Is it a Fan Club For Akise?
Nope, it was called Akise Lounge because I like Akise Aru
What kind of Club is it?
This Club is a Card Shop and also a place where we play games and meet new people .
So if you like collecting cards, making cards, or if you just like to talk and hang out come and Join us !!
I hope this convinced you to join our Club (^-^ ) Have a Nice Day
Hmmm...fajnie byłoby pójść, ale zawsze zastanawiałam się czy jest coś w rodzaju ograniczeń wiekowych na konwentach lub takich konwento podobnych imprezach XD (tak nigdy nie byłam na konwencie xD) W ogóle to jeżeli bym szła to masz jakiegoś linka do strony tego czegoś? Może zaciągnęłabym przyjaciółke...
Hello random person I don't know.
I see that you collect cards. because I am a stalker
Could I perhaps interest you in joining our wonderful club?
We do lots of LE/RE/SE and events! :D We even had a war~
We have:
Candy ;D
Eye-candy counts too!
And Personality~!
maybe even a little crazy ^^;
or psychotic...>.>;
So should totally join us XD
Oh and sorry for the spam ^^; Please don't kill me >.>;
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We want to Invite you to Join Akise Lounge?
Is it a Fan Club For Akise?
Nope, it was called Akise Lounge because I like Akise Aru
What kind of Club is it?
This Club is a Card Shop and also a place where we play games and meet new people .
So if you like collecting cards, making cards, or if you just like to talk and hang out come and Join us !!
I hope this convinced you to join our Club (^-^ ) Have a Nice Day
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Musze wybłagać rodziców, no musze >.<
a na to nie ma żadnych zapisów? tak po prostu przychodzisz i ... i jesteś?
i o co chodzi z tymi zapisami na cosplay?