If you liked
Shingeki no Kyojin
...then you might like
Houseki no Kuni
The vibe. Mystery. Enemies. Existential threat. Living in limited space. Ignorance. Seeking for solution. Hidden agenda. Similarities in MC's evolution.
While both animes are definitely different and hit the heart in other ways I couldn't stop the feeling the general vibe is very, very alike. Even the show names are somewhat similar.
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In Houseki no Kuni, the characters are under attack by a mysterious race of giants in the sky called "The Lunarians". The plight of people being randomly terrorized in a seemingly-peaceful community is alike to Attack on Titan. A show focused on the looming threat of brutish giants. The fighting styles are also very similar.
They're both set in a distant future with naive main characters that simply want to know more about the world they live in. The overarching themes that come later in the series are similar too, at least in my opinion.
Both shows present very interesting settings, and part of the fun is just learning about the world and its mysteries.
I would rather not spoil all of Attack on Titan but these shows can be strikingly similar when looked at closely. The enemies in Attack on Titan (the the titans) hold an unusual likeness to Houseki no Kuni's Lunarians. While at the same time both shows display similar themes of wanting to change, grow stronger, etc. Both protagonists seek out the truth of the unusual circumstances they live in.
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