Kuroko no Basket, Haikyuu!! Recommendations

Kuroko no Basket
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Kuroko no Basket
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Both are sports anime. Haikyuu is more funny too than Kuroko no basket. Both anime have a group of colorful characters and two main characters that are aiming to be the best at something . One is Volleyball and the other is basketball.
report Recommended by Glamrgrl104
Both of them have intense sport matches and an interesting development of the characters.
report Recommended by Nurichigo
An unlikely duo trying to do their best in order to overcome their weaknesses and bring out the best in their teams. Both shows have a similar cast which share various humorous conversations. Either through hard work and practice or with talent, the characters are overcoming their obstacles one by one in order to achieve their dreams. That, of course, doesn't mean there aren't any bumps in the road. Haikyuu!! focuses more on the real aspects of sports, while Kuroko no Basket focuses on the suspenseful, which makes it seem over the top quite a few times.
report Recommended by Nefarious
Same plot style, story-telling style, characters interaction style.. The two just have same style, nearly in everything. You should enjoy the other if you enjoy the one. except you are one easy bored person. Such same style can make you boring when you watching the second.
report Recommended by Jim_Heart
Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu has a similarity in two characters sharing a dream and competing to be the very best. They are both part of a team as well and goes up against powerful adversaries to prove their worth. There is decent humor coming from the character interactions and stylish plays each episode plays out. Do note though that Kuroko no Basket has more of over-the-topic antics with its gameplay. But nonetheless, I would recommend both series especially if you're a sports fan looking to see players strive to succeed and trying to make their dreams becoming a reality.
report Recommended by Stark700
It has almost the same feeling. Well, Haikyuu' duo might be slightly more comical and has more "rivalry" relationship than Kagami&Kuroko.
report Recommended by CrazyCactus
The big showdown is here !!! Haikyuu do you stand a chance against the King Kuroko? Haikyuu I'll see how you do. Though premise wise, Kuroko is already more interesting! Haikyuu, A boy that has potential "working and working" to be good at volleyball. Compared to Kuroko, where he's already strong, but facing off stronger players - Generation of Miracles. If you like to know more on this topic, I recommend to watch Digibro's related video on youtube Haikyuu vs. Kuroko no Basket!
report Recommended by iamKetranLang
both sports anime made by Production I.G. revolving around hand based sports with small 5-6 man teams. similar atmosphere and focus for both is on bond between 2 highschool first year MC's where one supports the other to score with their impressive jumping ability.
report Recommended by Belovy
Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu give a similar feeling of intensity during games, as sports anime, and have both comedy and drama. They also have a similar focus on friendship and competition between team members.
report Recommended by lavender_cello
The first thing I thought of when I started watching this anime was Kuroko no Basket. In relation to Kuroko no Basket, two players with extraordinary talent need one another in order to reach their full potential. In Haikyuu!!, Kageyama and Hinata were enemies at first, but end up playing for the same team when they enter high school. Kageyama is only interested in being a setter and Hinata strongly prefers being a spiker. The two must learn to work together in order to form a perfect duo to be the team that can stay on the court the longest.
report Recommended by SeventhSwordsman
Both: -are sports anime. -feature two players that at first don't get along well. -have a duo of a skilled player and one with potential to get better. Haikyuu!! focuses more on realism than Kuroko no Basket, which utilizes more spectacle.
report Recommended by SheasonDuerulo
Both awesome sports anime about unlikely talents, teaming up with someone very talented, to make a successful team.
report Recommended by Nujabe
they are both my favorite sport anime I really think anyone who loved knb would also love Haikyuu!! : they both have amazing characters they are both extremely funny if you like the games in knb you will love them in Haikyuu!! they make you want too see more and never get bored their relationships is what made me love haikyuu so much as knb
report Recommended by kurokocchis
Very intense and exciting games. Lots of comedy. Teamwork and trust are the basis of both shows. Same concept of "shadow and light" (in Kuroko no Basket this is more marked)
report Recommended by oOoAurorAoOo
Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu!! are both sports-themed anime with a well developed, dynamic cast of main characters. The characters are portrayed with contrasting personalities which makes the show interesting as it is not overly fixated on merely the abilities of the strong players, but also how the players overcome their various challenges (regardless of height, personality, past grudges etc) to improve as a team. If you have watched either, it is highly likely that you'll enjoy the other as well.
