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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2
Feb 23, 7:48 PM
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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
Oct 21, 2024 10:12 PM
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Shissou Word
Shissou Word
Jun 24, 2024 10:02 AM
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Klefki_of_Awsome Jan 1, 1:05 PM
Yeah, I get that, I feel the same these days tbh, and I'm not even working yet, so I can't imagine how busy it'll get once I start doing that as well..=v='3
Thanks a lot for the encouragement! I hope you're faring well these days as well, lol~=v=3
Since the last time we talked there hasn't been much change, but the big one I guess, is that I can finally drive now, as I took my practice classes between late October (2 days after your last reply) and mid-December! Those went well, though my instructor told me I will need a lot more practice, and I agree with them.. Thankfully, my family is supportive and can help with that. After the Holiday period passes, I'll be going back to grinding my nose in the job hunting market again, sigh.. Hopefully I can find something that suits my needs soon in terms of work. Rn, I'm enjoying the Holiday and resting a bit, since I got sick AGAIN in late November, up till early/mid-December, something my family seems to have gotten themselves recently (though I'm probably not the direct cause, because there's a gap between the time I retablished and the time they got sick)..

Yeah, I'm doing fine now, thankfully! Here's to a great 2025!
Klefki_of_Awsome Oct 8, 2024 3:04 PM
Looking at your quotes and status on Discord, seems like you had a lot on your hands recently, but hopefully things are looking brighter for you now! I'm all ears if you want to talk about it, either here or on Discord, though I won't force you if you don't want to either!
Yeah, it was quite hectic in the last months between the driving classes, me getting really sick most of August, the trip up north back in early September, then my birthday, the job hunt through it all, as well as my braces and the new elastics being annoying, and other irl stuff, it was a lot, but recently I've finally gotten down to doing stuff I'd plan to do earlier too.. I can talk about it, but it might take a while tbh..=v=3

To Summarize, here are the big points:
1) I got a positive reply for a job offer at the government, but as there are no opening for it rn, all I can do is wait until that happens, and look for other more immediate work in the meanwhile.
2) I passed my driving classes and tests this Summer, and got my first license, all I have left are the actual driving lessons, which will start later this month!
3) I met friends irl that I hadn't met in a while (we're talking pre-pandemic here) for my birthday, so it was great to see that everyone is doing well, though I was surprised to hear that some of my friends were already married and/or had a house and/or kids!
4) Got badly sick because of the extreme weather changes in August and September so I couldn't do much then..
5) Finally, I went on a trip in mid September to get my brother back, since he was working up north in his girlfriend's hometown for the Summer, and got to hang out with family that lives there as well that I don't get to visit much often so that was fun and relaxing, but my phone started having issues while I was there.
6) Got my phone fixed last week (FINALLY!) after about a month having to deal with it not working well (it was a battery issue where the old battery drained too quickly, not useful when I have to follow my blood sugar levels with a CGM app on my phone, and need to carry it with me all the time!).

You're Very Welcome, hope you had a good one~!^v^
Klefki_of_Awsome Sep 10, 2024 7:28 AM
Happy Birthday, vinroy11 ~!^^
J0Zkys Jul 30, 2024 1:44 AM
You have really amazing looking profile and the touhou theme is nice
Hope you are doing well and having fun :D
Klefki_of_Awsome May 23, 2024 7:00 PM
Basically, catching up on a ton of anime while also job hunting. I've found a few interesting posts lately so that second part might end soon if I get the job, just got to post my CV on the website I'm using, change the wording a bit in it and change my introduction letter, then apply for the post!>:D9 As for the first part, I'll need to catch up to a lot of things, but thankfully I have the time to do it in the next 2 or so years.^^'>3

Edit: Oh right, and I forgot to mention, but I'll also be taking my driving classes this Summer, so it'll be really packed then, lol!x'D9
Klefki_of_Awsome Jan 30, 2024 12:32 PM
Thanks, yeah, it wasn't fun.. I didn't get much sick but the symptoms lasted longer then I'd thought/hoped it would so I stayed at home for a while after.. Just recently got back on track and getting a few things done here and there before I get back into the busier schedule in April.
Klefki_of_Awsome Jan 10, 2024 10:44 AM
Don't worry about it, if I have something that is more urgent to tell you, I'll send a message on Discord (since we are often on at the same time afaik)!>v<>

