Death Note, Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Recommendations

Death Note
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Death Note
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
If your a Code Geass fan you should love Death Note as I feel they are both similar character wise. In both, the main character gets a power to assist them in changing the world for the better in their views from a party whom follows them for the duration of the series. While doing so, they both gain followers who support their ideals. While this happens, a force attempt to fight the main character and discover their true identity. Both resemble a game of chess as the main character fights to knock out all obsticles in their way to have their ideas reality.
report Recommended by Jellyfish13
Psychological, intelligent, smart leads. The leads are anti-heroes while the antagonists are heroic villains (or whatever you call a villain that's acts good). Both leads want to change the world and manipulates other people. The person who gives the power follows the current user. The anime makes you predict what's going to happen, and something unexpected happens (except for VERY few cases). The user also goes insane because of overusing their given power.
report Recommended by MisaTange
Those anime are pretty similar and different at the same time. The main caracters are both very smart and have a incredible dream. They will receive a special power and manipulate people to get what they want. They evolve in two different environnement but both will do everything that is possible to realise their projects.
report Recommended by Ghodrik
In both Code Geass and Death Note, an incredibly intelligent teenage boy seeks to change the world with a secret, hidden, absolute power that very few know about. They differ in that Code Geass is much funnier while Death Note is much more serious, and that Lelouch uses his power for good, while Light is generally more selfish, especially towards the end. If you like Death Note, you'll DEFINITELY like Code Geass, but the same is not necessarily true in reverse. I personally prefer Code Geass by a lot, but both are awesome. I watched both series in dubs.
report Recommended by Icy_Auron
Both animes have a highly intelligent main character who is trying to control humanity, though not for the reasons you might think. They could be described as righteous by one person, and evil by another...both would be right. How you view the main characters morals and relationships makes watching these series an epic experience!
report Recommended by Rizzle
Just like the second half of Death Note, season 2 of Code Geass has everything finally come together. Lelouch and Kira have been using their power for their ultimate goals, and it all comes together in the end. The finale of Code Geass is mind blowing and you will be left in awe similar to the finale of Death Note.
report Recommended by FishPhoenix
The main reason why Code Geass and Death Note are compared so often is Light's uncanny resemblance to Geass's Lelouch. Both gain an ability by accident(or by fate if you want to call it that) that can change the world. Both are very intelligent, witted, manipulative, and have a twisted sense of justice that they attempt to justify. The main difference is that Code Geass has mechs and is a bit more colorful while in Death Note, Light is a bit more clever and emotional.(The cleverness factor is up for debate, as many people will argue that Lelouch is more clever than Light) Another   read more
report Recommended by YouAreOuttaMy5
Both have similar characters, psychological duels between characters and a supernatural weapon that changes the evolution of characters.(Geass - Death Note) Both evolves to the point that the hole world is involved in the main character actions.
report Recommended by Adeath
Both anime shows are about a young teenage genius with a mysterious power given to them by a supernatural being, which they both aim to change the world with. In both cases, the protagonists lose their memories at one point, have a beloved sister who gets in danger, goes up against their father. A notable difference is that Code Geass has giant fighting robots and machines, with strategy through battles and war, while Death Note has detectives and agents, with strategy through deception and guesswork. I'd recommend both though.
report Recommended by Eminax8
Both animes are quite awesome. There are a guy who is very intelligent and thinks carefully about every move which he makes to achieve something. There are supernatural powers and both animes includes death.
report Recommended by Atzaaa
The protagonist (Main) characters are students -Before they were both given powers, they didn't care for the world -They both to want to make the world a better place even if it means killing others -They have a somewhat a benefactor that follows them -They're both weak, incredibly smart and stragetic -They're both exposed to public with fakes names Both constantly have the same similar events in the story that happen in both of these animes, Just one anime is mecha and the other is more like modern day life, but are both highly similar.
report Recommended by Saki-Rebellion
They both have a highly intellegent main character given a special gift/power that is used to change the world. Both main characters have a huge ambition.
report Recommended by Deer50
both animes are d fight of brains which makes u glued to ur seat..well in code geass its mecha, and in death note its shinigami(death god)..both are epic series.
report Recommended by ryoangus
They have similar lead characters (Light Yagami, L and Lelouch) who are intelligent. They both involve mindgames between adversaries. They are both excellently well-scripted anime with a mind-boggling element of slow revelation of plot.
report Recommended by tk_a
Both main characters have very similar personalities; they tend to be more villains than heroes.
