Why hello there!
My name is a secret so just call me Sparky(my nickname) or the name I use most often on the internet; Nyx.
My hair is often dyed and just below my shoulders, my eyes are grey but sometimes change colour slightly and look more green or blue it depends on my mood and how much I sleep, I guess.
I'm twenty one years old. XD
I have my lip pierced on the bottom left side of my lip and I'm thinking of having the other side done to match.
I plan on having tattoo's at some point, I'd love to have full sleeves! :D
I'm a little taller than 5'3.
I'm thin and short but eat loads, haha!
I have a thing for mythology, if you haven't guessed by what I asked to be called.
I'm a major Potterhead and a severe animé fangirl.
I have a weird obsession with talking about using spoons as weapons... Haha!
I'm totally crazy and tend to think about things that most would consider weird and then blurt them out.
Some other random things you may want to know:
Race: Cyniclonian (If you haven't seen Tokyo Mew Mew then you won't get the reference)
Countries I'd love to visit: Japan, South Korea, Ireland, Germany (I'd have loved to see Greece and Egypt in their prime.)
Favourite food: Food?! Where? :D
Favourite animals: Dog/bat/snake/lizard/falcon
Favourite colours: red, black, grey, royal blue, purple and biohazard green(lime green/fluorescent green, whatever you want to call it)
Anime I'm currently watching:Ergo Proxy
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