Yep, life is going well now! I had been sick with COVID for a while (got it in late December last year for the second time, first time being the year before around the same time, and while I probably recovered from it fairly quickly, the sequels of the sickness still affected me for a while after, even though everyone else was fine again, but that's probably just my immune system being weaker because of Diabetes..) but now I am doing fine again so I finally got started on my MAL replies!!^v^9

You're Very Welcome, hope you had a great day~!^^
Klefki_of_Awsome Sep 10, 2023 12:45 PM
Happy Birthday, vinroy11 ~!^^
Felix-san Sep 10, 2023 8:58 AM
Happy birthday, pal.
Vilkku92 Sep 10, 2023 4:25 AM
Happy birthday!
Haruka Aug 1, 2023 9:13 PM
Thank you!
Klefki_of_Awsome Jul 28, 2023 9:13 AM
Don't worry! The registration period was from July 1st but runs until August 24 so you still have time, if you want to enter. We didn't get much suggestions so it'll probably be only 1 volume per user registered this year and if that succeeds well enough, I plan to make it a bit more complicated (and probably advertise outside the club as well).

Thank you! And best of luck and congratulations to us both for graduation and what comes after!^v^9
That sounds like a plan to me, my brother who's studying psychology is thinking of working in a clinic after his next year since he his getting in his 4th or 5th year and needs to choose a specialization soon.

No worries, and you welcome! Yes, there's a function I think for audiobooks as well, if you know people who enjoy those!

That's fine, whenever is good for you! I also just reply if I see someone sending me something, and I go from time to time at most since I mostly use the MAL club comments to communicate frequently (or AniList if I remember).

Btw, super sorry for the late reply, been ultra busy irl in the last 3-4 months or so so had a hard time coming over to do replies..>.<'3
Klefki_of_Awsome May 18, 2023 8:48 AM
I'll upload one that's akin to the intermittent one, probably next month, if not sometimes in Summer, since I would definitely like to get it done before i'm in rush season again and don't have time for anything but anime (this Fall in particular since I have to cram 2 seasons in 1).=v=3

Thanks, I'm sure it will be a fun game! And feel free to participate as well, if you get the time to!:D

EDIT: Realized i didn't reply to your other reply so I'll be posting that below, my bad..^^'>3

That's cool, so you do work that helps others!:D
I'm a library tech, though haven't graduated yet.. I plan to start working either as a page, in a school library, or in retail next year one day a week, and move to 3 days a week in 2025. This is to A) Allow me to get used to be in a working environment while controlling my diabetes and B) Allow me to catch up to and watch a good chunk of my PTW List on MAL, allowing me more freedom to do other things like work and do my other irl hobbies as well.

Yup, and I do enjoy reading on it, very easy to use and the amount of space is decent as well. I recommend it, if you ever feel like getting one, either as a present, or buying it yoursefl, since it is easy to use and good if you don't have a lot of space!^^ (and the manga and LN selection is quite decent as well imo) :)


Well it was also great talking to you on Discord the other day! Whenever you feel like it, send me a message there or here and I'll reply when I have the time on my end, lol~^^3
Klefki_of_Awsome May 8, 2023 2:04 PM
Hmm, OK.. So that looks a little more severe then what I'd be aiming for but the idea behind it is definitely there, or rather the basic idea of wanting to share manga some people might not have read before is the same thing I had in mind.. I'll probably change it to make it more accessible at first though, like say one year to read the manga and they only need to read one volume of it at first and then can decide whether they want to continue with it or not. That way, I'd be able to get people joining who are too busy to read a lot but can do one volume and then we'd go from there, I think..>:o>
Klefki_of_Awsome May 6, 2023 11:01 AM
Sorry, will reply to your other reply sometimes later this month, had some trouble with the internet yesterday and waiting for it to stabilize before doing something that will take a day to do and that I will need internet for like replies..

That said, the reason I'm writing to you rn is that I was checking some older PMs the other day and noticed one from you about a manga roulette suggestion. To get right to it: I read it again, and despite how long it's been since you sent it to me, I feel like implementing the idea in the club! It would just be a trial version at first to see how many people are interested and actually take part in it but I feel like it could be interesting and lead to more people finding new genres to enjoy! If you're still interested in implementing that idea, could you make a post about it in the club or reply with more details to this post here first? Thanks in advance, and have a nice day/night!^^/
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