If you liked
Blood Lad
...then you might like
Hataraku Maou-sama!
These series involve demons leaving their world and entering the human world. Maou and Staz (the main protagonists from each series) are both demos, who are overpowered, somewhat ignorant of the human world, and come across as anti-villain type good guy. Each of these series has a bit of romance and disguises a darker plot in a very colorful vibrant world. Neither series takes itself very serious as they each have their share of parody moments.
both main leads are very powerful demons
both are your typical shounen leads they're even voiced by the same seiyuu
the comedy and overall setting is kinda similar
in both, there is a small romantic subplot that doesn't really go anywhere ..
Recommended by colorful_smile
Both anime's main character is the leader of a world or territory that has tons of followers. and they love japan; the genres of these animes are very alike and the female lead develops feelings for the male lead little by little.
In both series, there is a main male protagonist who seems to playing the role of a leader/ruler. However, they come in contact with something new and unexpected.
There is a lot of comedy in both series. Despite the main male protagonist portrayed as being powerful, they also seems to lack common sense and often or not seems to need help with logic of the real world. Both series also seems to make fun of popular culture and has references as well. There is also action that are sometimes exaggerated. The main female character in both series are a bit different but has an awkward
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Both about demon lords who travel to the human world. Both MCs although depicted as high ranking evil come across as super nice & likeable.
Recommended by JVskunkape
Strangely enough both these anime is really similar. Similar kind of art style if that is what attracted you, but also similar humor.
-Both have quirky "demon lord"
-Both are in==enticed by the human world, in one way or the other.
and plus, both are very funny and im hoping for more funny situations and stuff with Blood Lad
Recommended by pantythief666
the CV of both protagonist is same..
both protagonist is supposed being a bad guy,, but actually they are a funny, crazy, good guy
the story has a 2 world..
both has a great action..
the comedy is great..
The second I started watching Blood Lad, I immediately got struck by that "special atmosphere," I so typically experienced back when I watched Hataraku Maou-sama! Already from the get-go, the series share a lot of elements and strikingly similar plot-twists. Many of the reasons behind this common atmosphere they share can be easily explained. The very moment you're introduced to the main protagonist, Charlie Staz, you'll immediately start seeing that he has some clear similarities to Hataraku's Maou-sama.
1. Staz is just like Maou, a type of demonic creature. Staz is a vamp and Maou is the Devil in own high person.
2. Staz and Maou are
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Recommended by 1anime4you
The same entities from the underworld wanting to live in the human world, a lot comedy, except one is a bit disgusting.
Recommended by RazorRamona200
They have a similar ambient, are comedic and funny, and also have interesting fights and characters.
Both feature some excellent humor and mythological characters. Both take place in the demon work and the human world as well.
Recommended by KalfKaneda
Both Main Male character are demons (vampire count as a demon). Both started at the demon world then the human world and both have a gate to enter/leave the human world.
Recommended by DuckTheSage
**"Hataraku Maou-sama!" is well known as 'The Devil is a Part-Timer!'**
-Both main characters are powerful demons(Staz is a vampire) but don't seem particularly evil
-Both main male characters are the typical 'shounen' MC (they also have the same voice actor)
-The setting and comedy are reasonably similar
-Both anime include two worlds (a human world and a 'demon' world)
-Neither anime is very tense, they both have a soft, comedic atmosphere (with exceptions)
-When there is action, it's a bit exaggerated
I think that if you liked one, you'll enjoy the other!
- The main character has plenty of power, but decides not to use it out of preference for the normal world. In other words, both take priority to the modern world oppose to the super natural world
- Both animes are filled with similar comedy
- In Hataraku Maou-sama, the main objective becomes surviving in the human world. In Blood Lad, the main objective is reviving a human girl.
- Maou-sama takes place in the human world, Blood Lad takes place in the super natural world
Recommended by Shoujo_Addict
Both shows have demon characters who enter the human world, and who end up getting mixed up with a human girl along the way. Both of the female protagonists are similar to each other, with them being big breasted high schoolers who just happened to cross paths with a high ranking demon. Both of the demon males also have an obsession with the human world, they even share the same voice actor.
The comedy in each show is fairly similar a lot of the time, so fans of one will likely find the other enjoyable.
Demons interferring in human world but much more action and not drama based
Recommended by akash_kise
It about this crazy strong main characters who are also evil. But have some thing in common have something they want about japan or Japanese culture, cant say much just check it out
Both have similar setups (2 worlds colliding), humor, tone, and lengths
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