If you liked
Fruits Basket
...then you might like
Ouran Koukou Host Club
Contains similar amount of cute, comedy, sugary sweet and sometimes even a taste of drama. Characters are all likable, without any significant villian, plus both are full of attractive guys, a huge eyed female protagonist, episodic events and most of all, a feel-good factor
It's a Comedy / High School / Love story that is touching funny and beautiful story that centers around the sad pasts of the characters. I highly Recommend Fruits Basket if you loved Ouran.
Both these anime are in a high school setting and are known as reverse harem (one girl amongst many guys). Each individual character have their own conflicts they must overcome. Hilarious funny moments as well.
Very similar characters and even the character design and personailities are very similar. Also it has that lighthearted atmosphere and then it has its sad tragic moments. Although in my opinion Fruits Basket has more tradgedy in it and made me cry, lol. I think both are extremley excellent anime's they are like twins or not so distant cousins. Fruits Basket made me cry out of sadness while Ouran made me cry out of laughter. Both anime's are very funny but Ouran has that one step more towards comedy and Fruits Basket one step towards the tragic. Both completley diffrent story lines!
Recommended by Syrina-ish
These two shojos are the best of their genre. I'm not usually a shojo fan, but I had to sidestep and make a recommendation for them. If you like Ouran High School because of its "cuteness" especially the relationship between Tamaki and Haruhi (or even Haruhi and Kaoru), then you definitely like Fruits Basket because it has the same types interconnected relationships.
They both show a girl surrounded by a bunch of boys and trying to help. The characters are funny and the scenes hilarious. They both have their originality and quirk. If you liked Fruits Basket, there is no way you won't like Host Club!!
The most obvious is the use of the same voice actor (Japanese): Momiji = Honey. Ouran is actually a series that mocks a lot of stereotypes that male characters are put in, especially in shoujo series. While there are several references that can be drawn throughout the anime-verse, there are several than can be seen in Fruits Basket alone; and the Momiji-Honey connection is the most obvious, hence the use of the same VA. Not to mention both are hilarious in their own right with integrated moments of seriousness to show and advance plot.
Recommended by scottishfae
Fruits Basket is also a sweet, cheery anime but with a very big dose of heart. Both anime have wonderfully endearing characters and are well written and very funny.
Both follow a lighthearted storyline with endearing and memorable characters and lots of humorous scenes.
Recommended by stormberry
Both anime feature an arena of guy characters that each separately fall squarely into one of the typical 'categories' of anime guy characters (appealing to people with different preferences), and they surround a female main character
The comic moments are very alike, biggest difference between them is that Ouran High school Host club doesn't have all the drama Furuba does.
Recommended by EarthLover
Just like fruits basket, another girl gets sucked into a comical outragous adventure with boys... Watch as one girl goes from the commoner nerd to one of the Host Club boys... while trying to hide that she is a female.
Both of these anime have female main characters that are surrounded by guys. In each the main female is oblivious to love and has a one track mind. They are the same story each with its own twist.
Fruits Basket is another romance/comedy anime that has a lot of funny parts and interesting characters. I think that if you enjoy Ouran that Fruits Basket would be right up your alley as well.
Lots of cute boys of varying types inhabit both series, plus the main characters are both somewhat down-to-earth girls in odd situations.
Both are hilariously related with a reverse harem twist. One heroine surrounded by gorgeous bishounen! Not only that, they tell of a story wherein the heroine gives off an effect to each one of those gorgeous bishounen.
they DO have a storyline... they don't just go around in circles. That's why they're awesome to watch!
Both are romantic/comedy series' are set in highschool where a somewhat loner female character gets thrown into a strange situation with a group a guys.
Both of these Anime's are completely awsome and two of the best Anime's I've ever seen. They are both reverse harem full of comedy and romance that will make you laugh and sometimes cringe. Also Momiji and Honey are voiced by the same voice actor!