report Recommended by izZzi
The story of two prodigies who could have led a normal life if they had not stumbled upon powers beyond human expectancy. Light Yagami at one side is dedicated to dominate the whole world while Lelouch Lamperouge strives for world peace in his own ways. They have their own set of rules and ideals which they follow.
report Recommended by Hinaya
Both of them are full of drama, both of the shows are about protecting something (Death note: the main character tries to protect justice and Code Geass: the main character tries to protect his sister) and the most crusial similarity in my opinion is that both of the shows are full of strategy and sometimes mind games. The ending of both shows is similar as well.
report Recommended by UMB
Both series revolve around a main character who wants to make the world we live in a better place. They both achieve a certain 'power' that helps them to achieve this goal. The battles in both series are based on deep tactical planning. The main character is borderline crazy and will do anything to achieve his life long goal. They will have you drop your jaw at how smart they are and surprise you every episode.
report Recommended by Darkbow
>Both anime have an insane main character, I mean both Lelouch and Light are badass who want to "control" the world, even tho they aren't villans they both use illegal ways to get to their goal. >Both Lelouch and Light are geniuses, they are stronger in tactics then in fights and both of them are physically weak. >Death Note have a more dark atmosphere, Code Geass is more a lightful atmosphere. >Overall I enjoyed much more Code Geass, it has much more action, the ending is much more satisfying (I mean, I enjoyed DN only till episode 30 if I remember right, last 6-7 episodes are trash).
report Recommended by xNihalx
The main characters are more or less the same. Genius, handsome, perfect bishounen (though Lelouch is not athletic). They want to create an ideal world after gaining a special power (death note/geass) using a cruel way. They manipulate countless people and fight using their high intelligent. Other's lives doesn't really matter for them. Differences: Light is more serious, selfish and more prioritizing his live. He doesn't really care about his comrades, even the closest one. Lelouch still care about their comrades. Code Geass still has some jokes and love. Despite not as serious, Code Geass has a really serious, epic ending, doesn't even compared to Death   read more
report Recommended by dhz_01
-Both series have a young main male protagonist who wants to change the world using extreme methods (despite being on the opposite end of the spectrum) -Both series explore the theme of freedom -Both series have a main protagonist who has a special power (Light's being the Death Note while Lelouch's being Geass) -Both series have protagonists who's methods are questionable and could often be debated if they are right or wrong -Both series have some crazy plot-twists
report Recommended by ironcladgranite
The plot twists are full of surprise and the suspense makes you want to watch the next episode as quickly as possible.
report Recommended by UchihaX96
Both of these are deal with Badass MC (Lelouch from Code Geass and Light from Death Note) with their way to create a peaceful world despite taking the wrong way and both MC have the power to facilitate their plans (Lelouch with his Geass and Light with his Death Note) and at the anime also have little bit Romance and a lot of Mystery.
report Recommended by VadNAP
The characters in these series are both similar, and have similar goals. Lelouch wants to achieve world peace by creating the Black Knights and fighting back against Brittania, while in Death Note, Light uses the Death Note to rid the world of villains. They both used their own method of delivering justice. In both these series the main characters are portrayed as cruel, yet are fighting for good. Both series have lots of deaths. Also, Light and Lelouch are both geniuses.
report Recommended by crystalplane
If you like anime where the characters are outsmarting their opponents to win a "battle" than these both anime are important to watch. The characters in both anime hate the world, they use powers to change the world and to make a better one.
report Recommended by Azertity
Both are very focused on strategies. The main character seems to be evil and his “rival” is in the justice/lawful side.
report Recommended by Kiummy
Both anime have a strong leading character who wants to bring justice to this world.Both characters are genuineness at manipulating there surrounding and both have an adviser who gave them the power to change the world.
report Recommended by shahzain
Both of these psychological thrillers focus on individuals trying to change the corrupted and evil world they highly detest for some certain reasons. Given powers that are highly rare for normal humans by an ally, the protagonists welcome a dangerous and spine-chilling as well as addicting and mesmerising battle of complicated minds and powers which are sure to bring disasters. With a steady flow in their pace, these anime beautifully present the depth of emotions such as love and hatred, how war can obliterate even the strongest of friendships and the strength of human ambitions. Both of these breath-stopping animes have moments which can make   read more
report Recommended by HitgirlPlatinum
Similar characters with a cold, dark air about them. They both put up facades to how they truly feel and act, both kill in extraordinary ways, and have a special ability, and a female partner. similar feel to the anime (if you truly watch anime you know what I mean)
report Recommended by --Aurabreaker--
Because, this anime has a main character (Lelouch) unique and almost the same as the main character anime death note (Light). berceritakan about a young boy who wants to change the world, but in a different way. Lelouch wants to change the world a better place simply for the sake of her sister (Nunnaly). This anime is interesting to watch because it presents something different from other anime.