report Recommended by beiniwang
both are sport anime and both have a lot of great characters. They both involve a sport duo (Kagami and Kuroko/ Hinata and Kageyama) who work together to get their team to the top.
report Recommended by CherriXx
Both have/are: -Sports Anime -a very good view of their sports -not a OP main character -Great Characters -Very Close to the manga
report Recommended by Hiyami
Both made by Production I.G. Both have two strong players join the same team. Though both are different sports, they have the same atmosphere. Both protagonists aim for victory and are highly motivated.
report Recommended by MoeTAW
They both are sports animes, although different sports, the animes have a similar feel to them. Kuroko no Basuke and Haikyuu!! are both very engaging and have good, interesting characters.
report Recommended by dragones-s
Both made by Production I.G, both have two strong players join the same team, though both are different sports, they have the same atmosphere and both protagonists aim for victory and are highly motivated.
report Recommended by Raito-senpai
The story lines themselves are totally different, but if you enjoy sports anime or liked Kuroko no Basket, then you will definitely enjoy Haikyuu. Both have really strong and likeable characters then have a 'never give up' attitude and the matches themselves will leave you on the edge of your seat.
report Recommended by ub3cat
- Both are sports. - There are mainly two main protagonists in both the anime. - The art style of kuroko and haikyuu is kinda similar. - the depiction of the story and character developments are similar too. - Ther is fair amount of comedy in both of them.
report Recommended by tachibana_mei
They're quite similar because of its calm and friendly atmosphere. It has -Sports of course but different -Comedy and puns, different character personality -There's also challenges they have to face, it does not focus entirely on being an overpowered team -Main characters on both shows are short c;
report Recommended by Jasteraz
Both are sports anime and both offer an adrenaline rush while the main characters are pushing their hardest to get a win. Personally i feel Kurokos is a bit more toned down in comparison to Haikyuu but bother are excellent.
report Recommended by MajorJett
Both anime have characters who are hard working and passionate about sport. They also have one thing in common that stood out for me! Thats how each individual character is much more effective working in a team rather than facing challenges on their own. Art is quite similar in a way and If you enjoyed watching kuroko no basket, I guarantee you will love Haikyuu.
report Recommended by Emperor290
Both are sport anime. Both are the story of a team going throw competitons. They both have as main characters two guys that do not do well at the beginning. For me, both were addictive from the beginning to the end and i can´t wait for the respective sequels
report Recommended by Kenkkei
This is only in my opinion: -They're both sports -You can learn a few sports life lesson (I'm not sure about KnB though) -The art is awesome. :> -Plus, it's intense. X>
report Recommended by h1b1k11
Both are sports anime. Both have a protagonist, who can't play like everyone else and he is doing it just for the pure love for the sport itself. Both stuggles to find their way and are trying to be the best and to help their team as much as they can.
report Recommended by FirePokemon
Both of these animes have loveable characters with a great sports theme
report Recommended by WeeEnglishTeacup
A short guy with exceptional skills at only one speciality (Passing or spiking) teams up with a more serious genious type who aims to be the best. These two friends later find a mediocre high school team to face some old friends from middle school as enemies in high school, while carrying that team to victory. They both have a colorful cast, exciting matches, shounen aspects and godlike sport skills that surpasses professionals.
report Recommended by Kano_NT
Both anime series are thrilling sports anime with two main chars that become a duo and in both series they rely on each other alot and form special attacks thanks to the help of the other. While in Kuroko No Basuke they play basketball and in Haikyuu!! they play Volleyball. Both of them feel extremely similar.
