least, a hope for one. AOT and 86 are both war anime that touches on the topic of politics alongside some humane social issues that occur in said worlds.
With 86 being a story of Lena, trying to defile the Republic's dehumanisation of the 86, AOT being the same, but in a more indirect way with humans fighting for their freedom. It is a match against the oppressors who oppose the natural right of man to be respected as the individual with choice. Whether that be due to
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Recommended by NextUniverse
Both anime are set in an dystopian timeline and deconstructs the ideology that fuels an overly militaristic, racist and fascist society. They also both contain sountracks composed by hiryuki sawano as well
both tackles themes of racism, oppression and war. if you have spare time you should give 86 a try it's good!
Well, if you like a series with a world-building that is generally presented through its characters' dialogues and rarely through its artistic values, then, by all means, check these two.
As for my opinion, I think both are similar because the concept for its premise that the two utilize are pretty much the same. Both are about fighting, more fighting, as well as fighting; basically, endless amounts of fighting. If you like that kind of stuff, then I highly recommend this series to you.
Recommended by Solaris-----
Group of humans believe they might be the last of humanity while fighting the mysterious Legion, an army of fully autonomous weapons. They must utilize their own Juggernaughts to fight this legion, all the while there are other issues like racism and dehumanization at play. Very angsty with quite a bit depressing story line and many sad deaths.
Both series are set in fantasy worlds and show main characters fighting inhuman enemies (whether it be titans or mechs) with sci-fi weapons. They also both deal with fairly mature topics such as freedom or oppression.
Recommended by TheMenacingMUDA
86 is similar to shingeki no kyojin in many ways
-killing titans in snk while in 86 ,the legions or robots
-a big supporting cast
-sawano hiroyuki's ost
-there's a wall like snk in 86 too but not seen too much
-both are enjoyable
-Military settings
-discrimination of a particular race
- wide range of characters
-complex world-building and history
I feel they are similar in terms of having a feeling of hopelessness and a seemingly endless threat. The soundtracks are also both done by Hiroyuki Sawano and Kohta Yamamoto.
Recommended by TohsakaSimp
stories aren't that much similar but, both are very tragic in a way, its will keep excited till the end, and its one those anime that you would not be bored for a single moment
86 feels a lot like early AoT. When a character goes into the battlefield, you're left guessing whether they'll be back ded or alive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (also lots of interesting politics/worldbuilding)
military-esque also just a really good anime if you want that same cute banter between characters + great music and sadge moments
Recommended by bellablossom
Both series deal with survival in a post-apocalyptic world but instead of being eaten by Titans, you are being butchered by robots. Both series don't shy away from killing away their characters and both series share an amazing soundtrack made by none other than Sawano himself.
Recommended by Warlord53104
They're both gonna break your heart, and give you PTSD after watching them. Both of these shows are extremely good at exploring gory and deep topics that will tug at your heartstrings and make you grow attached to the characters just to watch them go through hell.
If you liked AOT I am 99% certain you're gonna like 86 too, these two shows are very similar yet very different from one another at the same time.
Recommended by Christoffer2404
Humans in a military unit fighting against titans/legion. Both have great animation and soundtracks. Later AoT's themes become similar to 86's themes too.
Shingeki no kyojin is a very goood anime itself , 86 is very simmilar to it because both anime have loads of action and both are thrillers , both of the story contain simillar war type theme too
Both shows have:
1. Great worldbuilding.
2. Military aspect.
3. Great source material.
4. Has a tendency to kill off characters
5. Corrupt government
6. Music composed be Hiroyuki Sawano
7. 1 very OP character
Recommended by Yeeterdeyeet
Discrimination of a particular race, the matter of freedom, the similar military aspect and setting, and a complex world-building but in an obvious state, both stories are differently visionary in which the way's storytelling direction is leading towards, and characters got similar facets of saving humanity (e.g battle out for their lives to make their own sacrifice and become the survival of the fittest). AOT got titans, 86 got Legions but the groups are opposed to them as they're ones who are opposed to humanity. Plus both have the same soundtrack composer, Sawano Hiroyuki.
Both about corrupt military and a part of society being discriminated against and opressed.
Recommended by curlypubes
An action theme packed show with a military genre, these two great shows centers around multiple fractions of war. Both shows are presented in a dark setting with hidden truths, and sadly, there are discriminatory scenes directed towards our "main heroes." As they fight with their lives on the line for peace, the storytelling of AOT and 86 is simply wonderful.
Recommended by FalconMaster6
If you watched Attack on Titan you know that there's no way of describing the plot without spoiling too much. Same goes for 86! It is a very emotional story about a group of people which fight against the horrifying enemy which took most of humanity with them! But it is not as it seems at first glance! (Plus Hiroyuki Sawano wrote the OST for both, so it really gets you in the Attack on Titan mood).
-military aspect
-titan in aot =legion 86
Highly recommend this anime. not as good as attack on titan but I recommend this anime
Recommended by HEROxenpai
While the context may be different, you will find both the war and the "fight to survive" elements in them. 86 Eighty-Six is known for having a large cast of characters and a military setting, just like Attack on Titan does. At first glance, this series and 86 Eighty-Six have really very little in common, but they both feature large casts and deal with violent, mature themes that center around war and discrimination.
Similarities - post-apocalyptic setting
- death of characters
- good animation
- great music
differences - plot is relatively less interesting (emphasizing the word relatively again)
- mecha genre
- relatively
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In my opinion, 86 is the heir to AoT legacy.
As a AoT fan, I know one of my favourite work of fiction, if not my favourite, is coming closer and closer to its ending, that's why I felt the urge to find a show which could grab my attention as Isayama masterpiece did.
86 touches the themes of war, racism, loss, death, trauma and much more as AoT does, but in its own way, with colorful characters and one of the best main characters of 2020-2021, Shinei Nouzen.
A-1 Pictures is known for some of the best anime of the last decade (Your lie in
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In both series, the theme of life inside the walls is shown, isolation from the outside world, where a deadly threat awaits behind these walls. In the case of SNK, it's the titans, and in 86 it's a legion.
The fantasy world presented in both series is dystopian.
Both series have surprising twists and secrets waiting to be discovered.
An additional plus is that Hiroyuki Sawano is responsible for the music in both series.
There are differences, and the most visible is that in the case of SNK we are dealing with a technological regress, the world presented inside the walls is more like the previous centuries.
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Both have the survival part where you have to give your all to achive your goal, and 86 just slaps
Both tackle themes of racism and war. Though AOT handled the action much better, 86 is still a great anime to watch. One thing that's done better is that there is a subtle hints of romance. The backstories of the two mc's is phenomenal. 86 is my top new gen and in my top 10 anime oat (of all time). Hope you enjoy it!
Both are mecha animes with non-subtle allegories to the Holocaust involving people hiding behind walled societies to protect themselves from an external threat, when in reality, humanity was the true monster
Subsequent parts focus on the world beyond the walled city to expand the world building. The way the story progresses involving the threats are identical.
Recommended by ThePie4dawin
Both stories are similare with key diffrences, but a same base, if you enjoy one of them you will enjoy the other one as well.
Recommended by ApfelMyName