Recommended by StarDust_x
same kind of cute girl with crazy affectionate guys, but haruhi fujioka is a bit edgier than tohru honda
Both series are mostly-friendship-based reverse harem shoujo series catalyzed by an important and series-enduring secretive element that provides as much drama as humour for the series. As both progress, the potential for drama and tears becomes clearer the more the reader gets to know about the characters' families. Some romance, some cuteness, and it turns out the series may be more similar than they seem at first glance!
Recommended by lithiumflower
There are a lot of aspects which make both Furuba and Ouran similar. First of all, both feature reverse harem (one girl around a lot of guys). They are also romantic comedies. If you liked Fruits Basket but wanted a Tohru with a more realistic personality, you might enjoy Haruhi in Ouran. Likewise, if you thought Tamaki was a bit too oblivious and air-headed, you might Yuki in Fruits Basket. Fans of Kyo will adore Kaoru and Hikaru.
Recommended by mysngoeshere56
The story line is not very similat but they are both funny, and about a girl down on her luck. You will truley enjoy this anime. If you can't believe it the just watch the first ep and see for your self.
Recommended by MoonlightBliss
Both are high school animes. They are also both comedies that are base around the same general humor. The characters are all enjoyable and relatable. Both of these animes are humor based but have that serious element to them when the time calls for it.
Recommended by TheOwlPeculiar
Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club both are reverse harems that are mainly comedy, but have their serious side too.
The Humor and the vibe it gives off just feels so close and theres the unspoken love the hilarious moments and the fact that I ROFL for both is something.
Recommended by Funkymonkey12
have a similar feeling .. a girl come to a group of people life & change something in it .. both are romantic comedy ..
A LOT of the characters are really similar. For example, Hani likes to eat cake, sweet things, doesn't look his age, has blonde hair, is really cute, and has usa-chan. Momiji is possessed by the rabbit zodiac spirit, doesn't look his age, has blonde hair, likes sweet things, and is really cute. That's the most similar, but there are other things too! It's a reallly cute anime.
Both have a similar concept of one girl put in a situation of dealing with quirky guys. Both are very humorous with more serious undertones. Fruits Basket probably has more serious undertones, but both are good at balancing the serious moments with the very random and hilarious moments.
Recommended by amalthea22
Ouran High School Host Club and Fruits Basket are two anime definitely worth watching. Aside from being similar in terms of being a reverse harem, both of these anime will surely keep you on your seat with their light-hearted comedy and romance.
Recommended by MiraelWhite
Both have cute, but naive, girls who don't notice the boy around them likes them.
Recommended by umami_bomb
-bishonen (pretty boys)
tamaki = yuki (prince)
honey = momiji (lolito)
haruhi = tohru
1 female protagonist with bunch of bishounens around. But that's not all! You will also get some humorous moments, nice drawing/graphics and some more serious and dramatic moments in the end. If You feel like watching something funny, light but not stupid and completely lacking of seriousness You should watch these 2 series!
Both are about a girl who each lost their mother, but are still able to smile. They both meet weird boys, with many different secrets to tell.
Tohru Honda(Fruits Basket) is always talking to her mother in spirit, and Haruhi Fujioka(Ouran High School Host Club) is also always talking to her mother, just more in her mind and not aloud.
I think you you really enjoyed watching Ouran High School Host Club, then Fruits Basket is something you might want to try out. :)
Recommended by Starfire52952
Both are a kind of "reverse harem" thing, with the lead girl the object of many affections. Both stories are during the high school years, and are more focussed on ironic situations and causing the viewer to laugh as opposed to being serious or meaningful. Light, fun, and G.
Recommended by doomshuriken
They both have some very similar dynamics and I'm sure if you watch them you'll be able to connect similar characters together. They both have everything needed to make great shoujo comedy. (Ouran's better IMO)
Recommended by AstuteOtaku
For me, this recommendation was a bit obvious, but I'm going to go ahead, humor myself, and write this recommendation anyway.
The overall feel of Ouran and Fruits Basket are a bit different, but there are too many similarities between the two to leave them unchecked. Sure, the plot is a little different, and the situation, but, again, there were just too many similarities.
