hey there =) i just only got hooked by anime recently (2010 to be exact...i don't think that counts as recent anymore right???)....really love for something to do when i am bored...
i don't why but i always feel like doing something crazy..and sometimes random...people might call that weird..but to those who understand me.. =) we are "one"
i really, really love reading and i usually go to the library at least once a month. More during the holidays.. My life, like everyone one else, is very complicated. But, at least we get to escape reality once in a while by indulging in anime =) Don't you people just love getting caught up in the mystery, love, action (whatever category you are watching) of the anime..and imagine yourself being one of the characters and saving the day on whichever day that need saving...well..you get the idea ;) I am actually an introvert, i don't really talk much and i don't like going out to crowded places...because i think i am mildly claustrophobic (note the "i think") =) Its cool though.
My dream is to be a writer one day and write really really touching stories that will make people reflect on their lives. But i am not that standard yet... i don think i will ever reach there.
Do recommend me some nice animes if have any since i am kinda running out of animes to watch now....hahaha...i don't really read manga because manga is expensive and i am just too lazy to go borrow them from the library....and i always have no space for them since i read other adult fiction stuff...........and i don't like to read online...its just different you know.....yea i am sentimental =) i think books should stay as books in hard copy on paper. Maybe one day E-books will take over hard copy books and then the world will end =(
<Update 2018>
Its the year 2018, a good 10 years since i first watching anime. I look back about 8 years ago when i first wrote this biblo about myself (cringe). All the dots (cringe) all that dreamy mushy stuff (cringe). Haha, i am amazed but i guess i was once like that. Perhaps we all were. Figured that it would feel wrong to delete all of those things since they were still a part of me no matter how much i might cringe at them.
In this decade, i would like to believe i matured a little. I no longer associate myself as an "introvert" but perhaps more of an extroverted introvert? Some friends have remarked that i can be low-key pops. I am glad for friends like them. Lets see, i no longer go to libraries since i primarily read ebooks. Although i wont deny the magic of holding onto a paperback, it is still very much cost and time efficient to procure ebooks. My dream has changed, or should i say incorporated the realities of life, and from wanting to be a writer, it went to wanting to become a teacher, and then a salaryman and now something else. Being in university, i see the world in a different perspective. One could say i have become more logical, cynical, analytical. Certainly i indeed have lost the idealism from 10 years ago. Growing up does that to you.
Nonetheless i think its pretty amazing at how far anime has accompanied me through the last 10 years. It taught me many things: values, life-skills, a sense of humour. I wouldnt go as far as to call myself a huge fan, but i believe the sheer volume of series watched can speak for itself.
Do i regret watching so much anime? Not one bit. And i don't think i ever will.
Anime in general has supported me through the various ups and downs of my life. For which i am grateful. Almost to the point that i feel bad streaming them online for free and not buying their merchandise to support the series. Almost.
But who knows, lets give it another 10 years. Maybe I might lose interest in anime, but i wouldnt bet on it.
Till next time, Wingar (2018)
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C L I C K || T H E || S P O I L E R || A N D || J O I N... please I'm begging you
This is One Divine informing you a few days late that the Art and Graphic Competitions are OVERRR! The results are in so whether you participated or not does not matter, so check out the results! The results to the Art competition can be found here and the results to the Graphic Competition can be found here! Thanks for visiting, and remember theres plenty to do, don't forget about our games and chatango room anyone can visit. See ya next time!
Hello there One Divine, the registrations and entries have been delivered for both the Banner Competition #2 and our very first Art Competition, so whether you participated or not, please visit here for the Art competition voting and here for the Banner Competition voting! Thank you and I hope you enjoy what you see!
Thank you, for your second event participation, in One Divine's Valentine Bash! We hope for those who participated, enjoyed it to it's full extent, but unfortunately, yet again, some users did not receive gifts because of the some who did not feel like taking 5-10 minutes out of their life to actually do what they signed up. No animosity here, just pointing out something ♥ Now with that over, we will head on to new and different things. For now, we introduce a new game brought out by one of our members; JustRad. Name a Flaw, the details to this game will be seen here! I would also like to announce that we will soon be holding something brought back from the dead, though should be one of the most enjoyable of all activities in One Divine; One Divine's Art Competitions will soon be held in the club, and we would love to witness the artistic abilities of you all! So when the time comes, please check out the details and participate for a chance to have your work displayed and a nice award banner to boot!
This concludes One Divines banner competition, and we are glad to have you participated, whether it was as competitor, or voting for your favorite banner! Thank you for your contribution, as the results have been long awaited. I present you.. THE RESULTS!. Also, stick around for the upcoming Valentines Day event; One Divine's Valentine Bash! It will begin February 06th, which means very, very soon! Take this chance to participate in something of ours if you haven't already. Thank you for your time my wonderful members <3
Entries have been turned in for our very first competition and now it's up to you to decide on who will stand 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! The voting is very simple, follow the format within the thread here and you'll be good! Be honest, be fair, and don't forget to check up on the club every once in a while for other activities and to see the club grow larger. Thank you One Divine, see you next time!