If you liked
Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
...then you might like
Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou
Mothers and melodrama, flowers and fantasy, death and growth.
Sappy, slow-paced, mellow movies with tear-jerking endings, showing the struggles and choices of single girls raising their rather peculiar children, as well as concerning how the latter feel; it is to be noted that both moms look about the same age as their kids' teenage version.
Recommended by RenaPsychoKiller
This is the top recommendation already, but the themes and emotions in these two movies are both really raw and similar. Single mothers raising children that are of a different species, dealing with the problems that arise because of these circumstance, and loving their children unconditionally. Both movies made me cry, though Maquia had me in tears since minute 10 til the end of the movie. They are really heart-wrenching movies, and as a girl who immigrated to America and lost a lot of familial bonds, I cried a little extra. The pure maternal love in these movies make me choke up every time. Really
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Motherhood: the movie. These are two stories of single mothers raising a child/children by themselves. They are some of the best examples of true motherly love, and really hit at that emotional core in many ways. They show the sacrifices required to raise children, and both the good and bad that can come with that. If you want something to lift your spirits, likely through tears, these two are easy to recommend.
Those are movies about a single mom raising a child from a different species. In the case of Ookami Kodomo, the protagonist raises her two half-wolves kids; in the case of Maquia, the protagonist raises a human boy as if he was her own child.
Those are one of the few anime I've ever seen that focus on how hard it is to be a single mom. Both are great movies, and will surely make you cry.
- A story about mother.
- Hana is a breeder , Maquia not. Both are lovely mother to have, though. And to watch ofc.
- Two rebellious kids v. one mother-complex kid. Choose your poison wisely, mom.
- Beautiful world. Personally, i like the kindgom-esque world in Maquia more than the humble village-esque world of Ookami Komodo.
- There will be tears. Trust me.
Both are films about motherhood, under unusual (that is to say supernatural) circumstances, that will likely make you cry.
Despite their fantastical setting, they focus on the hardships of life, relationships, and how people change and grow.
Both are very beautiful films. They make me cry T ^ T. Similarity:
-About single parents
-Show how mothers care for their children grow patiently
need something that wants to test how tough your heart and emotions are? I will give this
P.S : this is an anime movie, so it doesn't take long time to watch it.
Recommended by yevamelankolia
Both have similar themes.
Both will make you cry.
Recommended by ViditSharma
Maquia and Wolf Children both deal with the hardships, struggle, love and care through the fantasy genre of mothership and maternal love. Where as Wolf Children's conflict comes through Hana having to raise 2 impossible children who possess both human and wolf traits, Maquia shows the relationship between an immortal girl raising a child who is inherently not her own. Both seem almost majestic by showing what is essentially at its core a grounded and heart felt relationship between mother and children, with the struggles of growing up, yet also being set in a believable fantasy world.
If you love Wolf Children,
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Recommended by Kingsman117
Exploring the themes of motherhood integrated into beautiful fantasy settings. The focus on parenting is more prominent in Wolf Children, with Maquia expending more time and effort to develop its world. Both are dazzling and dramatic experiences to behold, ambitiously attempting to weave tales covering large time spans within just a few hours.
-Both of these movies made me call up my mum and just say "I love you so much and thank you so much for looking after me and loving me <3"
-They are heart-warming and beautiful and twine together all the emotions felt by the viewers seamlessly
Recommended by Joeywatches
Both are hearthwarming portrays of a mother raising her child through adversity
Recommended by Clannadstan
Wow, both will have Cat's In The Cradle playing in the background as you watch them.
Apart from being blatant pro-natal propaganda, both shows take a huge risk that other producers avoid like the plague - talkin abt MOTHERHOOD.
In case you didn't know, its one of the hardest jobs in the world and both movies prove that in their own way - by chopping onions on the down low. Still, the only thing you have to remember is CALL YOUR MOM AND TELL HER YOU LOVE HER DAMMIT!!!