First is the characters. Tohru, the female protagonist of Fruits Basket, and Haruhi, the female protagonist of Ouran, both lost their moms at an early age. After living without their mom for years, they end up in a situation where they are surrounded
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I find them similar. both female characters have no mothers and they male leads in these animes do not realize there feelings toward the lead female charactes. PLus both are cute! ^.^
Both series are emotionally involved - Ouran because it relates and unrelates so much to everyday life, and Fruits Basket because it also relates (and, to a lesser extent, unrelates) to everyday life. Both series, however, focus on life from different angles, with Ouran taking a more "Life is for living, let's make the very best of it and have fun times all the time" stance and Fruits Basket taking a little more serious "Life is for living, so let's put some more meaning into our lives" stance. In addition, both were hit series in Japan when they were released - what more could you
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They both have a sort of similar feel to them. Even though Fruits Basket isn't completely realistic, there's a lot of eccentric and dramatic characters in both series. :) For example, Momiji (Fruits Basket) and Honey-Sempai (Host Club) are a lot alike. They're both very feminine and love cute things and sweets~ :D A lot of the host club characters sometimes remind me of Ayame, too. xD
All in all, these series are 2 of my favorites, so you should watch them~
Recommended by epicotakukid
Both shows seem to have a lot of similar comedy situations, a female lead, and just general atmospheric similarities.
these two have that same rom com thing going on. i also feel all the characters have been well written and have good back ground storys. These two are the ones i always tell people to watch if they want to start getting in to anime, they are also the only two animes i can watch with my family and everyone loves it lol.
Recommended by Rosie_punk_girl
Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club have the lead female being forced to stay with a group of men. They both have a high school setting. There are many character similarities: Momiji (FB) and Honey (OHSHC), Hatori (FB) and Kyouya (OHSHC), and Kyo (FB) and Hikaru (OHSHC), just to name a few.
Recommended by FourEyedPandora
Haruhi and Tohru are both kind girls who become close to boys at their schools due to a secret they have to keep. For Fruits Basket, its about the Zodiac curse, and for Ouran High School Host Club, its about Haruhi's gender.
Recommended by JanieDiana
Both involve a reverse harem. Both are extremely funny. There's a family-like atmoshere in both. Both have similar art.
Both are constructed around a nice family atmosphere. Both are reverse harems. Both are similarly animated.
Recommended by Shinigaku6
The charcater of Hunni in Ouran is like a less complex version (and less annoyin) of Momiji from Fruist Basket.
Recommended by infinitejester
Another story of a 'fragile but strong' main girl and her 'really pretty' male characters. Like Haruhi, Tohru Honda also likes to do the 'home service' and the boys protect her.
Both animes have such a great feel to them! They both make you laugh, as well as making you cry! However, Ouran does not have any 'Supernatural' elements included, but, there is a considerable amount of day-dreaming! I would strongly reccomend it!
When I started watching Ouran it reminded me entirely of Fruits Basket which I had watched just before this. Both are Shoujo with one girl and many men. All of the men have different, distinct personalities. There is a clear social (or familial) barrier between the girl and all of the guys. The girl is a positive influence on all of the men. Both of them have a light, whimsical feel at times relating to the comedy.
It is a reverse harem and it is also a comedy. It's fun and easygoing and is very enjoyable to watch. Highly recommended.
Both are reverse harems, relaxed, and humorous. Female protagonist that changes everything. You will love Tohru as much as Haruhi, or vice versa. Main characters from both anime have touching and sad pasts. Fruits Basket is as humorous and funny as Ouran; anybody who loves funny school life anime will definitely enjoy Fruits Basket or Ouran.
Both has nice and kind protagonist girl who is surrounted by funny male characters.
Recommended by CinnamonHime
If you liked Fruits Baskets you'll be sure to like Ouran High School Host Club , they have a similar to feel to it, Ouran has a more fan service that will have rolling with laughter.
Recommended by MisanthropElii
Both are romantic comedies and have a similar type of humour with many moments where you just can’t help but laugh out loud. Regarding story line, they both centre around a cute, sweet girl who due to different circumstances ends up being surrounded by many hot guys. Both of these animes are pretty hilarious and if you like some romance thrown in with a laugh I think you will love fruits basket and Ouran koukou host club to.
