call me Neko if you want
If you see me logging degenerate shit on here I'm sorry, sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me...
A while ago I deleted my entire list out of shame and I've tried to rebuild it since but it may not be exactly accurate. Because of this my list is not in chronological watch date order, I just add stuff when I remember that I watched it.
I love kuuderes and pathetic girls in anime. girlfailures if you will. my faves <3
other things i like (anime and otherwise): gl and bl (although I am critical+picky), comedy anime that's actually funny, yanderes, shipping, vocaloid and utau, and dream girlfriend (the game)
How I rate:
10: perfect, no notes
9: amazing but not perfect
8: Enjoyed a lot!!!! but not technically the best, or has a few issues
7: generally good or enjoyable but with significant issues
6: okay. either boring or I enjoyed it despite it being admittedly bad
5: disappointing, boring, or not for me, but not terrible
4: actually really shitty, but with some redeeming qualities
3: I hated it. that's all.
2: very bad, possibly morally fucked up but not the literal worst
1: actual evil degenerate fucked up shit, do not watch!!
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