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Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! 2nd Season
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! 2nd Season
Mar 23, 6:43 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 5
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute!
Mar 23, 6:42 AM
Completed 20/20 · Scored 6
Kakegurui Twin
Kakegurui Twin
Mar 23, 6:41 AM
Completed 6/6 · Scored 5
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May 10, 2022 9:36 PM
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Air Gear - Trick:358
Air Gear - Trick:358
Feb 16, 2022 8:15 PM
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Air Gear
Air Gear
Feb 16, 2022 8:14 PM
Completed 358/358 · Scored 6

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xurumim Aug 9, 2024 11:41 PM
Happy Birthday!
xurumim Aug 8, 2017 9:21 PM
Hey man Happy Birthday!
I wish you good fortunes in that time to come.
Ps: I saw that you started Maid-Dragon, thats a fun show :D
However start with Fate series as i told you, the first HeavenFeel movie is coming o/
PsII: Please dont ignore me at Bnet T.T
Have fun bro, and be carefull with Calc this semester !

HaloX5 Dec 15, 2010 2:18 PM
Lol that's similar to my schedule xD
And yeah me too, I wish I could do the same but I cant =/

O.o lucky. Snow is just a pain xD
Well our country is always rain, and coldness and such. So we prefer hot weather xD

I know what you mean =/ I found the main Sword I wanted in Fable III by the offchance since my friend gave me one (I like pleaded for it xD) but yeah. The SoulDrinker, it has this epic black aura <3

That doesnt sound fun ;_;

Yeah, o.o nonsense putting it mildly lol. But I did enjoy Air Gear. I kinda wish there was more of it. But oh well D: I'll probably have to read the manga as well.
HaloX5 Dec 12, 2010 7:39 PM
Exactly :D

I know how you feel. I'm playing BlazBlue CS, bit by bit. And watching Anime later on at night. That way I dont kill my game. And I get to enjoy Anime peacefully. I'm basically racking up time until Tales of Graces F arrives in the mail.

O.o You're all alone. I know how that feel's. I've been trapped in for like the past 2 weeks because of the snow. It's gone for a just a few days, but it's coming back in full force again on Tuesday ;_; which is totally mean.

Yeah :D Basically all weapons in the game have 3 Special Gem "Segments". Each of those "Segments" are "Forfilled" by a special "Requirement", you do that Requirement and you get that "Gem". Each "Gem" has a abbility, different depending on the weapon. Some give the weapon Flame or Shock Damage. Some increase the Power, or give it a Shotgun Spray. And so on. You do all the "Segments" and you fully upgrade that weapon. All 3 "Gems" in the weapon stack, so, let's say if all 3 "Gems" increased the Damage by the said ammount, well by the end of it, the total would add up to that weapons permenant Damage.
Enough of the explanation. But "Legendary Weapons" are the really rare ones. And there are 50 Legendary Weapons in total. Some suck, some are novelty, some are pretty damn awesome. It depends really.

O.o Hardcore?! I found that not fun. So I didnt bother to do it.

I like Air Gear, because it's different. You know. It's not how to say, AMAZING. I mean I've liked other things. But it is fun to watch. The reason I like it so much is because I like the whole "idea" of Air Gear. I think the concept is pretty cool.
HaloX5 Dec 10, 2010 8:08 PM
Well if you enjoyed the 2nd Assassin's Creed. Then the Brotherhood is a treat :D

Well the best thing about Fable III, is the Legendary Weapons, and the whole Upgrading Weapons System. If you ask me.

I guess so o.o. And gah I hate sneaking unless I REALLY have to. I generally just like to go in guns blazing :D

Lol. I spent most of this week playing Fallout: NV. Since BlazBlue and Tales of Graces F have not arrived yet.
HaloX5 Dec 5, 2010 5:17 AM
I'd rent Assassin's Creed and not buy the game since, it does get old eventually. But all the games, mainly II and Brotherhood are probably the best.
And well I finished Fable III in like a day, yes, a day. That part was disappointing. But it's very fun doing the quests and playing with others, and upgrading weapons is probably the funnest part.
O_O Is there something i'm doing wrong then, because i'm in my level 20's yet I get owned by them ;_; Also does it give you anything good?
You, dropped, your, PSP D: WHAT D: You're insane ;_; your poor PSP.
HaloX5 Nov 30, 2010 2:37 PM
Of course I am xD

What I'd say about o.o well you have to tell me exactly what games you wanna hear about or a genre? If it's recent games I have played well: "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood" is awesome :D but I kinda killed it so it's dull now. "Fable III" is the same, but again I killed it. "Fallout: New Vegas" is great, but I am running out of things to do o-o a warning, if you ever come across "Dead Wind Cavern" (atleast I think thats the name) DO NOT, I mean by all means, DO NOT enter that cave. I walked into the entrance and got attacked by like 3 Death Claws ;_; I managed to escape somehow. "Phantasy Star Portable 2", is probably the best one i've played, it's very fun, and continues to be fun, but it is repetitive. Most of all though would be the "Zettai Hero Project" which is as they say a "grindfest rpg" but it's a very enjoyable one, and very replayable and amusing :D I'm waiting for "BlazBlue: Continuum Shift" and "Tales of Graces F" myself. And I want the "Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition" when I have the money for it xD
Luna Oct 10, 2010 4:39 AM
You're welcome :)
AlexxPsychopath Aug 16, 2010 2:11 AM
Oh well, when we reach 200+ members, the cards are gonna be even better, so try to get on time ;PP
And thanks, i'm trying my best, even if it's my first club ever :s
HaloX5 Aug 6, 2010 1:10 PM
Okay D: I can accept it more if you hate 10.

