I am a German-American Noble with too much time on his hands, and not enough Fried Chicken.
So I've decided to conquer the world and fill it with Fried Chicken!
Fried Chicken
Martial Arts
Mixed Martial Arts
Good Anime
World Domination
Video Games
Intelligent People
Anything With A Good Story
Fried Chicken
Anything I Find Interesting
Fried Chicken
People Who Are Illogical
Incompetent Officials
Incompetent Doctors
Incompetent School Teachers
People Who Smoke In The Hospital
People Who Try To Mug You
People Who Don't Think
People Who Drink And Drive
People Who Try To Swindle You
People Who Send Scam Calls To Your Phone
People Who Try to Sell You Something
People Who Come To Your House To Try To Sell You Something
People Who Break Into Your House To Try To Sell You Something
People Who Steal Your Car And Then Drive It Into Your House To Try To Sell You Something
People Who Won't Shut Up at 3:14 AM
Shitty Anime
Shitty Movies
Shitty Video Games
Shitty Books
Shitty Plot
Shitty Shit
Reality TV
Long Drives
Alarm Clocks
Vampire Holmes
Vampires Named Holmes
People Who Make Lists Of Things They Hate
I subjectively rate objectively, the story/plot and characters are the most important factors, art and sound don't necessarily influence a show negatively for me, unless my eyes/ears start bleeding when I'm watching the shows.
10 = A true masterpiece, not perfect, as perfection isn't humanly possible to achieve, but this comes close in my book. These all connect with me on a personal level, and can even have me questioning my worldview.
9 = A true work of art, not quite a masterpiece, but it was still an incredible show worthy of praise, one that connected with me or appealed to me with something I love or can relate to.
8 = A great anime, one with a lot going for it, there might be a few flaws here and there, but they aren't really that significant to me.
7 = A good anime that was fun and enjoyable, but still has some flaws popping up
here and there, sometimes in the form of the anime failing finish the source material, or running out of the aforementioned necessity (if applicable).
6 = A decent/above average anime and generally a fun ride, but it often has a key aspect missing or some other annoyance(s) causing trouble.
5 = An average anime, can range anywhere from something terrible with an excellent soundtrack, to a relatively boring anime, to something decent that ended up sucking for one reason or another.
4 = A bad anime, often very forgettable and bland, sometimes the idea is decent, but it just doesn't go well, or the whole thing just sucks.
3 = An awful anime, it sucks. A LOT. I think that the writers and staff running the whole thing just didn't care, or maybe their AC had a suspicious something pumped into it, to make these piles of garbage. Also, when ignoring the source material, if one so happens to create an abomination then oftentimes we know what happens by now.
2 = Absolute garbage, can't even believe someone thought this was a good Idea, although many of these are really good for a laugh if you believe in the "so bad it's good" kinda thing.
1 = Mmm-mm, smell that? That's Premium Grade A Shit, these have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
If I could rate lower that a 1, than Vampire Holmes would fester here. I would rather gnaw through a Giant Redwood tree like some fuckin' asshole beever than watch this abomination again. If i ever find something worse than Vampire Holmes, I might actually end up doing that.
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