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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series
Jan 6, 2018 6:05 PM
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Kemono no Souja Erin?
The anime could really use some love. There's also quite a large music element to the show as well :D
I realize it's a bit sudden, nevertheless I'm gonna ask you what do you think of the renowned composer Sawano Hiroyuki.
First of all, thank you for your recommendations. I doubt I would have ever listened to Romeo x Juliet OST if not for your review. The anime itself left me so unimpressed, that I hardly paid any attention to the music. It took me by surprise that the soundtrack is actually so refined. Still, I can't say that it's in the same league as my favorite ones, such as Soukyuu no Fafner's or Sousei no Aquarion's. In my opinion Romeo x Juliet OST lacks dramatic presence in culminations, compared to those works. As for Kousuke Yamashita, his work on Shion no Ou impressed me much more, than his efforts on Chihayafuru. It has very good lyrical touch. As for Joe Hisaishi, his music seems too pastoral to have enough emotional impact on me.
By the way, what is your opinion of the above-mentioned Soukyuu no Fafner OST and Saito Tsuneyoshi as a composer? I've only listened to one of his other works (besides Fafner) — iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia — and it's also left very good impressions.
I've read all the OST reviews on your website, they are informative and have a good personal touch in them. I hope you'll write more of them.
I totally agree with you regarding Zetsuen no Tempest OST. Not only the music itself is magnificent, the quality of the recording is also outstanding. By the way, I was surprised to learn that it's performed by the Russian State Symphony Cinema Orchestra, despite there are so many great orchestras in Japan. Then again, Yoko Kanno's Sousei no Aquarion OST was performed by the Warsaw Phillharmonic Orchestra. I wonder if it's quite common for an anime OST to be performed outside of Japan.
Since you are an orchestral OST lover, could you recommend something of the genre, except for Sahashi Toshihiko (he is a genius, but I've already listened to all of his works dozens of times)?
It seems that you are pretty knowledgeable about anime OST. Would you mind stating your opinion of Zetsuen no Tempest and Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon Original Soundtracks?
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Oh yes! Shakugan no Shana! No wonder I felt sure I've heard Kow Otani's works somewhere. Or rather, I went through the and few tracks and got bored. The first track was alright, but knowing most OSTs show off their best tracks at the front, a first track being just mildly impressive does not boast of a good OST overall.
Out of curiosity, who else would fit under that class? I would certainly love to listen to some of their stuff. =D
I was trying to pay some attention to the music, but no, it wasn't particularly impressive. Though that may be because I set the bar too high. I am a huge fan of traditional sounds after all, so I was expecting something on par with the Naruto Shippuden or Mononoke OST. But the BGM I heard from Hakuouki were mostly the very standard kinda music, fits the mood but doesn't seem to have anything particularly memorable.
I didn't know much about Kow Otani though. Only heard 2 of his tracks from 'Passion', and it didn't really match up to the works of other artistes like Mitsuda Yasunori and Yuki Kajiura who contributed in that CD. May want to check out the game OST though. Recently started listening to a little of VGM stuff, and some have been really good.