IF YOU'RE Wondering Why My Anime list is 0...
Allow me to explain.
When I first started watching anime, I use to complete it without Looking at it with a examining eye, and would watch it to... well... enjoy it. Not look at it for its music, its logic, its plot devices, etc. Simply put, I would watch an anime in an attempt to enjoy it.
The good old days, am I right?
However, as i got more and more involved in the anime world and toxic community, I would still attempt to enjoy anime for what its worth and try to enjoy it, but would start to focus on it more in depth, looking at every single aspect rather than enjoying it which quite simply, almost made me lose my entire interest in anime, one of the greatest thing I love.
I'm quite a different guy, my opinons on a anime can change on a sudden whim (except for my favorite anime list, those I rarely ever change my opinons on since either A. It Affected my life or made a wonderful moment in my life in some way shape or form or B. Were so enjoyable that they created a nostalgic moment in my life). But with ratings, they are to me, a type of cage placed on an anime to fit them under a block and keep it there.
I would sometimes go on MAL and see an anime that I enjoyed at the time, but on that day I may have forgotten a bit about it and BOOM, I would change its rating right there and then. Even though that anime could have had a pretty huge impact on me or was truly enjoyable, I would remove its importance. Just bcs I wasn't in the mood that day or i would possibly remember a specific scene I didn't quite enjoy, I would put down its whole rating bcs I possibly rated it a 8 or 9 and thought (thats too high a rating).
And to that I would like to say to myself, for what? What did I gain from doing all this other than that I ruined those animes for myself forever.
I realized it was all for nothing, Since I would watch this medium for enjoyment,
not to lose my happiness and fun in watching it. And I realized the root of the problem, it was the ratings I would place on them. It would start to be the only basis I would have to watching an anime, what it would be rated? And it honestly was getting worse, and worse. Thus I have removed all my ratings which was Extremely tough, But at least now i am watching anime for enjoyment, not for how often that plot device was used, or how re used that joke was, or how the music sounds or overhyped it is.
I honestly believe if you have a 6 overall rating for your anime list, you should just stop watching it. what are you doing wasting your time on watching a medium you clearly don't even enjoy, or just want to judge relentlessly without enjoying an anime for what it is.
LYBALASRIFY, Meaning (Live your best anime life and stop ruining it for yourself). And im glad to say, that I have now been enjoying anime like I once did, all those many days ago. Here's to good memories with a medium that means alot to me! Thats all I have, if you came here to want to get to know about me, all i have to say is sorry _-_
Also Doki doki literature club is the best media in the anime medium ever. So from all the shows, mangas, or anything anime related, this one is the best, just a little fact for the un educated.
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Eyo You started watching monogatari get ready for dialogue heavy series!