My name is Steve...... i am a pathological liar
I am 39, as you would see if you looked at my date of birth^^^
I am an anime fan... not a Japan fan (that rhymed =D)... not that i hate japan
I love unicorns and rainbows *skips gleefully*
but seriously.... my favorite bands are The black keys, Led zeppelin, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The black angels, Cream, The who, Wolfmother, Muse..... so on and so forth
don't argue with me... i wont fight dirty, I'll just ignore you, its the Internet after all what's the point?
I respect your right to disagree, i don't necessarily respect your ideals.
I am a pretty mellow person most of the time, though i do have a bit of a sharp edge.
I like cookies =D
*have one*
I am an architecture student, and an art enthusiast
I am not easy to understand, but i am pretty open if you want to talk....
My Sig
MAL awards
more will be added sometime -_-
And now you're probably confused... but if you leave a comment it will all magicaly make sense for some unknown arbitrary reason 0_^
Oh okay, I didn't know that. And I won't put any architects out of jobs ^^ I mean, using the program more like a Sims game xD Not to build an actual house, lol.
Yup. BME is a very broad field, and it's difficult to say you have a degree in BME (this is why undergrad degrees in BME are debatable). What I really mean is that I want to use my engineering degree for biomedical purposes :D
Architecture, eh? Interesting :D Are you looking more at large scale architecture like big buildings, or smaller like houses?? I always see those "build your own home" software kits in computer stores, and if I had the time and the money, I'd take one home and play with it like a game xD
That's so interesting :D It's always really cool when art has a story behind it as well :)
Hey! Thanks for entering! I was seriously considering making a voting thread with "4saken" on five different poll options, and just seeing which button got clicked the most xD
And I love your entry, btw. Especially after the texturizing touches you added. Very ironic, I think. But you'll have to explain what you meant by it to be sure that I understood it. I think I did ^^
And thanks about the drugs comment :) I don't enter very often because drawing is a kind of madness for me. I'll get so involved and won't surface for hours or days once I start -- and as a grad student I can't afford the time too often ^^
All Comments (30) Comments
Yup. BME is a very broad field, and it's difficult to say you have a degree in BME (this is why undergrad degrees in BME are debatable). What I really mean is that I want to use my engineering degree for biomedical purposes :D
That's so interesting :D It's always really cool when art has a story behind it as well :)
And I love your entry, btw. Especially after the texturizing touches you added. Very ironic, I think. But you'll have to explain what you meant by it to be sure that I understood it. I think I did ^^
And thanks about the drugs comment :) I don't enter very often because drawing is a kind of madness for me. I'll get so involved and won't surface for hours or days once I start -- and as a grad student I can't afford the time too often ^^