report Recommended by GiantQAACSleier
Pretty obvious. -Both are shonen, comedy, school, sport anime -The story is almost the same (after first season) -While KnB finished with 3 seasons of 25 episodes each Haikyuu!!! is currently at its 2nd season which has 25 episodes, same as the first -Both are from the same studio Whats different? I think Haikyuu is way more realictic and has a bit more comedy while KnB is more on the flashy side with over the top dunks, etc.
report Recommended by CantfindUsername
Both anime are sports anime. They both have good character development and similar art style. The matches in both anime are intense and also give the watcher a sense of victory when the main characters win.
report Recommended by zaraku
Although their plots focuse on different type of sport, they are both telling story about characters who - despite the circumstances - are proving that other people make a mistake underestimate them. In both anime are two main characters who are making together a really nice duo. With each new episode you will find out more and more similarities. Enjoy!
report Recommended by bemoria
Sports, hilarity, hype and all the good shit.
report Recommended by ShokoSama
Extremely similar sports shows. Kuroko is about Basketball and Haikyuu is about Volleyball. In both shows the main protagonists aim to be the very best at their sport. They both have an unstoppable first year duo that can be compared to the best. They grow as a duo and become as strong as possible. Haikyuu has more lighthearted comedy while Kuroko is more serious. Both have a good balance that make the shows entertaining. Pretty much same plot, different sports. If you like one, you'll like the other.
report Recommended by kyle8998
These are sports shows and they have really similar story. Kuroko feels bit like there is supernatural element that makes it feel exaggerated and unrealistic where Haikyuu feels more probable (at least at this point, after first season). Both of these shows have humor and they try to have emotional moments.
report Recommended by opasnimiki
Both series are composed by a surprising duo that combines to become stronger and more efficient after training. Also, the same goal (defeating other teams) is present and the characters look alike; they all have a special ability making them powerful in their own domain.
report Recommended by Mazuri
If you are looking at this recommendation, i do hope that you check out Haikyuu!!. Why? If you like sports anime, then this shouldn't disappoint you. Both anime feature a team who is aiming to be the best in their sports, but there is going to many rivals with common goals, so to be the best, they must be stronger than all of them. The characters will grow stronger as the plot follows.
report Recommended by noobsoldier
It is obvious that it's two anime based on sport. Haikyuu is about volley-ball. It's more based on true feelings that we can go through as a volleyball player, which I am and which i can definitely confirmed. I started haikyuu at first, and it gave me chills.. Really. When i ended the first season, i was so excited about the second one, that I had to calm down my restlessness. So I started KnB, and as in KnB, we go through a lot pain, struggle in every kind: about a situation, a relationship.. I was really surprised to like it as Haikyuu which the story speaks   read more
report Recommended by Imagination1809
Both sports anime with 2 main characters. A lot of character development in both. Exciting matches.
report Recommended by Obi_Juan_Kenobi
Both great sports anime although I enjoyed Kuroko no Basket more. Both have: - rivalries - comedy - character development - intense matches - etc..
report Recommended by SchwingBoner
- Prota that even with its appearance demonstrates a unique ability - Prota complements with another talented person to together get more to rub your skills - Prota dreams of being one of the greats.
report Recommended by JuanShot87
This is a sports Anime, both Anime centre around main characters trying to better themselves in their respective sports, Haikyuu!! may not have as many episodes as Kuroko no basket but the story development and animation for both are great.
report Recommended by TiP0
teamwork, overcome obstacles and much much sport is basketball or volleyball if you saw one of the anime can not fail to see the other is certain that liked.
report Recommended by Hayato
They are very similar -Both made by Production i.g. -There is two players that at first don't get along well. - The main characters aiming to be the BEST!
report Recommended by yuriilover96
In both, first year duo enters the team and makes the team stronger with their unique qualities.
