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Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon: Watashi no Shiawase na Katachi
Jan 12, 8:25 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 216.0
Mean Score:
- Reading52
- Completed1,099
- On-Hold69
- Dropped5
- Plan to Read33
- Total Entries1,258
- Reread104
- Chapters16,047
- Volumes3,104
All Comments (152) Comments
o pa svašta se onda izdogađalo kod tebe :) koji si još fax završila? ma da, najgore ti kad moraš ići na intervjue u neke druge gradove, a ne znaš hoćeš dobiti posao.. samo trošiš pare :/
hmm recimo da jesam, administrativni / upravni poslovi i tako to. jučer mi bio zadnji dan :( godinu dana je trajalo stažiranje (stručno osposobljavanje kak se to zove kod nas) i sad moram na državni stručni ispit a to bude za par mjeseci, ne znam još točno kad. tak da bi trebala početi i učiti ahh
haha nema me ni tamo ni ovdje.. slabo gledam anime i drame više (tj ni ne gledam). evo sad kao počinjem anime opet xD
inače dobro sam, završavam stažiranje i tako :)
šta ima kod tebe?
my brother is the one who got the job. working as a graphic designer, like for magazines. we had a pretty stable '16. well off I should say~ not a great year online tho, at least for me this year...felt like the opposite of the last - things getting better online but irl is a mess lol ... but irl mess is easier to handle than online. sorted things out in the end.
how've u been?? hopefully things are somewhat improving for u ._.
Oh okay, what do you teach in university?
Where are you traveling to? :D
That does sound exhausting, I don't think I could teach lol, I would get so frustrated.
Yes I am on vacation now, I finally have time to watch anime and dramas ^^
Are you watching any anime now?
Sorry it's been a while, I was so busy with school. How have you been?
though my manga challenge is better than anime in terms of progress, but sometimes i stopped reading because i lost interest XD
though changing manga entry now would be a bit troublesome coz i've read about 18 chapters, but still more to go :(
true, when you have friends that feels/experience similar things, it will become easier since you are not the only one and you know that someone got your back :D
oh wow i see that you are doing well with your anime and manga challenge
i'm making slow progress lol
thats sound so tiring, barely had time to sleep and eat.
please take care of yourself more or you'll get aging very quick XD
how did you manage to do all that and study at the same time?
i really respect you, i wouldn't even want to be that busy lol (i love my free time too much XD)
but since i'm already changed it i guess the current nickname is okay as well lol
not sure if Baby Steps has ended completely or not lol since i put the second season on hold for a while XD i still play chess but mostly on computer lol
during highschool i usually play chess with my dad. but he always insist that he is stronger than me
haha so thats why i feel lazy to play with him again XD
woah pro tennis player :o
no wonder u said your body during highschool is muscular :D
haha why u didn't join the marching band?
i know, u want to rest in your room right? (at least that was my excuses in uni xD)
well, only in anime where all sports have some kinda power like Kurobasu XD
i only play indoor games like chess lol
i play badminton for fun :3
did you want to be a pro at some point? too many injuries sounds scary.
kung-fu is nice too but during high school when it comes to martial arts vs marching squad(?) i wil definitely choose the marching one.
lol i was dedicated to it more than dedication towards studying lol
haha yeah i've been meaning to changed it for a while now, i wanted to use 'haruchii' cause i always use that nickname but someone beats me to it so haru-nya is close XD as long as its haru :3
what did you practicing? kendo?taekwando?ballet? lol
sounds cool though..why stopped practicing?
yeah step by step. baby step to a giant stride lol quote from Baby Step anime
i hope i'll be okay. probably the test will be on next week or next next week
hahaha at least u did built up muscle once XD
though during my highschool i was really skinny XD
maybe coz i'm active and highschool kid are supposed to be skinny anyway XD
then university time, retired from all outdoor activity, i spent much time inside playing computer games lol
and look fat grow here and there XD
LOL mine was like that too but because there is no commitment like job and school i can keep on sleeping lol
i'm currently taking car driving lesson. my arms hurts lol this shows how much my muscle haven't been use ROFL
collecting fats instead of building up muscle :3