I think the biggest similarity between these two movies is that they’re parent-oriented tear jerkers. If you’re looking for a grogeous movie to sob to, look no further. The lead in both is a single mom trying her darn best for her kid (s). Sayonara is a fantasy based worl that includes dragons, mythical races, kings and warring kingdoms, while wolf children focuses on a modern Japanese setting. There’s strong character growth through both, which includes the children and the parents. You’ll cry for both, so get the tissues ready.
Recommended by Shinobistalker
Both tackle the same topic which is raising a family. Although that both have fantasy, Wolf children is more connected to the modern era. They have a similar narrative with the use of timeskips, and in my opinion they were better used in WC. If you enjoyed one of them, I highly recommend the other
It's no easy task to become a good parent, especially being a single parent, Wolf Children and Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms are specialists in this situation. Even with the vast difference in race, even with the abnormalities and troubles that can be brought to the family due to society.
Mothers Maquia and Hana both create a family far from a standard human one, in which, both protagonists go through a process of learning normal life skills via raising children. Both characters also have a nice smile to keep up.
Both are great works for the fantasy genre about family, though Promised Flower is for
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Recommended by NextUniverse
These animes might not seem like the type of animes you'd connect with one another but they are very similar within the characters, environment, plot and how the main protagonist faces challenges day in and day out! In both of these anime movie we end up watching a female protagonist who both end up becoming mothers to a different species they do not understand. Firstly they are young and don't understand how to be a mother but also they have to be mothers children they don't understand. So we watch these young female characters become stronger within themselves but also to the people around them.
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Recommended by golden_piggies
They are both movies about a mother's struggles of raising their children and family life.
The protagonists of both movies are extremely similar, in a sense of having a child yet not knowing on what and how to deal with it. Teaching a valuable lesson in life that might help in real life situations if the same issue/s were encountered.
Recommended by Solaris-----
While set in completely different worlds, both of these movies portray a mother trying her best raise he child(ren) in circumstances that are less than ideal. Nonetheless, both don't falter to portray the joys, the wonders, the adventures, and the unique beauty of motherhood...sacrifices and all.
Recommended by animebaby_00
Both are anime Movies
Both movies are about a mother raising their children.
And has difficulties
Both are sad movies
They are both about the troubles of being a mom, they both have fantasy elements and they are both heartfelt/sad stories.
Recommended by Sonnyman45
✓ Both the anime primarily focuses on parents and child relationship.
✓ Both the anime are very emotional with perfect conclusion to the story.
✓ Both try to convey same massage through their emotional storytelling.
Difficult trajectory of a single mother taking care of her child (ren) and the relationship between them. Both portray them after childhood and the pain of the mother rm let them go their way
Mothers raising their child/children threw difficult situations. Both have amazing visuals and children are similar in some ways.
Recommended by JustSomeone13
Both movies are about mothers raising their children, showing the things their mothers have gone through just to provide for them. Depending on who watches these, both movies can be really tearjerking but heartwarming at the same time.
Both movies are focused on mother's love to her child. Both movies are really good. It shows us how much a mother can love her child.
Recommended by Azuma_Kaito
Both films are a coming of age about children growing up under abnormal circumstances, and struggling. Each of these stories ends in a rather controversial way where you can only enjoy it if you can accept harsh realities and the truth of growing up. Wolf Children has something over Maquia, and it is that Maquia relies far too much on plot convenience, and a lot of the elements clash, whereas in Wolf Children things worked out better in the story and fell in place a lot smoother, and was easier to understand, and also more for the casual viewing. Both a very emotional and worth
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- Both feature a single mother who is struggling to balance motherhood with her other responsibilities
- Both focus on the childhood struggles of growing up with rapid changes in their lives
- Both feature fantasy / magical elements
- Both involve several time skips as the children grow up and encounter new obstacles
- Both are very touching and are likely to bring on the tears, particularly towards the endings
- Both are stand-alone films requiring no prior watching to understand
Both share a story on motherhood, single mothers to be specific. They also give off a similar tone overall
Recommended by CoolIcedTea
Movies about motherhood and kids growing up. Maquia is a personal favorite, though.
Recommended by Hanging_Athena