report Recommended by El-Psy_Congroo
Two great series and must watches. Both main focuses are sports, Volleyball and Basketball respectively Both have great displays of friendship, team building and great personalities developing Both are exciting, competitive and bring GREAT sense of humor to the plate. Haikyuu!! reminds me a lot of Kuroko no Basket in terms of humor, action level and how exciting it is to watch! The main character is funny, full of energy and doesn´t have the immediate tools to succeed at what he wants to do, this and the ever exciting oposing teams makes for an always exciting story. This Anime really pulls you in and makes you, as you should,   read more
report Recommended by V-n
Amazing & intense plots that have you vying for more! Both series are built on teamwork and the struggle of becoming the best, both main characters are underestimated by everyone whether it be height or being compared to other players. Both series involve never giving up.
report Recommended by tengenfanclub
-Sports anime -you can see relations between the characters of the two shows -seriously though they're hilariously similar -watch it
report Recommended by ro-bodt
I watched Haikyuu right after finishing Kuroko's Basketball, and I noticed a lot of similarities. An easily excitable ace and a seasoned support-role player team up. They clash at first but they soon become an unstoppable duo. The advancement of the team into various competitions - from practice matches to regional tournaments. It all happens at the same pace. The characters, plot progression, and humour all have close similarities. If you don't want to let go of Kuroko's Basketball yet, Haikyuu is a good one to shift on to. You will most likely enjoy one if you enjoyed the other.
report Recommended by whither
Haikyuu and Kuroko's Basketball share a strong Production IG flavour, with stylish, energetic sports action sequences and tense interpersonal drama off the sports courts. Another thing they share is that they prefer to lean towards the gimmicky, fantastical side of the sports genre but pull it off without seeming cheap or stupid. If you like one, you're bound to find satisfaction in the other.
report Recommended by JakklL
If you enjoy sports anime then you will love Haikyuu. While less over the top them Kuroko No Basket, it is more grounded and relatable as a series with rich characters.
report Recommended by RichieRoberts
Both sport anime's, one basketball one volleyball. Both have two main characters trying to be the best and they use each other to be better.
report Recommended by Lord_Lamington
If you enjoy dynamics similar to the rivalry between Kuroko and Kagami. Then you will love the tension between Hinata and Kageyama in Haikyuu!!
report Recommended by Bagel_Bro
Both are sports anime that follow the same beats and both have a first year prodigy duo that come up with great plays to help their team. Both also have excellent animation and the direction of action shots is spectacular.
report Recommended by jaw1811
If you like sports animes and loved Haikyuu like I did, then you will love Kuroko no Basuke, I hope! They're both animes that concentrate on two characters that are parteners and work together to make their team stronger! One of the characters is little and fragile but still it's very stong, and the other is strong and has strong skills that make him a bit distant! I won't say more, if you wanna know more, please see the anime and I hope you love it, like I did!!!!!!!!
report Recommended by Hitomi_Kurogane5
They are both really good sports anime's, though it's volleyball and basketball both have comedy & sports. - Dramatization makes the sports scenes more epic in both of them. - Story revolves around 2 people ( Hinata & Kageyama/ Kuroko & Kagami ) and team work grows through out the episodes
report Recommended by CookiesYummy
Both great sports anime. Good soundtrack and animation. They both make you feel happy and show team spirit.
report Recommended by Brov3r
Anime are considered one of the best sports Anime where we find the evolution of the Champions passes quickly through the play several games.
report Recommended by Amiiiiine
Haikyuu is a really famous anime and all of you guys might know what it is about. Simply said: it's about Karasuno volleyball team, go on competitions, and develop their skills and friendship along the way. Characters are similar and the sense of humor is also similar. They both contain handsome guys (wink wink to the girls) and even cute/pretty managers! Season 1 is mainly about the development between the team and its members and the joining of the fellow volleyball members who quit. For me, Season 2 actually was like the "start" of the BIG competitions and the Really good ones. However, both episodes   read more
report Recommended by EmeraldTulips
Both are highly entertaining sports anime, that have exiting matches and interesting characters. And both of the anime mostly revolve around two players and their connection on the field.
