Death Note, Death Parade Recommendations

Death Note
If you liked
Death Note
Death Parade
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Death Parade
More people need to make this recommendation. Both anime are so eye gluing interesting you'll be hooked by the first episode! Amazing theme of passing judgment and morality. You'll feel that both are pretty fucked up and awesome cause of how human beings can be!
report Recommended by iamKetranLang
They both evolve around the idea of death, and judgement. Death Parade is more on the comical side, however, the two contain drama and the work of higher-order beings. In my honest opinion, the two series had the same hooking ability, and I also found out that they are both made by Madhouse.
report Recommended by theninthtail
The unknowing of whether or not you're capable of saving someone is always a heavy thing to bear, at times it's something that's utilized, and at other times it's just a big drag. These seemingly young adults will much like death note reveal their background and the plot and story progresses and will have you busting your brain for not being able to comprehend what's going on at all times due to the series being so plot and psycho-complex for each individual character. It's truly amazing how the series finds order and pleases the audience even though a potentially big dissatisfaction due to opinions in   read more
report Recommended by Elsa
They were made by the same company, the plots are interconnected, but it's not something so close you can't watch one without having watched the other... But a previous knowledge of Death Note will make you go nuts with the plot! Great soundtrack, great animation, touching, fun, scary and very, very well-made.
report Recommended by lordusagisama
- similar genres: phycological, mystery, thriller - one or several character's true sides are shown - both animes deal with the theme of death
report Recommended by Denisecvo
Both anime are produced by Madhouse and have a similar vibe to them. They both deal with similar themes, like death and morality, and feature a main protagonist who passes his judgment upon people.
report Recommended by BohemianRhapsody
Both have this great tension around dying or surviving from death and both are from the same makers. Both series always have a twist to their 'games' that has to do with escaping from death or really die.
report Recommended by KuroKuro_01
Death note follows a series of Deaths by a man whom thinks he can pass judgment on criminals. He has a note book titled "Death Note" where he writes down the names and how they will die and think of their face while doing it. The police cannot figure it out and send someone to help, which is where L comes in. The similarities are very simple. They both pass judgment and both pretty much gore. There are more episodes in Death note so if you did enjoy Death Parade and haven't seen Death Note, your in for a ride.
report Recommended by kenztaco
Same production company. Very similar feel between the two shows. Death parade's ending is, in my personal opinion, better than death note's. The art style is also very similar, and there is even a Light cameo! :D
report Recommended by yookiyoh
The theme of both is death, and they have both a philosophical atmosphere.
report Recommended by donseendrutger
Both produced by Madhouse. Psychological and thought-provoking themes.
report Recommended by Nissi
-Both themes are about death -The main protagonists judge people (whether they live/die, or go to hell/heaven) -Both are deep psychological animes that make you think. If you like animes that make you think hard about life/death, or if you just like morbid animes, give these a try.
report Recommended by -Heika
Death Parade and Death Note are two amazing shows both made by Madhouse. It's all about judgement and they are psychological masterpieces. In Death Note MC has a "Death Note" which he uses to determine who is a good person and who is bad (trying not to spoil too much). In Death Parade, every time two persons meet each other in a bar, with a referee. And the referee needs to determine by the use of games who is a good person and who is bad (still trying not to spoil). Both shows give you a certain vibe and I really enjoyed both shows.   read more
report Recommended by GunnerMTA
-same creators -gods of death -dark type anime -lot of feels:D
report Recommended by Ackerman666
Mad house studio is all about some great death stories. This time we can see what happens behind the stage, after the reaper of death sends humans to meet their doom.
report Recommended by susan00
Same studio that brought you Death Note and, yet again, they didn't disappoint. That atmosphere which you really miss while watching Death Note, Death Parade will give you that.
report Recommended by TheDoggoneGirl
Don't be fooled, it's not only a similar title, these two share a lot more. Not only animated by the same studio, but these anime also share a common main theme: Death (thanks, Captain Obvious). Mysterious characters and plots that will hook to the screen and make you question the very core of Human nature. Who deserves to live and die? Who should go to "Heaven"? Many opinions and theories will be created depending on the individual and both anime present you big rewatch value. If you either watched Death Parade or Death Note and loved it, the other is A MUST!
