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Mardock Scramble: The First Compression
A young cyborg girl is given another shot at life by the hands of a compassionate and talented individual (which serves as a kind of mentor or parental figure), and must fight to survive in a rather hostile environment, either due to circumstances ("Gunnm") or a troubled past ("MS"). Expect much action and crude violence, but some touching scenes as well: violence always brings its lot of suffering, which is well represented in both series. While "MS" has become fairly well known recently, "Gunmm" is a classic (especially the manga), a forerunner of the steampunk genre, and it deserves much credit.
Recommended by howdoesitfel
1- Both series contains characters whose bodies are replaced/modified with cyborg components.
2- you can't help but feel sorry for the main characters suffering due to dark merciless world.
Recommended by silverfoenix
Both are dark cyberpunk action stories with a strong, near super-powered heroine with a preference of stripperific clothing. Both have great fight scenes and a mysterious criminal conspiracy, and a scientist mentor to the cyborg. Both have a cyborg romance and a cyborg ultimately more human than many humans. Both heroines are dealt hard and injust blows by a rotten world and it's easy to feel sorry for them.