report Recommended by Katsuo_
If you really liked Kuroko no basket, then you should watch Haikyuu!! Both animes have two main characters who works amazingly good together, even though their didn't like each other at first, there's sport spirit and a colorful team who slowly becomes better and better at their sport. The only big difference between these two animes is that they have more humor in Haikyuu!! and play volleyball instead of basket.
report Recommended by ASITD86
They both have similar character types-light and shadow, both sports anime, both have HILARIOUS part, both informative and similar plot.
report Recommended by nArUtOaSt
KNB and Haikyuu evolves around a first year duo who does not get along well in the beginning. However the duos make everyone shocked when they really get serious. The duo in Haikyuu strengthens one another as well as in KNB. They do not hold back when it comes to the amount of comedy mixed with things going down, getting serious, in both of the series. Some characters are even very similar (of course not copied and pasted).
report Recommended by Dingus_Cat
An other sport's anime but based on Volley-ball. We find same spirit in the anime, a strong team wich begin more and more stronger. Lots of endearing characters, all team are strong and fun but all are differents. The main difference lies in the "attacks". They are more realistic and less "fight anime" like Kuroko. I highly recommend if you like sport's anime.
report Recommended by Zeldren
Both are about sports in a high school setting. If you enjoyed Kuroko no Basket, you are sure to love Haikyuu!! The fact that it is about Volleyball is not a minus. You'll love volleyball after watching it.
report Recommended by not-not
Both are obviously sports anime and both have a duo working together (or at least trying to xD.) I also found the comedy to be the same in both, which is always a plus!
report Recommended by Blytz
-both have to do with team sports -both involve someone who seems like they would suck at the sport doing great -both have really hot characters What more could you ask for
report Recommended by Tori_lucas_
These animes share the same vibe like challenges, teamwork, character development, etc.
report Recommended by Neshgtwt
Team sport that tells us of the team's improvement, their friendship, and their journey to become the best team in Japan.
report Recommended by leezodne
They are similar because of the following: -Interesting and more characters, they also have the same goal to go to nationals -Art is precise and detailed, especially in sports scenes or part -The soundtrack is cool -They will make you laugh -They portray the struggles as a player
report Recommended by atKatlin
Sport anime, almost similar with each other, only different in game (Volleyball and Basketball). Always got intense match, Weak at beginning and growing stronger, and if you think these sport anime is like some serious sport, well... Don't worry, you will also laugh at these anime
report Recommended by HeroArgonaut
- Both animes are focused on a pair of young freshmen who enter schools little recognized in the sport. One is talented and the other is average but has a specialty, both are helped by their veterans, seek to improve together and develop various techniques combined. Throughout the anime they face teams with talented players, make several friends and rivals. - In Kuroko No Basket there are effects in the special techniques,Haikyuu is more natural.
report Recommended by DCardoso_MAL
if you like sport anime's.. this has got to be the one to watch. characters that overcome their weaknesses and fight in a team as 1
report Recommended by Lady91Otaku
Both are sports anime their plots are quite similar too they go through a defeat and make a comeback however is obviously more detailed than that
report Recommended by eixn
Me not being a fan of sports animes, both are good works that can be gateways to other shows of the same genre, as they manage to make each one's games (volleyball and basketball) remain interesting, exciting and well thought, being worth of checking out.
report Recommended by Samuel_Araujo
They are both badass sports anime with lots of action, fun, and endless shipping options for any fujoshi. There is lots of competition, too.
report Recommended by Anime_Geek953
Haikyuu deals about reaching for the top while forming unbreakable bonds with your teammates -- which is a very similar theme in Kuroko no Basuke (and other team sports anime out there). The protagonists are both small for the sports they have chosen but to compensate with their lack of height are extraordinary athletic skills that'll serve as their team's trump card in order to win. Aside from the similarities in the genres it was categorized under, plot and protagonists' circumstances, Haikyuu and Kuroko no Basuke have the same animation studio, Production I.G. So you can expect great animated action scenes during a match. :)   read more
report Recommended by PurpleRose328
Both anime are character-driven and are obviously about sports. The main difference is that both series focus on different sports, namely basketball and volleyball. One of them is realistic but highly intense (Haikyuu) and the other is exaggerated and over-the-top in action (Kuroko no Basuke). Nevertheless, if you like either anime, then there's no doubt that you'll like the other as well.