report Recommended by INU4SH4
The series are executed very differently but have similar themes that contribute to their overall plot, so if you enjoyed one you'll most likely enjoy the other. Similarities: -The fate of people is put into the hands of the MC(s) -Psychological/dark themes are key points in the plot and bring out various reactions from the characters that show you them in different lights (Haha Light..) -The MC isn't the only one with their 'power' and they interact with others who have it as well, but usually with conflicting opinions There are some more similarities, but spoilers, so.. Enjoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
report Recommended by Ridoot
Death Note and Death Parade have a simillar mystery element to them, both trying to grasp the concept of what may be happening. The plot on both of these are very interesting, which will intrigue any anime lover. If you were looking for a shorter anime than Death Note, Death Parade is only 12 episodes, which may seem short but the whole story line is captivating. Also it's been known to having both similar art styles. This is due to the fact that they're both created by the same studio company: Madhouse. Just give it a try, otherwise you will miss out!
report Recommended by BeastyBeccy
The plot is filled with psychological elements in both series. I found them to be quite similar in this aspect, especially because of the complex characters and their motives.
report Recommended by Luisis
own unique games occur in these animes. Some psychological traits of the game has been shown in both of the anime.
report Recommended by HellSlayingOtaku
both deal with heavy subjects such as death, human emotions and are both full of thrills and use psychological issues to further the plot. both a very good in-sight of the human mind.
report Recommended by Orcasaretasty
It has the same deep, psychological life or death shit, and arbiters who make judgement, which is similar to Death Note, I would even say although shorter, Death Parade is more enjoyable than Death Note, Death Parade even has a cameo from Light Yagami in one of the later episodes.
report Recommended by 606RFA
. Both anime revolves around "Death" . The atmosphere is quite similar . Both are produced by Mad House Studios . Romance aspect in both shows
report Recommended by Shxne
They're both about death (big suprise). Just like how the main characters in Death Note play mind games, in Death Parade they play actual games, with... death. A similar atmosphere and there is also a Death Note reference in Death Parade. I think if you enjoyed one, you'll enjoy the other.
report Recommended by FinNote
Honestly, if you haven't watched death note and have watched death parade, you are out of your mind. Death Note is amazing and super complex. it's amazing about how even tho the smartest of people who has everything made out for them can take things a little too far. PLUS I just really love the style of both animes.
report Recommended by SweetNerdRage
Death Note episodes always leave you in suspense and guessing what will happen next. It always feels like a mystery. Death Parade is very similar in that you have some mysteries to think about as you watch the series to try and discover the answers. These series both leave you on the edge of your seat wanting more.
report Recommended by CCC47
They both center around that theme of death, obviously. Yeah idrk they kinda both deal with beings from another world, kinda the afterlife or something. And both are action packed
report Recommended by TokyoFell
-They're both amazing animes made by Madhouse -Both cover philosophical subjects -Have brilliant scripts -The Subs and Dubs of both animes are great -The character Development is ON POINT -Both are about death (Durr) -They're both an easy watch being less than 50 episodes
report Recommended by 0ven_dem0n
Both Anime are about a character passing judgement upon others and his morality/justification for said judgements.
report Recommended by xShinigami3125
In addition to two of Madhouse's most famous animes, these two are quite similar as psychological thrillers. - Both animes tie their proposals firmly to philosophies and ethical reflections, to the capacity of judgment of the human being and propose to the viewer to judge certain characters and decide, for themselves, which perspective of morality is correct. In Death Note, you can choose for the justice of L or Kira, since the author does not take sides. On the other hand, in Death Parade, it is up to the public to agree or not with the underlying elevators and with the decisions of Decim, Nona, Quincy   read more
report Recommended by Marander
Both show are psychological and plays with deep concept that draws you into the plot. They both dives into the idea of death, abide in the different way, but nonetheless very similar. Death parade even cross-reference death note in some part which further connect these two show not only in the theme of both show but also in terms of similarity.
