If you liked
Zetsuen no Tempest
...then you might like
Zankyou no Terror
-In both anime are two main guy characters who are connected by a strong bond
-They want to destroy things because of revenge
-The third main character is a girl who is misterious and has an important role
-In both anime are used elements from literature,for example Shakespeare's Tempest in Zetsuen No Tempest and Greek mithology in Zankyou no Terror
-Both anime contains riddles
-Both are psychological
Recommended by Accelerator669
Both these anime really concentrate on keeping the audience intrigued, the action packed sci-fi seems to never end. They both exhibit situations where the human race has reached an epidemic, where then the two male protagonist, as usual, and going head first into the situation and yknow do shit. Its really hard to describe the reflecting auroras of the two animes, they have both this built up sense of urgency and just anticipation. Both of these plots are entirely unique, especially Zankyou no terror which targets a more serious and modern day issue. Zankyou no terror presents a more sophisticated atmosphere compared to Zetsuen
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-The two main characters in each anime have a strong, brotherly-like bond
-A theme of revenge (stronger in Zetsuen no Tempest though)
-A female MC who plays an important part in the male MC's lives
-Both include literature (Zetsuen no Tempest uses 'Hamlet' by Shakespeare, while Zankyou no Terror uses Greek mythology)
-Both are psychological
-Both anime have shocking endings/plot twists
-Both anime have a sense of urgency, which keeps the viewer intrigued
Zankyou no Terror has a more sophisticated atmosphere than Zetsuen no Tempest, but both are among my top 5 anime!
If you liked one, I think you would enjoy the other.