YES :D TALES OF THE ABYSS IS THE BEST TALES! EVER! :D It's so awesome ^_^ Go watch it now~ <3 And then watch the Tales of Vesperia movie, because its not spoilers to the game because it's a prequal :D

YAY! Play it :3 it's so great.

I'll think about it :D
EllenParsons Aug 5, 2010 5:35 AM
You're welcome. :3
HaloX5 Aug 4, 2010 11:36 AM
AH D: Bad person. Playing Final Fantasy before Tales. I guess it's Hype before Quality .-. I should so hit you D< And hit several other people..... that have done the same... I mean Final Fantasy isnt even that great. I dont care what people say =/ I dont see why people get so "OMG" about it. And the later Final Fantasy's are terrible o_O I mean 13 wasnt even that great. And dont get me started on 10. If I see 10, or anything to do with 10. I panic, and try and burn the evidence.

Indeed! You do know the majority of Tales Games, are actually great. Unlike the Final Fantasy Series which only has a "few good games" according to half the people I know that have played them all. Though Tales Games only have 12 mothership titles, unlike how Final Fantasy has 13. A large amount of people will tell you that almost every Tales Game they have played has been somewhat great, or just damn awesome. It depends on which one you play since every single one is different in some way.

You better give them a go. Most people play "Tales of Symphonia" first, it is after all the most hyped Tales Game. Though it can be a difficult one, unless your a great RPG'ist and are god at everyone you touch.

The Tales Games I highly advise you should play are:
Tales of Symphonia - GameCube/PS2 [PS2 Edition, I think is only in Japanese]
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Wii
Tales of the Abyss - PS2
Tales of Vesperia - Xbox 360/PS3 [PS3 Edition is in Japanese]
Tales of Graces - Wii/PS3 [Though this one is still in Japanese]
Tales of Hearts - Nintendo DS [This is only in Japanese as well]

Those I advise first anyway. The others are either in Japanese, hard to get a hold of, or well so damn retro you'd have a pretty hard time. If you want to get into the series, though I'd say those ones.
HaloX5 Aug 2, 2010 6:26 PM
Indeed. I just went LOLWUT and happy faced :D and for some reason when he said "shatter" (kudakero~) I just thought of Jin Kisaragi from BlazBlue and it just made me smile on the inside ^_^
I thought that was pretty neat, though impossible. It's like he can read the spell and then anticipate what is needed to finish it when incomplete.

You should watch Kuroshitsuji! Sebastian is great D:

FAN!? FAN IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT D: I'm OBSESSED. I play every GAME I can, every ANIME I can watch, DOWNLOADED everyone I can, every MANGA I can read, I even have the MUSIC, not to mention a figure of LUKE FON FABRE and my whole profile on MAL along with the majority of any other anywhere website I have signed up for has littered all over it. TALES FAN. I go CRAZY just from speaking of the subject D: AND YOU ASK "ARE YOU A FAN" O_O on top of that you told me you "love" RPG's and havent played a single one D: YOU LIE. YOU ARE NO RPG FAN. And if you tell me "oh but I played Final Fantasy" i'll hit you o_o;

Tales of the Abyss has a full fledged anime series.
Tales of Symphonia has a ongoing OVA Series.
Tales of Phantasia has a small OVA series.
Tales of Vesperia has a prequal movie.
Tales of Eternia....has a...OVA Series....BUT I PRETEND IT DOESNT EXIST.

D: WATCH IT! PLAY IT! READ IT! HEAR IT! BUY IT! O_O This is not advice, or a friendly "yeah go do this" it's an order O_O AN ORDER!!!!!!
Sottomayor Aug 2, 2010 3:59 PM

sei que é um bocado tarde para tar a responder ao que perguntaste, mas... mais vale tarde do que nunca^^
bem... essa anime, apesar de 2008, é uma anime muito boa para uma pessoa que se quer divertir e rir a ver anime. é uma anime do tipo ecchi e harem ( acho que sabes o que ecchi e harem significa... ). por acaso, foi essa anime ( e outras duas chamadas kanokon e to-love-ru ( muito boas animes, que também recomendo a veres ( se vires recomedo que começes pela to-love-ru pois é de partir a rir e também porque para aqueles que não gostam de ecchi ou tão a aprender a gostar de ecchi, a anime kanokon é muito.... digamos.... poderosa^^))) que me "despertou" o facto de gostar desse tipo de animes. TENS DE A VER!!!^^

recomendo a toda a gente que goste de se rir a ver anime ( se vires é melhor começares pela primeira temporada^^)
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