Hi! =^_^=
I'm 26 year and I love watching anime as a hobby, for me is a great way to relax, laugh and sometimes even learn something about myself or life.
I'm a pretty relaxed girl, a little quiet when I meet someone for the first time, probably because I'm kind of shy but despite that I like to get to know people and share all the good things of like with them, I have a great sense of humor and I share what Fernando Savater says:
"El humor es un guiño en busca de auténticos compañeros vitales que puedan compartir la aparición gozosa y a veces demoledora del sinsentido del orden rutinario de los significados establecidos"
-Humor is a wink that searches for autentic and vital partners who can share the joyfull and sometimes blasting appearance of the nosense in the usual order of the established meanings
Things I love to do: cooking, reading, drawing, model plasticine, curl my hair and play whit my make up, tai chi, lie down to look at the clowds, go for a cup of tea with a friend and chat a really long thime
My best wishes to all <3
All Comments (10) Comments
For the compatibility, is "extremely low". =(
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I think the reasons I like it are the great characters, the really inventive places and storylines and how it makes a typical shounen story really fun. I think there is a lot going for it that it can draw in people who don't normally go for the really long shounen series (ie: Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, DBZ, etc).
Another bonus is it has less filler than some other shows and the filler is typically enjoyable (in some spots, if you don't read the manga you might not be able to tell.) It also doesn't fall into the trap of extending battles for way too long, nor does it do the "90% recap, 10% new content" thing some longer shows do.
Give it a chance to get rolling and give yourself a chance to get used to the art style (I love it, some people don't) and you might find yourself hooked. :)
how did you like and why or why not no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want.
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