report Recommended by G_Pamungkas
Similar plot line where Protagonists are tired of the way their world works and by the end of first episode they get the power they need to change it. Similar mastermind "enemies" to protagonists which try to take them down.
report Recommended by Emergi
Light finds a way to kill by a notebook from a death god, Lelouch receives the power of the geass to order anything to anyone and seek a better world to his beloved sister, incapable of walk and see. Brutal stories, with worlds that seems to doesn't have a way to get peace. Both protagonists had an objective for fulfill, their personalities makes you tremble during all the show, insanity, depression, desires, playing a game with your ideals and moralities (Is he insane? Is he doing it for a better world? what's right, what's wrong?). They are masterminds of strategy, playing fool with everyone! A   read more
report Recommended by yasmi-chan
Both have genius protagonists both give you a moral choice both don't have a clear cut good and bad both have a protagonist that has methods that many might not agree with both the 2 best Animes in my opinion!
report Recommended by Lights_Eyedea
The similarity of these series is in the main character with a God complex and some supernatural power using which he's trying to conquer the world. Find out what happens to every worlds' conqueror yourself.
report Recommended by susan00
This show gives off the same vibe watching Lelouch overcome obstacles as in Death Note with Light. Season 2
report Recommended by MAL_Admin21
Both anime focus on the what is true justice and how the main character uses 'evil' as one way to achieve it. They know how the world needs to be changed, and focus on the special power each has received to reach the new world.
report Recommended by Kun-Raijin
Yeah, if you've watched Code Geass and not Death Note, go watch it. They're known as brothers, even twins. Great, genius main character with magical powers can can kill people.
report Recommended by MonMonogatari
The protagonist of code geass like light is really really smart and also receives a power that can change the world with the difference that he´s not perfect like Light that is excellent at everything and can make every plan he thinks to work. Unlike Light, Lelouch is weak at phychical activities and he´s plans often go wrong, sometimes really really wrong. The fact that Lelouch has all this fails gives you the change to relate better with him, also one diference that for me is very important is the way they deal with the people around them, Lelouch llike Light use people to his one   read more
report Recommended by Killua_Noragami
In both animes the main character - an ordinary boy in the beginning - gets super-powers and decides to change the world by violent means and intelligent outsmarting.
report Recommended by Keita2014
Both have protagonists that are brilliant and play mind games. There are certainly striking similarities. Note: Only recommend if you 1. Liked Lelouch 2. Liked the strategizing and foresight in Code Geass
report Recommended by Forgotten_Past
it is one of the best series i have ever seen . if you have watched R1 and like it then believe me this season is gonna blow your mind (especially the ending).
report Recommended by Arshj
Both feature a main character who is very intelligent seeking an ultimate goal with their new bestowed power. Good dramatic moments throughout both where the main character's intellect is the thing giving him the advantage.
report Recommended by gSol
Like everyone who watched both show know Code Geass and death note are similar Both MC are similar both want to create a new and idool world People want to stop them Mind game - twist and turn that's what both show are all About
report Recommended by Abstudios07
If you have watched death note or Evangellion i would definitely give this a watch. It has an amazing story and you would be missing out on a rollercoaster of a ride. The main characters in it have amazing backstory's and you get to have a great connection with some of them overall one of my favourite anime's and if this helped then make sure to give it a watch
report Recommended by LIDLWIPE
Both main characters of these shows have a similar feel .
report Recommended by Spoinkerzz
Both of them are few older dark animes which were masterpieces in which a smart main protagonist shows amazing character development throughout the series.
report Recommended by AndyTeasey_12
Its full of main character acting like he is not terrorist and they both have smart Mc's
report Recommended by MadaraSarutobi
Anime with unique and great plot and characters.
report Recommended by Joie122
Both animes are top tier and anyone would enjoy them
report Recommended by Abid_Iftiar
Both of them are about a main character who is very intelligent and plans ahead to deceive their enemies smartly
report Recommended by FuriousMovies23
The two protagonists in each series fight for what they believe in.
report Recommended by KojinGreywyn
A psychological battle between characters where one character is big brain and trying to outsmart the rest of the world
report Recommended by animelessdylan
Both are great examples of the psychological thriller genre. They both have brilliant main characters that use their intelligence to outsmart others. The difference is that in Death Note, the protagonist uses his brain to kill people, while in Code Geass, he uses it to take over a country.
report Recommended by adzetto
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