report Recommended by Marco_a_Phoenix
1.Both are sports anime in which the team starts as a new team and has to work their way to the top. 2.Both anime have a main "pair" which together are the highlights of the team(at least to us anime watchers) but it doesn't mean other characters are neglected.In fact everyone in the teams have their screen time for their character development which is important because well they are playing a team sport.
report Recommended by Anime_lover987
-both anime have a first year pair (kagami & kuroko) & (hinata and tobio) -both captains are scary -they encounter past teammates
report Recommended by degurechaff_X
It is similar due to the rivalry going on between high school, also the art is similar but the main common point is the main characters. Hinata is similar to kuroko due to a physic disadvantage and also they both have their own kind of basketball/volley. If you want a kuroko no basket as a volley version, you just found it. ;)
report Recommended by DarknessPoulet
Sports Anime. Every one of it, different in their own way. Well, some of them. Kuroko no Basket and Haikyuu!! are some anime with a lot in common. Obviously, they support a different sport, Basket and Volley. The similarities though, with the main characters are really odd. Haikyuu's main character, Hinato Shouyo, is actually pretty similar to Kuroko no Basket's character, Kuroko Tetsuya. They may not have the same personality but they have similar actions. In KnB, Kuroko, ends up making everyone who is he playing against determined to win against them, but he also heps his own team as well. The same goes for   read more
report Recommended by _NoNo-Chan_
Two teens form a unique bond by handling each others' balls. But seriously, there are a lot of parallels between these two series. Main duo join a highschool sports team, the short one has a very specific talent that requires the tall one's exceptional skill to make full use of. The main characters have the aim of winning Nationals, however unrealistic that may be at the start of the series. Both put a lot of focus on strengthening not just individual skill but teamwork as a whole. Kuroko no Basuke is a bit more stereotypically shounen in some areas (main characters all have weird hair colors,   read more
report Recommended by TCotP
The two mentioned anime are both of the sports genre,and have kind of a similar story line: 1:A 1st year protagonist duo. 2:The MC is basically the inferior one who rises with hard work,whereas the supporting character is a genius. 3:Both highlight importance of teamwork. 4:Centered around winning high school tournaments.
report Recommended by Astitva
Though they both are two different sports, their way of adapting the MCs is quite similar! I would recommend people to watch KNB before watching Haikyuu the reason being you'll probably lose your shit after watching an amazing anime like haikyuu first and KNB later you'll probably hate watching KNB even though they have their own good points!
report Recommended by shidotf
Haikyuu!! and Kuroko no Basket are my favourites anime sports for the moment, specially Haikyuu!! totally recommend it.
report Recommended by Dereknalox123
Both have the same emotions about anime sport, the only difference is that haikyuu is more realistic, kuroko is not realistic
report Recommended by KirinKatoki
the basics are similar...both of them are amazing anime series
report Recommended by sepid_96
Both series revolves about an athlete who's not that strong but strive to be the best with training and help from his teammates especially to their partner (Kagami is for Kuroko and Kageyama is for Hinata). Both long so take it easy.
report Recommended by Hachama
both anime talks about sports and it had two main characters in one team wanting to defeat the others and both are really funny especially Haikyuu.
report Recommended by Harrumee
Both sports anime with outstanding/refreshing characters
report Recommended by DrBruise
Haikyuu is a is a sports anime about volleyball. It has some similarities to Kuroko no basket, but also has some parallels. Would recommend Haikyuu to both people who liked Kuroko no Basket and those who didn't, as Haikyuu does things differently from KnB in way that makes it enjoyable but maybe for a different reason (can't really give any spoilers).
report Recommended by --AOD--
Both are excellent sport animes, which share a similar setting. If you enjoy high school sports animes, i would recommend you check Kuroko no Basket out!
