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I haven't read the manga in question, but I'll share my views on it anyway.
First, let's assume that the manga is told from the perspective of Beniko, and thus because of the psychological trauma she goes through, she becomes an Unreliable Narrator. In other words, you shouldn't take all the events that happen in the manga at face value; consider that everything that happens is seen through the eyes of Benito.
Benito was in love with Sora, but all of a sudden, he started to become abusive (?) and Benito doesn't know how to deal with the situation. In her mind, the person that Sora has become isn't associated with the person that Sora was before. Because Sora has a twin named Umi, it made it much easier for her to separate the two from each other in her mind. The new Sora becomes Umi. Think of her thought pattern as such:
'Sora would never do that! That's not the Sora I know! That's right, this can't be Sora. How did I get mixed up? Oh, I remember, Sora has a twin. That's how it was so easy for me to get mixed up. Wait, Umi died in a traffic accident? That can't be! The person treating me abusively is Umi, who's right in front of me! That's right, Sora died in a traffic accident. That's the only explanation. They must have gotten mixed up.'
Or something to that effect.