If you liked
Fruits Basket
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Both series have somehow a strong zodiac-related theme in the story.
Fruits Basket introduce characters as part of the Chinese Zodiac, while Starry Sky introduce characters representing each of the Zodiac Star Sign.
Is quite interesting seeing once again an anime facing this special thing which is the zodiac.
Still, both anime are shoujo genre and reverse harem: a main lead girl surrounded by handsome amazing boys.
And both series share a very sweet atmosphere ♥
If you liked one of those, i highly advice to watch the other too ;3
Recommended by EtnaEraclea
Both have people who represent each of the 12 Zodiacs.
Recommended by howler666965
Furuba is based on chinese zodiac but S.Sky is based on star zodiac..umm..yea i think thats how i explain things,anyway both are related xD
Recommended by Sebastian333
In both, the characters each represent the zodiac characters. In Fruits Baskets it's the chinese. In starry sky it's the star constelations. Both are reverse harems.
In both these romantic shoujo anime, we will meet twelve boys representing the zodiac signs. Add one pure-hearted, innocent girl and we have a story. While both anime may not be very deep, -in my opinion- they are still quite enjoyable. Humor saves the otherwise bland stories and will have you keep on watching. Both may not be great anime, but they're fun to watch and isn't that what matters?
Recommended by Mangetsu-san