Still Updating.... I wonder
Ahhh Yeah One thing regarding my Rating I do give rating base on my feelings & yeah they are random... One anime can get 8 marks with some good scene in the end... (maybe)
Welcome to my Profile.
Profile is updating and I'm being lazy in updating so rather wait for it. Ask me If you want to ask something :D
feel free to communicate or in sending a request.
In my currently watching list there are anime that I'll see first so, don't get confused by my list
Hayyy! long time no see. im fine, how are you? :))
2 years!! xD btw, sorry for the late reply, i also rarely log in to my MAL account xD but still active watching anime
Yeah dude, still a virgin dateless loser + getting older and even more pathetic now in a covid infested timeline...sad times. My only source of entertainment is anime, mangas that i brought or youtube videos.
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2 years!! xD btw, sorry for the late reply, i also rarely log in to my MAL account xD but still active watching anime
Yeah dude, still a virgin dateless loser + getting older and even more pathetic now in a covid infested timeline...sad times. My only source of entertainment is anime, mangas that i brought or youtube videos.
How about you Yinell?
i'm relieved
Btw, how can you send comments to me while this site still maintaining? Haha