Bakuretsu Tenshi, Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Recommendations
Both series focus around a team of girls in cyberpunk / future Tokyo, but here's a breakdown of their most similar characteristics.
BGCT = Burst Angel (near future)
year 2040 = year 2050
Priss = Jo (rebel/lone wolf)
Linna = Meg (normal girl from the country)
Nene = Amy (youngest girl, genius computer hacker)
Sylia = Sei (the leader that has some rich resources)
Mackey = Kyohei (wimpy teenage boy that hangs around)
Galatea = Maria (mysterious but powerful rival related to one of the main characters)
Nigel = Leo (older mechanic dude, although there’s also a guy named Leon in BGC)
AD Police = RAPT, Osaka Police (rival police force)
Daley = Takane (police detectives)
Boomers (humanoid robots) that have gone rogue (go crazy and attack people) = mutated monsters and mechs that go crazy and attack people
Destroy monster by crushing its heart = destroy monster by crushing its glowing green brain
Mobile Pit = Sei’s trailer (big van that moves around)
Genom = RAPT / Hinode Labs (corporation with secrets)
vigilante force = mercenaries (public perception)
hard suit (main combat item) & Moto Slave (Priss’s motorcycle & suit) = Django (Jo's mech)
Priss rides a motorcycle = Takane rides a motorcycle.
skin-tight uniforms and fanservice shots = revealing clothing and more bouncing boobs (usual fanservice/nudity)
One of Hilary Haag (Nene)'s early major voice roles = One of Megumi Toyoguchi (Meg)'s early major voice roles
Main differences:
Girls in special combat mechs called “hard suits” – girls with guns, and one large mech.
All girls fight – only Jo really fights, Amy never fights, Sei and Meg use guns, Meg gets captured a lot.
Late 1990s AIC graphics – Gonzo CG mech fights.
Girls age range from 18 to 24 - girls age range from 11 to 19
Girls all have regular jobs – girls only have jobs within the group
potential love-interests (Leon / Priss being the most obvious) - we're just really good friends (Meg and Jo)
Well-defined bad guys (Mason, Rosenkroitz) early on in the series - bad guys and rivals only in short term arcs and final one (Maria and Glenford)
I'd recommend watching Burst Angel first and then Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 afterwards, and you can see how the latter is that much deeper, but the former is still quite entertaining.
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