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Kagami no Kojou
Kagami no Kojou
Mar 11, 6:17 PM
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Yarinaoshi Reijou wa Ryuutei Heika wo Kouryakuchuu
Yarinaoshi Reijou wa Ryuutei Heika wo Kouryakuchuu
Mar 3, 3:41 AM
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Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo
Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo
Mar 2, 10:05 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 7
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Days: 11.0
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Baraou no Souretsu
Baraou no Souretsu
Jun 14, 2022 12:36 PM
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Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku.
Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku.
Sep 12, 2021 10:49 AM
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thugr4ted Oct 29, 2024 4:58 AM
ayy welcome to you too~
thugr4ted Oct 31, 2021 6:41 AM
Saraph Sep 5, 2015 1:59 PM
First of all, it is true I was inactive here in comments section for a long long time. These days I do check it several times a month (so I guess you still can't call it active :D), but main reason why I wrote I'm inactive is because I stopped enjoying writing really long messages. With several people some comments even had as much as 10 paragraphs each. I noticed how I couldn't just casually answer anymore. It's like when someone says "Hi, how're you?" and you can instantly reply "Hi, I'm great, blabla...", but this was starting to require preparation and right mood. Otherwise I just couldn't bring myself to write another wall of text.

Ok, what I just wrote probably sounds weird. :D But on the other hand, I put it on my profile like a year ago and since then I participated a lot in Reddit discussions (including arguments, which I'm trying to avoid now, because it's not worth it) and wrote a lot of movie reviews, so "speaking my mind" mode is probably somewhat back. Still, I'm not so active with anime watching, so no one here would probably have a very meaningful anime discussion with me.

Hey good luck with your physical exercises. You know what Shia LaBeouf would say, right? God dammit, I can exercise a lot, but going on diet? NOPE NOPE NOPE! Not happening!

Talking to me on Steam is no big deal at all, quite frankly we always produce so much nonsense with Steam friends just for giggles. Anytime you feel like it, write whatever you want. :D

Saraph Jan 25, 2014 4:14 PM
You really hit the mark with what you said about Dota. I'll now be talking from perspective of LoL player, but the points remains same. Some people are just too f***ing serious even about normal unranked games. I always viewed those as free space to try new champions, new item setups, etc. There's not really a reason to be too serious about it. There is enough rage in ranked play already. You go and hit the practice game and there are people telling you to "learn to play". What the hell? Isn't that the reason behind playing the practice, unranked game?

So yeah, as you can see, I pretty much agree with everything you said about it.

Wait, you're trying to gain weight? What number are you at right now? I'm surprised to hear someone talking about 'gaining' weight instead of the exact opposite. ;)
Dris Jan 15, 2014 7:54 PM
Yeah. I wish I could draw. So I'm trying to teach myself how to draw. I really really really do want to be someone who can at least draw up to par with a little bit of awesomeness.

LOL. I have no idea what you are talking about here.

Haha, sex is weird.
bananas are control.
hate is tateful.


Hmm, I guess we could do Whatsapp.
Dris Jan 15, 2014 7:16 PM
Anyway, you know what I want to learn? How to draw. Gah. I am so envious of those people that can draw well.


No worries. That's why I say bananas.

HEY! You never know where you can find friends okay? Gosh.

Do you have any apps? Kik? Kakao? Line?
Dris Jan 15, 2014 6:26 PM
Haha, I truly truly do understand the limitations of a slow computer. Like...better than a lot of people who all have shiny, new laptops and desktops to brag about.

Meh. I don't have any consoles at all. Whatsoever. I'm completely console-less.
I just play games on pc.

LOL Fine fine. Sure sure. bananas.

Well, no worries. XD

Um. Like may I ask where you live?
Dris Jan 15, 2014 5:52 PM
Was just saying the truth. Just saying the truth.

Hey hey hey. Before I got my new laptop, I had the worse crap computer ever. So I know your pain lol.
Anyway, I just look forward to future videos you know?


Lol, you're such a silly girl. It's okay. That makes sense.

So was i. Just saying, I mean.

Girl, I'm asking for your number, XD
Dris Jan 15, 2014 5:25 PM
Haha, I don't mean to make you any more flustered by the fact that I am complimenting you. But when you keep denying it and stuff, it's kinda cute. XD

They honestly weren't THAT bad. Now the quality of the videos could have been better for a few but not bad at all. Good job.

Osu is my game. It's different from all those other generic games. In my opinion at least.
ANd eh. League.

Well...League tops everything. That I am sure of.
Meh. i don't really care if they cuss or say mean things. I just ignore them and have fun.

LOL. I don't mind. I'm good at listening. No worries.

I'm the depressive type. I help people even though his or her very presence is like a fire burning me. But that's the type of guy I am. A hopeless romantic. Forever alone, forever there to help but nothing more. XD

I just really never get on lol.

Like...are you capable of texting?
Dris Jan 15, 2014 4:39 PM

Well...I wasn't rushing you at all. I just want to see your work. I mean new work. Lol. I already went through your youtube channel.
Good. THat is good. I look forward to seeing it.
Let it be soon.

I prefer Osu. It's different and I like that. Lol.
I play league a LOT. Like....a lot. LOL.

Yeah...I'm too lazy to start up Dota2. I mean I can play it. I'll probably suck...but I can probably play it. I mean it's basically a harder version of league. So yeah.

Meh. Dota2's community is not even that toxic. If you want a toxic community let's talk about league. It literally is dubbed THE worst gaming community. I'm pretty sure it holds up it's name pretty frequently.

Lol. Did I tell you to vent to me? O_O

Ouch. Well. If you don't want to talk to me feel free to not.

Lol. I'll add you another time. The next time I log in...which is probably in a long time. Well. I don't really get jealous. Just bored. Lol.

Do you have texting? Of any sort?
Dris Jan 15, 2014 2:58 PM
Good. So we both agree you're cute. Awesome. XD

Haha, I'm not trying to rush you. I want to see some amazing work from you though. Heh.

Ooh. The only games I play are League of Legends, Osu, Hearthstone. Really that's it. Lol. Alas I need to find more games to play.

Well, I don't. XD

Dota2. Interesting. I would play that if I were any good.

I do...though I don't have any games. XD
except dota2


I know. LOL.


Dris Jan 15, 2014 12:07 PM
Haha, not really. Just from what I can tell of yours. It seems cute.
So? I'm not saying I know you well. I'm just saying from what I can tell, you seem cute. GOD. XD

Well true enough. GET SOME INSPIRATION. YOU CAN DO IT. GO GO GO. Anyway, you'd better show me your next video.

Well, I recently haven't been playing as much. So eh. But yes I do play pc games. I don't play any other types of games.

I see. Like what?
Dris Jan 15, 2014 11:53 AM
Well I find your personality to be pretty cute. Though I guess that's just my opinion.

It's a pretty cool hobby. You should keep doing it. There's nothing cooler than an awesome AMV type thing.


I play pc games I suppose.
Dris Jan 15, 2014 10:38 AM
Well I guess I wouldn't know about actual looks. I was talking about personality though. LOL.

And maybe I am. But I'm pretty happy to know that people read what I write. Not just reviews.

Oh. Yes. I was talking about your editing. Hahahahaha.

You being you is cool and funny. =P

Depends? Like what kind of games are you talking about?
Dris Jan 15, 2014 8:25 AM
Nah. not in a bad way. a cute way xD

It was a pleasure for me to know you read it xD
Ooh. Teach me your ways.

Haha. you are funny. But definitely cool. xp
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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