Anime Stats
Days: 138.5
Mean Score:
- Watching58
- Completed633
- On-Hold50
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch517
- Total Entries1,258
- Rewatched84
- Episodes8,127
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 21.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries223
- Reread0
- Chapters2,061
- Volumes260
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (5) Comments
So you're watching Gintama that's great.
Well let me give you an advice.
Just for the information.
The first Episodes and the following first Episodes can be quite average.
I know that it can be for many people. So maybe for you as well.
But it will improve a lot afterwards.
So I hope you will keep on watching Gintama.
The Boku no Hero unfortunately aired at a time when I was in a state of distaste for Bones after Kekkai and ConRev. So I never got to it nor do I really feel the interest anymore since the main character looks like he is 8 years old.
Walking around from town to town but instead of economy it is witches haha.
I tend to like to start a conversation with everyone I invite instead of just giving you a random invite.
What show this season has been the biggest disappointment for you?