Recommended by anime_shout
Both Fruits Basket and Ouran Host Club take place in a high school setting, common threads are life in japan, humor and coming of age. The way in which the characters interact with one another is unique in its own right. The Ouran Host Club is funny with the similarities of fruits basket because both show comedy on the surface but it is the underlining stories that really makes both anime's a must see. Once you watch the Ouran Host club, you will be a new fan before your done watching the series and you will want to make this amazing anime part of your
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Both shows are very similar. They both have this lightheartedness about them with the comedy and the romance. Also they both develop into something more mature/serious.
Recommended by LittleBlackBird
Both animes have light hearted story lines, are reverse harems and take place in a high school setting. Both are of the rom/com genre.
Both are full of cute and hilarous moments which are sure to entertain.
If you like one you are sure to enjoy the other.
Recommended by almostacrayon
In both shows, our main female protagonist is in a sort of reverse harem, but without any explicit romance. Tohru and Haruhi are very perceptive characters, who sort of solve the problems and change the hearts of those they meet. Also, both shows are slice-of-life shojo, with plenty of comedy.
I also found these two to be similar in that some episodes I re-watched several times, while others were painful to watch just the first time around.
Recommended by SugoiChappy
Both are extremely light-hearted shows that are perfect for when you don't want something too serious. They both have more emotional moments and thoroughly enjoyable endings, and are just as good when rewatched.
Recommended by M0k0cch1_13
-Both are reverse harems
-Both have memorable characters
-Both are hilarious
-Both have some very sad moments in them
-Both are shoujo
Recommended by Reimei-Chan
Ouran High School Host Club and Fruits basket have the same heart in them. With likable characters and interesting situations. You could say Ouran is a hyped up, sugar rush version of Fruits basket. Both shows also have great English Dubs if your the kind of person who can't follow sub, or prefer to not have to read in order to understand.
Both great starter animes!
Both series range 26 episodes, and have Comedy, Romance, and Shoujo in common. If you're looking for an anime that would be good to start with, and want an anime for right afterwards, take a look at both of these animes. The female leads aren't exactly similar, as one is more air headed than the other. But if you're looking for an anime to watch right after Fruits Basket, this is one of the few I recommend.
Both of these anime have a naive female protagonist who have several male characters fighting for their affections. The female characters are both Mary Sue characters. They're both in similar categories. Their humor and characters are very similar. Momiji and Honey are practically the same character. If you liked Fruits Basket, you will like OHSHC.
Recommended by GingerPocky
They both focus on a female protagonist surround by a group of males throughout the series. The both give major feels and many facepalms! When the girl doesn't understand their feelings it's so cringy! I love both of these animes so hard!
- They have similar situations between the characters, right down to the guys realizing they like her and fighting over her while she is oblivious.
- The character designs are also very alike.
- Both are hilarious and have similar characters.
- Both are amusing, lighthearted slice-of-life comedies with female protagonists.
- The type of humor used in Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club is very similar, especially in the roles of the characters.
- All male characters have a cliche characteristic such as the cute/innocent, silly, and aloof. In both cases, a "poor" girl is forced into a "luxurious" world.
- Both series are reverse
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Both reverse harem
Comedy show with a bit of romance near the end
Amazing continuations in the manga
similar characters
Recommended by Asami_Miyano
They are cute, light hearted reverse harems with funny, memorable characters. Both also give out similar feels.
Recommended by Darkfiend47
Both mask a go happy anime, but beneath the surface you get deep meaningful charactes, their connection to eachother and the trauma they have endured with how they moved past or ignored the need to deal with the issues they face.
Recommended by Kyria-Majsa
Both are shoujo with nice and very shippable high school girl surrounded by guys of all kind. ( Also, you can laugh a lot at both )
You know, I'm not sure why they're similar, but my first watch-through of the original Fruits Basket gave me major Ouran vibes. I suppose both are:
-Reverse Harem anime
-Some deeper themes
Funny love stories with a few sad moments. Both are about the female protagonist being quite nice and naive and the boys around them falling in love with them.
Recommended by DarkGryphus