Anime Stats
Days: 105.7
Mean Score:
- Watching164
- Completed736
- On-Hold27
- Dropped51
- Plan to Watch190
- Total Entries1,168
- Rewatched13
- Episodes7,230
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Manga Stats
Days: 88.7
Mean Score:
- Reading156
- Completed475
- On-Hold48
- Dropped13
- Plan to Read51
- Total Entries743
- Reread0
- Chapters11,089
- Volumes1,548
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (3) Comments
According to the pictures I saw, it seems the characters are adults, they are working... And it seems more mature that her previous works so I was really surprised lol
I thought "Kimi no Iru Sekai" was the name of her new manga. And according to the pictures she posts it seems to be mature / jousei ^^'
So I wanted to ask you, is Kimi no Iru Sekai the title of her new manga? (The one she posts about on her Twitter).
It seems to be a more mature manga than her previous works, so I don't think I'll try reading it. =/