All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 381.1
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed1,238
- On-Hold191
- Dropped6
- Plan to Watch620
- Total Entries2,070
- Rewatched212
- Episodes23,338
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 61.3
Mean Score:
- Reading61
- Completed134
- On-Hold32
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read190
- Total Entries417
- Reread8
- Chapters10,347
- Volumes742
All Comments (134) Comments
hope we can be friends :P
I'm a Filipino, just wanted to mention that ^^
Thank you for all the Seiyuu Facts :)
Good luck!
why thank you, but really i'm not much. especially as of late considering everything thats been going on for me ^^;
yeah SnS is my number 1 favorite anime i love it so much <3
oh, nice ^^
which anime(s) if ya don't mind me asking?
how are you today if you don't mind me asking?
have a nice day...sorry for late replied!!
After realizing that Fate/Stay Night came out before Fate Zero, I am wondering if I should just watch Fate/ Stay Night first. I figured I'd have a better understanding of what is going on in Fate/Zero and appreciate it more if I did that. What do you think?
I watched all of Kodomo no Omocha and it was amazing. Now, I'm watching a series from the early 90s called Irresponsible Captain Tylor and it's quite entertaining. A lot of people compare it to One Piece. Speaking of One Piece, I made my brother watch some of it and now he likes it too (kinda)! He likes making fun of it more than anything else but it still cool to know that I'm not the only massive nerd in my family.
By the way, I'm now making plans to come back to BC after I return from Africa. I'll be back in Canada on March 26th and will be free until April 30th. Do you know whether you'll be free at all during that time period? I'm trying to pick a timeframe where I'll be able to spend the greatest amount of time with everybody, but I know that a lot of people have finals around then.