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Days: 82.4
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed192
- On-Hold14
- Dropped36
- Plan to Watch10
- Total Entries266
- Rewatched35
- Episodes4,798
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 15.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries36
- Reread6
- Chapters1,673
- Volumes175
All Comments (205) Comments
Medea = Good tastes
As you can see I got TWO ASBELS, and I was like NO I RATHER HAVE TWO MILLA ESTELLE OR YURI! So I decided to f** around and mix their bodies. Milla and Estelle "Asbel" Costumes looks amazing imo
Heard about Weiss Schwarz before, what is it about anyways? Like cameo stuff?
Tenshi obsession now?
You know I would really like an Angel Beats S2 or at least some OVAs explaining wtf happened, at least with the other characters. Would really liked to have had it longer, 13 episodes were WAY too short. Friends said they cried at the end, I just couldn't, too much happened at once and yeah. But w/e that's just me.
Even then I don't like AW that much, if they focused more about Acceling than the GAME then it would've been much better, seriously Brain Burst was dumb. That Noumi kid was doing it right ~__~
I had Xillia 2 too. I really enjoyed it, but yeah I don't really like Ludger like everyone else does, especially that bad end.....
Elle was okay, well she was tolerable at least unlike some "child" characters.
Yeah Ludger Alt form or whatever is a must, had to have him on my team.
Plus that sexy suit, I have a Gaius fetish, geez they should've added a Gaius and Musee dual hi ougi. Though Rebirth Crusader (Ludger x Milla MA) was beautiful.
Actually didn't mind lack of Milla and Jude. Jude and Milla realized they can't be together, and Jude accepts that which shows how much more mature he was compared to ToX version. The grand Milla Maxwell return was amazing too. ToX2 Jude is so much more better than Tox version, omg. Also they should've added another dual hi ougi for Jude and Milla, Kogahazen Agito is plain as hell. Other than that I enjoyed ToX2.
Hope the next mothership is gonna be amazing.
I have 3 more on the way though...... $$$$
Dude, I remember our SAO fangasms back then.... yeah no. >__>
Shitty anime adaptation pooped all over it for me, I mean I still read the novels but I just don't like the series as much as I used to. Anime also made me hate Asuna too, want to punch anime Yui like 4234576q5w34i1253465tq32 times. MAMA. PAPA. SHADDAPPPPP
OP Kirito looked dumb in the anime, but at least in novels it was much better and actually cool imo stupid A-1
I tried to cancel something today too, but they said they couldn't, meh only 800 yen I'll deal with it! xD
As for more figures, only thing new are Flynn ALTER and Tales of nendos petites, nothing else really! Though obligatory Aoko and Totori nendo coming in the next few weeks ;D
I am conflicted.
Seems like you got it worse though, ganbatte man.
busy w/ school lately?
I barely recognize you.
No motivation? School life? Sick of me </3
k fine I LURVE YAOI u happy nao? :o
WELL theres only like, Tear.... and that's pretty much it! xD
I mean, I love most of them, but c'mon, they either get kidnapped or too moe, we need more strong willed Tales heroines like Tear and Milla! (because of those boobs)
Unfortunately theres no other way for me to read the LN besides online translations so....
Too expensive to buy the whole set, plus I can't read kanji....
So far my Nendos are: Estelle, Aoko, and those Tales petites. We need actual Tales Nendos <3
Why not preorder now? That is what preordering is, plus Amiami doesn't go apeshit over you for money until its in stock. And with Touko being made from ALTER (again!), obviously Aoko with get a Mahou Tsukai ALTER fig! :D
Man that's a lot of waifus, perverted boy.
My TOP waifu is Watashi, that kawaii Mai Nakahara voices makes me melt inside, and that cynical personality ^%$$#@#$%$#Q@%#$^%@$@^%^$
Other waifus include other females on my list, plus Milla/Chrome/Touko/Chloe/whoever else I fucking like.
Main Hubbies are Reid and ACCELERATOR man!
Yes I am gay, so what?
November man! You getting the famitsu pack?
