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Galaxy Angel Music Collection: Shouen to Shien no Cassoulet
Jul 22, 2014 11:00 PM
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Days: 18.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries34
- Reread0
- Chapters2,694
- Volumes370
All Comments (1320) Comments
alrighty (*^-^) ~plays one of my best tracks~
exactly~! (*^-^/)/ ~watches~what you drawing o:?
mainly milk since he was a baby at the time o:
they are fun to watch~ but, here where i live there known for being mean, they throw acorns at you for fun~ (*^-^)
i would love too one day, i'm a one-person band for the most part. i like doing everything myself.
yesy *^^
exactly just have fun *^^ being serious is a fun-killer .-. its soul sucking if it starts to feel like a chore~ if you don't have a good time what's the point wasting you're time .-.
there fur sure is super soft~ i actually had a pet squirrel when i was a kid for a few months o: there also cute when you feed them~
yeah (*T-T) tho i did learn to hold them down firmly before clipping them with the string clipper
yeah (*^-^) clear mind is key most of the time~!
great! i really hope it works for you *^^ exactly~! :o
ooou i wouldn't recommend doing that again :O i'd only show people that would understand the things your drawing rather then just anyone :o like someone that can help improve rather then just mindlessly criticize & give zero helpful feedback o:
ou happy squirrel is best squirrel~!<3
na just my fingers to withstand steel strings that you can cut meat with XD i mean i have been cut by them plenty of time so it is possible xD
oooou i see well its good to find your inspiration trigger or click rather i can't really find the name for it nor know one but like for ex, like when i just site back and just listen to cds or when just driving or go walking i usually clear my mind and enjoy nature i see while listening sometimes i will hear a line +the imagre in front of me and it just clicks an idea. that usually how i get any ideas or sometimes its just random thoughts tho those are rare. i really recommend just finding those clicks some will work for you hell i reckon looking at a random rock would do something i mean the human mind is plain bizarre.
i get that (~*^-^)~ i mean when you put a lot of work into something it's diff nerve racken to even think of showing it to someone~
na just tons of practicing and learning (*^-^)
oooou nice *^o^-b do you ever use drawing paper for em o:? whys that o:?
good (*T~T) many things out to get you and your box (*T~T)
yeshy *^^ title gonna be "lonesome wanderer" for the first and the second title for the other album "lord of the dead reclaime his thrown" both titles(and lyrical content) are a tribute of sort to my musical heros/idols pretty much o:
oh nice *^^ random doodles can come out amazing o: especially if its a random idea that pops in your head O: thats the best use of a newspaper O: what you draw on them o:?
-box still shaking- are you sure (*o~o)??
that's true life does keep everyone busy unfortunately o:
i did (*^-^) i wrote enough material for my own main personal band and for the side band projects i'm in (*^-^)
oh nice (*^-^) what you drawing (*^o^)?
nuuu i get embarrassed easy (*>///o///<)
n-no these isn't (*>~>) -shivering in the box in fear-
i bet O; i imagine it does. uncertain times like these makes us remember what's truely importing, your love ones. its sad i seen quite a few people who need this horrid thing to happen to relies this...
-huggles back tight-
writing & making my own music (*^o^) what about you o:?
pffft dont worry ima edit that out XD (*o-o) im not much a dancing person (*¬~¬) -hides in a box-
true you dont wanna forget those O:
ooou thankies very much!<3 mr couch almost crushed me (*>~<)
sounds very nice *^-^ oou i bet you more tried now with all this going on while working o: i bet Ox
it very is ;3 i be-muffled sounds- o: -swallows cookie and takes a deep breath- yesh it is really good O:
i know right o: and places dead empty ox being home is millions times better then being out \(*^-^)/ mite wanna put pillows on ground for softness if fall O:
pretty hectic O: but good regardless *^^ been out buying & moving furniture (*x.x) couch is super heavy O: what about you (*o3o)?
your very welcomes ;3 aw no you (~*^-^)~ thankies hope you do too *^-^
(*^-^) -claps while siting on a nice comfy chair eating popcorn- super amazing O: