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matic12345 Nov 23, 2015 2:22 PM
Thumbs up for your great Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom review. I am just interested what would you have thought of the anime, had it ended after their first Confrontation with Scythe Master.

Anyway if you are interested in more anime like this I would seriously recommend Noir as it is very similar but better in many aspects.
Heiko92 Nov 23, 2015 12:36 PM
Good Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom review :)
Baddie007 Aug 16, 2014 12:42 PM
and "Another" one just made a good review.
makoa69 Aug 19, 2012 10:40 PM
I do appreciate that season 2 has more development given to the villains, but in exchange the 3 heroes get horrible development and the returnees from season one get practically none. It was also strange that these kids even really bothered to help the digiworld. They're constantly jumping from the real world the the digital. Aren't they concerned about their regular life being affected, or their own survival put at stake? In season one they were obligated to venture as they were trapped in the strange world. In season two they have no obligation at all.

There's an anime reviewer named JesuOtaku and she has made the greatest analysis and review of Digimon anybody could ever ask for. The reviews for Adventure 1 and 2 are both several hours long. I totally recommend watching those reviews.
Nasty001 Aug 10, 2012 5:02 AM
Nice " Ao No Exorcist" review.
makoa69 Jul 31, 2012 7:16 PM
Ooh! You're watching Digimon? What do you think? Season one was my childhood man, I LOVED that show! Puppetmon was my favorite villain.
I could never get into season two though. I just didn't like Davis and the other two new characters, nor their digimon...
makoa69 Jul 28, 2012 9:37 PM
I don't think this will happen. Even if, say, I thought Clannad After story was better than Kanon (and I do think that), I still would still give both animes a ten. The fact that one is better than the other doesn't automatically mean one has to be a 9. Judging based on comparison simply means I'm more exposed to different aspects of anime and I'm capable of giving a better overall analysis.
In your theory, suppose I did originally give anime A a 10, and then I watched B and then decided to change A to a lower score. Is that actually a bad thing? That simply means I can now see clearly what flaws A has that I couldn't before.
This has actually happened to me a few times. I originally watched Higurashi, and I gave it a ten. But later on, after I was more knowledgeable on the way anime works, as well as after a few rewatches, I felt Higurashi really didn't deserve the ten. Same with season one of Clannad.
makoa69 Jul 25, 2012 9:53 AM
I think it's important to use comparison when judging an anime or anything. If you got a C on a test, judging alone you would say you did pretty awful. But if you compare to the rest of your class, who, supposedly had an average of D, then you'll feel you did much better than before.
The same can be said for anime genres. Sure if you isolate Shuffle into it's own bubble, then yeh it's totally 10 worthy. However, once you compare it to other shows like it, you'll see some flaws in Shuffle that you didn't see before. Know what I mean?
makoa69 Jul 22, 2012 3:47 AM
I dunno man. While I did enjoy Shuffle, I more or less felt like I had already seen it before. You've seen Kanon, Angel Beats, and Clannad, and it's very easy to see the similarities: a passive male lead, a huge number of female characters interested in the male, each with a problem or history that gets addressed at some point. I can't help but feel that Clannad and especially Kanon just do the job better. Especially when Shuffle incorporates fiance rivalry into the equation and the boy ends up choosing a girl (mind you, a girl I didn't really like that much, I thought Kaede was a much better choice).
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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