report Recommended by ABSTENTIOUS
Judgement. Light and the Quindecim are very similar in that they judge the lives of people, Light judges if one should be alive or dead, whilst Quindecim judges if one should go to heaven or hell. Whilst Death Note has a systematic approach of decision, it does indirectly show Light's view on who should be alive or dead on the base of his ideal, though Death Parade explores why a said person should go to heaven or hell, in which, is aided by the Black Haired Lady, being the only human temporary resident at the Quindecim, of which, allowed for human opinion. Death Parade is an   read more
report Recommended by NextUniverse
Both anime floating around death and even though themes are different it give you the same feeling.
report Recommended by fosii
both have a thriller/mystery element to them, a deeper plot to look into and are both just fantastic shows. also if you watch death note first you'll spot an easter egg in death parade which is fun
report Recommended by zach293
Both include the themes of death and gods in it's plot. They both have a similar dark overtone and discuss a battle between two forces.
report Recommended by andy_velocity
if you like psychological thrillers whose situations put characters in a dilemma and force them to make difficult choices, and also cause lots of death, then you'll enjoy both of these
report Recommended by abitextra099
Both involve the concept of a place beyond death, and creatures that facilitate death or the afterlife.
report Recommended by FlameyHeart
-It talks about death -both are very psychological -the universe of Death Note and Death Parade are related -WATCH DEATH PARADE
report Recommended by AoiZoldyck
Besides both having Death within the titles they both well handle the theme of afterlife and sins people committed, while Death Note handles it within the living world Death Parade handles it in the afterlife. Funnily enough Light even makes a cameo within Death Parade as well.
report Recommended by Tiredbutpleased
So, if you liked Death Parade, Death Note is a must watch. They have similar atmosphere, question death, have supernatural elements and most importantly they are about morality, making choices and impacting others by that choices. Although both main characters seem to "work" as final judges, they are very different.
report Recommended by Nells_
Genre is pretty similar although the plot isn't. And if u enjoyed being on the edge of your seat during Death Note then you are also going to enjoy Death Parade <3
report Recommended by ZUTl
Both series deal with a common theme like "Death" as the title suggests and we should also mention the theme of "Justice", these series have its own approach to both of these themes and makes you to wonder what would be right decision to make, you'll end up with questions like: Did s/he really deserve to die? Why shouldn't we just give him/her an another chance? Is my decision justified? Anyway, if you already have seen one of them you most likely will enjoy the other one as well. Oh, did I mention that Yagami Light appears in Death Parade as an Easter Egg :P
report Recommended by Modified-X
Similar vibe. If you don't mind a bit of thriller, Death Parade is an interesting shorter anime to watch. Despite them being different in story, they felt similar in how they gripped me personally.
report Recommended by holx99
death parade can be considered as the anime where the people that got killed in death note go to
report Recommended by darlinnn
For those who see Death Note's strong points in its approach to psychology and, above all, its handling of power and how people act when they have everything on their hands, Death Parade is 100 per cent a suggestion of what you're used to. It's light-hearted, raises good moral questions and the characters are well-developed.
report Recommended by devnaku
Death note is kind of similar with death parade, people are judged, there's conflicts and division, there is mysteries and enigmas, a lot of suspens, etc
report Recommended by FloLumizu
Both have a common theme of death (hence the name's) and the afterlife. In Death Note, people can either go to heaven or hell besides those who use the death note. In Death Parade, people can either go to heaven or hell besides a select few.
report Recommended by veravv
While Death Note follows two characters, Death Parade does the same thing with more existential themes. Death Parade isn't so much about outsmarting your opponent, but to ponder how society ended up in this predicament in the first place.
report Recommended by NejyCR
Death Parade Shows What Happened to Light Yagami. Death Note's Light Yagami does not go to heaven or hell. His soul is possibly being judged in Death Parade. The Death Note anime premiered in 2006, introducing to a new audience shinigami like Ryuk, as well as the villainous protagonist, Light Yagami.
report Recommended by MelsonNoronha
"Death Parade" and Death Note, both produced by Madhouse share alot of similarities. Visually, they bouth have a dark atmosphere, great animation, and intense character expressions. Thematically both explore psychological mind games, morality, and death as a theme. A must watch if you enjoyed Death Note.
report Recommended by RexofNigeriaZ
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