...It feels odd to not have a Sheelos pic ;___; But I found that pic of Luke and it looked so great, so I wanted to use that for a little while. But I'll probably change back to my old one (or new!), 'cause I'm sure I'll get bored to that soon ~
Alright. Thanks x3 I wonder if I'll actually finish that place..I've never beaten it once << And I dunno if I have a file where I have 30 items..not sure if I chose it for a new game +. Maybe I'll try it with my Kratos file, since everyone there is lvl 80-82.
Heey, I like your new pic ~ ...Though the earlier was better ;--; But since it's Sheelos, it doesn't matter!
... ^___________^ I can something from it! "Shiina no..." ...something. So it's something about Sheena's. Can't read the kanjis... But the last hiragana in the right line is wa ~ And then there's kanjis again.. But then there reads: "nanda kedo?" So it means... What... something.
..I don't know. I'm bad at this. x___x Even though I've studied japanese for half year.
Nooooooo. ;;____;; It doesn't matter to me if it's coloured or black and white, so you can show it! 8D ~
But yeah. When you'll start the manga, you'll show that too! 8D I'm sure the characters look great.
But I'm not so good at art. Even though I got the second best grade from it :'''o. It'd be great to be able to draw like some mangakas or something. <3___<3 Then I'd draw Sheelos 24/7! ...Not, but at least a little ~
Ah okey ~ I tried also to get a job from a nearby market... But i didn't get it. ;--; Then I tried a café, but I don't think I'll go there even if I got the place, since the distance between that place and my place is like hell... So I'll go probably soon asking some other places ~
And I'll be out with friends too. ^_____^ And in July I'll go to Animecon to the capital (Helsinki) ~
Hey, by the way ~ You want to be Sheelos club's officer or admin? n_____n You could help me with some things (like uploading pictures etc.) and it'd surely be much greater that way too. And you could too topics like you've done in Zelos club. ~
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Whii, I got Zelos in ToS! ...but not using him in the battles. :0 'Cause I don't want to get used to him now since i decided to kill him...
...It feels odd to not have a Sheelos pic ;___; But I found that pic of Luke and it looked so great, so I wanted to use that for a little while. But I'll probably change back to my old one (or new!), 'cause I'm sure I'll get bored to that soon ~
... ^___________^ I can something from it! "Shiina no..." ...something. So it's something about Sheena's. Can't read the kanjis... But the last hiragana in the right line is wa ~ And then there's kanjis again.. But then there reads: "nanda kedo?" So it means... What... something.
..I don't know. I'm bad at this. x___x Even though I've studied japanese for half year.
But yeah. When you'll start the manga, you'll show that too! 8D I'm sure the characters look great.
But I'm not so good at art. Even though I got the second best grade from it :'''o. It'd be great to be able to draw like some mangakas or something. <3___<3 Then I'd draw Sheelos 24/7! ...Not, but at least a little ~
And I'll be out with friends too. ^_____^ And in July I'll go to Animecon to the capital (Helsinki) ~