All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 153.1
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed482
- On-Hold17
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch339
- Total Entries862
- Rewatched6
- Episodes9,127
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 10.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries374
- Reread0
- Chapters1,378
- Volumes205
All Comments (6377) Comments
My city did a lockdown with mask mandate but that mandate got lifted like a month ago and now my work is allowing no mask for vaccinated people. I think the lockdown lasted like 2 months. How did the last 2 years treat you? I've been working mainly and trying to learn more things that can help my job. Also car stuff.
I've been pretty good..just the seasonals in 2022 weren't that memoriable for the most part - spring might be the season to change that.
It's only been....... How old is my child I don't have because I was busy with work straight out of college again?
Well,casual people don't get to get them..that's the way it is at the moment (there's problem of the actual vaccines being used so..don't really know how to explain the weird situation we're in at the moment..I just don't follow the news anymore since it's one politic scheme against another,with us normal people being the middle-ground to get stomped on I would say).
I's more or less the same here.If you work in hospitals,you're prioritized as well to get one.
As with Hakuouki, but it is totally different from Utapri.
Soooo... that means more time for Anime, yay :D
But for real I can't wait for things to return to normality. Everyday I miss seeing my friends and hanging outside