UPDATE: 6/22/2013 Do not read below, as of right now im really tired and lazy to update it, I kinda forgot that i even had this to begin with anyway. I'll try to log on more though but i wont make any promises. If you really wonna talk to me, hit me up on facebook!
»Hi!, my name is AndreW.
»Im 20 something yrs old. Do the math :]
»I was born in Jamaica.
»I lived there for 15 years.
»I moved to New Jersey soon after I turned 15.
»I now live in Georgia as of Jan 07.
»I have four brothers and four sisters.
»All of my brothers are younger than me.
»Three of my sisters are older than me except for one.
»I can be brutally honest with people.
»Thats all I'll say about that.
»keep in mind I MIGHT hurt your feelings if you ask for my opinion.
»But that entirely depends on who you are and what you're asking me.
»So think, and be carefull of the questions you ask me.
»I go to DeVry University.
»Going for my Bachelors Degree in E.E.T.
»EET = Electrnics Engineering Tech.
»So far I like it and I got 2-3 more yrs left.
»I may go for my Masters and maybe my Phd afterwards.
»I am still in the process of making up my mind, I still have alotta time left.
»Some things I like doing include: Watching TV, watching
--anime, playing video games, listening to music of all
--types, computers, going out to anywhere I can have fun
--wether its by myself or with friends, working on my car
--, being lazy from time to time, and of course SEX.
»Im not gay but I am a homophobe to some extent.
»Call me what you wish but I dont like gay men, only girls :D
»I am a straight guy who loves girls, go figure.
»But if you are a gay guy, we can still be cool.
»Just know that I dont take lightly to you telling me what you wonna do with me.
»You do it and I'll simply block you.
»My block list is very long.
»I will add you to it if your an ass with me.
»Or if you do the above.
»I have a sense of humor, we can joke about anything.
»And I mean ANYTHING.
»I dont respond to "Thanks for the add" or "hi" or "wussup".
»Or anything else meaingless.
»1F YoU tYp3 lyk3 DyS, please remove yourself from my presence.
»Obviously you're not one with much sense to hold a decent conversation with me.
»So if you commented me and I didnt respond, there is your answer.
»And if you still typed like a normal civilized human being and I still didnt respond.
»Chances are you didnt stick out enough or I simply thought you were boring or UNATTRACTIVE.
»I could careless what you think about that, so feel free to leave hatmail.
»Now that [hatemail] would not be boring, it makes me laugh =D.
»I like comments, funny ones, stupid ones, insulting ones but not boring ones.
»Leave me one and I just might respond back.
»I also love signs they make me smile.
»Make me one and ill love you forever.
»Get to know me a lil, Im a pretty chill laid-back guy, I'll almost guarantee I'll exceed your expectations.
This profile is outdated and so is my anime list. Ive got alot of updating to do but im just too lazy to do it...oh and if you want, catch me on Xbox LIVE, gamertag: 'LRX7' ->UPDATED 6/22/2013
Oh and if you found a "=]" in your comments from me, it means I enjoyed reading your profile
Updating profile soon!...to be con't
UPDATE: I just copied my myspace profile onto here...this profile about me has changed DRASTICALLY I am just too lazy to change it and I dont have the time either...I am still young and I have learned a few new things along the way...I may be an asshole but I asure you...I will say things as they are...I dont sugar coat anything but needless to say....ill try to take your feelings into consideration.
All Comments (61) Comments
Went pretty downhill after Saw 3, which was a shame.
Still have to see Saw 6 but it's low on my list of priorities...
Alright I have a big update about icenek0!!! First~~~
The results for 'What's Your Favorite color' is up. Check them out and answer the new question of the month. 'What is your favorite vampire character?' This can be from fiction or anime.
I'm going to be away from april 18 - may 4, just so no one worried ^^ I'm going to the grand canyon and San Fransisco if any of you live around there?!
Help me raise money for Heart and Stroke by pledging me online, so I can ride the BIGbike on May 28. Check out my profile for the details.
~Thanks, Kitty
Have a good one!!
yeah the anime is called Clannad...
sorry for the l8 reply i was on holiday :D