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Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven
Both Jinki: Extend and and Eureka Seven are "different" takes on the Mecha Anime Genre, but very similar. Both involve "young" pilots of Mechas (Eureka Seven has Renton and Eureka, Jinki: Extend has Aoba, Akao, Elnie etc), and both involve older Mecha Pilots as well (Eureka Seven has Holland , Matthieu, Hilda, etc. Jinki: Extend has Ryouhei, Genta, Mel J. Vanette , etc). Both shows have Mecha battles very different then other mecha shows (Eureka Seven the mechas fly through the sky on "ref boards" and fight like that[fast paced], while Jinki: Extend is ground based [slower paced then Eureka Seven], but the fighting
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