report Recommended by Thiccboy123
They both have a very similar plot, and the two main characters of each show resemble each other a lot, the main difference is that the sports played are very different.
report Recommended by Amelia7311
They both feature an underdog protagonist that has to work hard to echieve his dreams. They may be different from one another in terms of the sport, but the stories are laid out in pretty much the same way.
report Recommended by kvaell
both are sports anime haikyuu have similar story as KNB
report Recommended by Gio35
-both sports anime -both have a shounen esc vibe -the mc stand out from the others (lol) in their own way
report Recommended by Pheonixlea
Sports Anime same Fun, No Super Powers, only game fight intense pressure, hard work training Goosebumps, Life lessons. 10/10 Both of them.
report Recommended by Mehmaam
If you like one you'll like the other Both are fast paced sports anime, with tensions and pressure from many things Should be a no brainer imo
report Recommended by BlazinBlaziken
Kuroko no basket is another very good sport anime , i would say it has very similar plot to Haikyuu!! and i think everyone who liked watching Haikyuu!! will like Kuroko no Basket too :)
report Recommended by NikiBG45
If you enjoy sports animes that have loads of peaks edge of your seat moments then I must recommend kuroku no basket. Does not fail to entertain!!
report Recommended by abxul
Both r pretty unique sports anime with interesting themes and similar ideas in terms of how its characters r developed. Those who like Haikyuu will definitely like Kuroko no Basket and vice versa since both greatly emphasise on the concept of "teamwork" and "friendship" Ideas present in the best sports anime out there
report Recommended by TheOmaster22
Both are about sports and they show their downfalls and how they overcome them. Haikyuu's fandom is large but I think Kuroko no basket needs more attention. Kuroko no Basket also gives you the thrill and excitement during the tournaments. Seeing them grow and have turned from enemies to friends is one of the reasons why I enjoyed Kuroko no Basket.
report Recommended by yeihs
If u want to watch a sports anime well my friend there ain't any better than these u will find the story alsi very intersting and these anime will make sure to hype u up . If u u don't like sports or don't know about the sports in these anime u will still end up loving the show as well as the real vollyball and basketball. The animation quality is also very good u will enjoy every second of it . The characters are also very lovable and each of them has a different story u will enjoy this trust me
report Recommended by Kanami_69
Both has serious sports moments with lots of comedy.Must watch kuroko no basket
report Recommended by sam_7039
Both are popular sports anime focusing around to main characters who have abilities far beyond the currently existing teammates. They will also face off against their past mentors and people who had recognized their skill. Both Anime are about determination to be the best, to never give up, and to win.
report Recommended by Hepnac
They both are based in two sport players that join their habilities for trying to win their goals. Watching their progress is great
report Recommended by Sangreal_
Same sport anime and the mc is same power
report Recommended by enmaaaaaa
Both are amazing sports animes that follow a prodigy and character who is highly specialized in one form of the sport (Hinata can jump and Kuroko can pass). These shows are full of great sporting matches, diverse teams, and great friendships.
report Recommended by sgoldman449
Both of them are Top Tier sports anime in which main protagonist helps his team to be best in the Japan.
report Recommended by AndyTeasey_12
Both is about sports, and each character has their own way of playing basketball (Satsuki Momoi is a waifu)
report Recommended by snevp
Both pieck sport anime with good animation, good characters with great development and overall pretty enjoyable! Also both from the same studio!
report Recommended by ContinuousRobin
After finishing the whole haikyuu series and getting no announcement for season-5's release, I got desperate and decided to search for a similar sports anime series to binge and well, honestly I wasn't dissappointed, NOT even one bit.
report Recommended by weeb-ish
Most new-gen anime watchers know about Haikyuu but not Kuroko no Basuke. Kuroko is a classic basketball anime (not as classic as slam dunk ofc) but consists of a great storyline/plot with similar inspiring characters. Kuroko no Basuke has more character depth as compared to Haikyuu, and also more quantity of quality characters as well. In Contrast, Haikyuu has better character development, while kuroko no basket focuses on developing the main plot rather than development as compared to Haikyuu. Must watch yet again.