Ludger vs Julius CONFIRMED!
Though I really wanted to see Gaius IN A FUCKING SUIT!
At least Musee make a quick 1 second cameo >__>
Baba releasing Tales Tales Tales 24/7 to NA and EU LOOOOOL
Bamco will be infested XDDDDD
Too bad that's only a dream though....
Milla IS better than Jude, but Jude is still a cool guy, and Xillia 2 makes him look great!
Sure she gets b*** punched all way across town, but she lived! If you looked at my list its Accelerator>Awaki, but not by much. And if you even got past to the last 2 episodes of Index II, you see her with Accelerator, though I'm assuming you dropped it so...
Accelerator VA is Godly, his laugh LOL
Yeah gona get white Vita instead, WiiU looks bleh, I'll only get it if more Tales is released, overall though Vita has more potential for Tales!
Anyways, YOU ARE MY WAIFU MAN! Everyone else is coming on to me after getting a profile :( (its hard to be popular....)
So I got it and tried it out, and as soon as I heard Troy Baker I was like: "REALLY!? IT'S A GUY!?!!?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
And then playing further, I said" WHERE IS GUY CECIL FLYNN SCIFO!?" just to find out he's only playable for ONE FRIGGIN BATTLE. Ahh well at least he was a fully playable in VesPS3ria ~
Go to Vol 6 :o
I'm pretty much up to date thanks to translations yay!
RAAAAGE! RAAAGE CAPPPS. k fine no more :(
Do you have to ask? WHO has Aoko in his faves!?!!??!
But yeah, I'm gonna get her, FINALLY Aoko Nendo! Now I was her scarlet haired one with luminescent cyan eyes <3
Perverted 2D lover man, you have chosen your waifu.
But seriously, who's your waifu?? xD
PS I also have a hubby too :o
Did Milla really die twice in ToX?? I only remember once, but that's only because I did Jude side first so..... NO SPOILERS PLS
Affection system!?!?? Like in Symphonia and Innocence! Sweet!! Now to ship Ludger and Milla/Jude and Leia LOLOLLOL
But seriously, thats sweet! Though they'd say the ending will be the same, so..... just waiting to see how ToX2 rolls xD
Actually, Baba is a cool guy, and he does notice that there are Western fans out here, but it still feels troll-ish how he says no localization for Hearts but still cliffhanging VesPS3ria, but seriously, fans should realized that with Graces f and Xillia localization, VesPS3ria's chances are SOOOOOOOOOO low!
Accelerator doesn't become amazing until after he helps MINI MISAKA aka Last Order, from there on he becomes my all time favorite novel character EVER, even if he is a.... tsunde- crap I can't finish that sentence..... Plus he kills bitches! Who doesn't love killing bitches!!
I'm working on Plat Graces, but the 9999 Eleth Mixer and Gentleman quest is gonna be... well.... >____>
Never heard of that, though MMORPGs take too much of my time, Maplestory, Dragon Nest, Grand Chase, Dragonica and so many more I forgot D;
Then who the hell bought Battlefield 3 then?? xD
Should I get a WiiU instead? I really need Vita for Celceta and ZnK evolution! I should maybe wait for Vita to drop then?
Yeah money is.. just so.... &%#$%#^%@$
There is a Fate figma coming soon, you should get that! xD
HEEY THATS WHAT I SAID! But whatever, I'll show you mine after I get my figures <3 Not sure if I'll get much stuff during Christmas (maybe a GF LOLOLOLOL)
Man you are gay! <3 (DISREGARD THE HEART!)
I plan to play the patched version one day, but man that was horrible. Though NDX was amazing! Londrine <3
Next Tales = ToX3 xDD
But seriously, I see ToS R, I mean, the OVAs are ending soon, PLUS Symphonia has like, the biggest fanbase, maybe even bigger than Abyss and Vesperia.....
BRO I SAW THOSE, BUT..... they're petites, plus I really only care for Aoko and Alice... well Saber and the rest are cool too, but I don't love em as much. AND with Aoko FULL Nendodroid, well... the choice is pretty much obvious xD