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"Ano Shoutengai no, Honya no, Chiisana Okusan no Ohanashi."
Sep 25, 2024 9:43 AM
· Scored
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I hope you have a fantastic day ahead ^^
I've actually just finished watching Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi, it was really good! Though there were certainly elements that I felt could've been improved it was a pretty good watch. Tsuneo was such an amazing person hahaha. Though most of the characters were likeable up to a certain degree of relatability. There were certainly impactful moments, though I felt that the runtime was perhaps a little too short for it to create that character-stickiness at least for me.
Sorry for taking such a long time to get to it! But I'm really thankful for your recommendation and for being my secret santa! You're absolutely amazing, stay awesome man!
And once again, happy birthday!!
I haven't had the time to watch them yet, but I promise to get to it soon!
Meanwhile would you like to be friends? HAHA I'd definitely love discussing it with you when I've finished watching your carefully curated recommendations!
Once again thank you so much for an amazing gift ^^