If you liked
Ano Natsu de Matteru
...then you might like
Nagi no Asu kara
-The two anime have a fanciful side
- story showing a group of friends
-Both deal with themes like friendship and unrequited love
Recommended by Pink_Pudding
Both OP by Ray
and ED by yanaginagi
The boy 1 loves girl 1, girl 1 loves boy 2, boy 2 loves girl 3,
The difference is girl 3 loves boy 4 in Nagi no Asukara
:v :v :v
Ano Natsu and Nagi no Asukara shares a similar theme of youth during. The characters from both series aren't fully adults yet so they learn to grow up and learn the world around them.
The main characters from both series have various interactions with a touch of friendship, romance, and respect. Not all the characters are human as a few possesses supernatural traits that are viewed differently in their perspective worlds.
There is a similar atmosphere as the characters follows a slice of life-like pattern. There's also some drama related to the special people involved in both series that seems to be shunned by society.
The elements of Jealousy is present on both shows heck, having Ano Natsu on my recommendation. Apart From That, They both share almost the same tags such as Romance and Fantasy. A love Polygon/Triangle is also implied and shown on both shows.
The Only Difference is the setting.
Recommended by Altaria-chan
It has the same feels and similar drama... Also, same as having a love pentagon or the unrequited feelings between a group of friends and as to how it affects their realtionships.
Recommended by redheartgold23
Both shows have amazing story lines, very dramatic
Very similar settings and very similar with the giant love triangle
Also both have beautiful animation
First off, this is one of my all time favorites. As a die hard romance fan, this is super amazing.
Ano Natsu and Nagi share the similarities of love triangles, Nagi's being a bit more complicated I think. But both have amazing artwork and great storylines, definitely worth a watch. Ano's ending left me speechless
Nagi-Asu and Ano-Natsu both share a similar atmosphere and focus on developing the character's feelings and relationships.
Both anime have selfless characters which lead to complicated relationship problems and also has a love polygon which causes drama and distress within the cast.
They also have a similar fantasy setting but while Ano-Natsu deals with aliens in space the other focuses on people living underwater and on land.
Both include unrequited love.
(Person A loves person B, but person B loves person C and over and over...)
Both include a love pentagon (or more) and something out of the ordinary.
Same OP artist and ED artist.
Recommended by HanzelTanujaya