report Recommended by Kullen
Same studios, same art design. Both are sports and have also kind of the same animation you will enjoy both of their stories and have fun.
report Recommended by Petrakhs
They are both sports anime, that have great art and story line. Kuroko no Basket is personally my number one sports anime, so if you enjoyed Haikyuu you should watch it :D
report Recommended by dazedoo
Sport-based, good development of friendships and teamworks
report Recommended by JSophie157
Kuroko no basket is a very good sport anime and lately many people came to me and said that they never seen so im gonna recomend for everyone. The anime makes you wanna play some basketball and do sports so i think is an good hype
report Recommended by TiagoFalken
If you like sports anime this one is very similar yet still different enough that it isn't boring.
report Recommended by Stormieeee_
If you have watched any of the one you would know how good the Anime is!! and you would definitely enjoy the other one. Both are animes of sports genre, i bet you would feel like one of the team member while watching this. Animation, character design and storyline are something to look out for.
report Recommended by Zura_San
While I think Haikyuu!! is a little bit overrated, I still think it's a good anime. Kuroko no Basket is another good sports anime that focuses on teamwork and both have very "role specific" characters.
report Recommended by animereviewboi
Even if they are about different sports, with other characters, both are about the same thing
report Recommended by Seb4sti4n
-Both are sports anime -Both are from the same studios -Similar main characters -Similar genres (Like comedy)
report Recommended by Justa_normalweeb
Both are related to sports and also very neat and clean work. You can see suspense and you can feel the pressure while the games are going on. These two are the perfect anime for any sport lover
report Recommended by Kojirou_Sasaki
They both are sports anime both main characters excel in one part of the sport but are below average on the other parts thay are both high school anime both main characters face similar struggles
report Recommended by Morris_V
Both about sports and a first-year duo. The MC's team goes against other powerhouses with their respective aces and specialties. The only real difference is that its volleyball and there's more supernatural power stuff in Kuroko no Basket, unlike Haikyuu!! where most of the actions are realistic to a degree.
report Recommended by IsaiahTea
- Both are sports anime. - Involves the development of a team and their success.
report Recommended by akiiira
Both haikyuu and kuroko no basuke are sports animes and they have the same vibes to it, there are even popular ships in both shows. They both have great characters so pick your favorites! They both have great plot and the fandoms are very similar. Give it a try!
report Recommended by Cia_xX
Kuroko's basket has the same vibe and the same comedic aspects as haikyuu! it also has the same intensity and same hopefulness from the characters trying to better themselves in the games they love
report Recommended by triggerfish
Same Sport and Same Studio... Haikyuu give me feel emotion happy , sad and proud Kuroko give me feel Hype every game and good animation
report Recommended by Maaxnov
both of this anime is sports related and the struggle faced by the protagonist due to the naturally gifted people. both of this anime teaches us to never give up on things we love and to keep thriving no matter the weather and to never compare ourselves to others cause we can accomplice a lot of things if we never give up. .
report Recommended by nez31
Underdog Protagonists: Both series feature protagonists who start off as underdogs and work hard to improve their skills and lead their teams to success. Teamwork and Friendship: Both anime emphasize the importance of teamwork, friendship, and camaraderie among team members.
report Recommended by Izaz00
It has the same vibes but it is a bit more realistic where your team actually loses and there are no crazy overpowered super powers.
report Recommended by ladderboi123
The main characters each have a homoerotic relationship with the deuteragonist, with whom they form a sports duo and take their high school team to nationals. Sun and shadow making each other better is the major theme of both relationships. Big differences? 1) the sport, obviously. 2) while most of Hinata's skills were absolute garbage at the start as opposed to a jerkwad genius setter, Kuroko is a virtually unknown prodigy at one skill as opposed to a jerkwad giant of a scorer.
report Recommended by Jethro92
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