my name is julie niki ~
my nicknames: skittlez and Lika
my age is unknown to you people x3
i'm bisexual
personality: sweet, friendly, a candy addict, and hyper(all the time)
likes: candy <3, music, meeting new people, hanging with my friends, anndd skittlez! (my favorite candy)
dislikes: assholes, people who talk bad about my friends, and school x3
personality: super sweet(x, always hyper, never really mad, and yeah. :D
my favorite song
again i like meeting new people so feel free to add me~

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Just wanted to let you know that the anime & manga contest part2(match 1) is open! So go check it out! Also there are winner cardsopen! Remember to be active and go to the club! Thanks to you all for been in the club we have 450 members! Seeya in the club!
Its open the Helloween LE's! Go and ask for one!
Hey Guys!
As there has not been any improvement with mass messages issue, Canon Pairings Club wasn't able to continue our tournament with the couples... Nevertheless, we want to continue it. The only way we came up with is MASS MAILING :) So, those of you who are willing to continue to vote in our matches, please send me your email address. I assure you, it will be used for matches notifications ONLY. If there will be a certain number of addresses which allow us to continue, we will restart the votings!! In case not, the waiting for the mass msg will continue..
P.S. Those of you who aren't aware, we also made a HUUUGE list of all known canon couples, HERE You are welcome to nominate more ;))
the voting for the next special theme has ended, and the winner is kimono/katanas.
remember, that special editions are for members too, so you can make the cards with the winner theme. also, you're earning points for each special edition cards that you made, if you have an opened bank account.
you're new in making cards? have a graphic-related questions, searching for any special font/pattern/texture or images? you can ask anything like this, just check this topic.
also, we're still searching for new helpers, so if you want to help us by making a limited edition cards, delivering the cards or inviting members, you can apply for it here.
and lastly, since May is an month of exams, the club creator, mc, is going on a hiatus, so all her cards should be delivered after the school ends. if you have any questions about club, ask co-creator, ladyAre.
have a good day
and see you again in the club;
Thank you ^^
Now we are in second place, but we need just a few hundred votes to reach the FIRST place! Help SHINee to become THE BEST KPOP GROUP 2011.
Thank you for voting.
how are you?
lolz xDDDDD