All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 93.7
Mean Score:
- Watching14
- Completed394
- On-Hold11
- Dropped6
- Plan to Watch215
- Total Entries640
- Rewatched0
- Episodes5,708
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 47.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries276
- Reread0
- Chapters7,857
- Volumes813
All Comments (52) Comments
thank you for accepting my friend request! i hope you're doing well \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)
any plans for halloween, or any interesting content on your radar as of late? |・ω・)
For Lycoris Recoil... honestly for what those two words mean, they really make a weird combination. However I see it as a good title, it also may prove its purpose later on in the anime.
Before I watched Odd Taxi I had an impression of it being a slice of life anime about an ordinary taxi driver who listens to his different passengers' stories about their life, delights, good times, difficulties and struggles with each one of them. Each story tries to convey a meaning or significance to the viewer at the end of each episode, that's the kind of show I thought Odd Taxi would be. I had the wrong impression at first but it wasn't far from truth, it seems that you and I were thinking alike at the beginning. As you said it tells different stories about different side characters and that's why episode 4 really blew my mind, but those whose stories were told weren't just random characters at all. Every character in the anime and even their most subtle decisions had their own significance that had an impact on the events of the story, which in turn affected the main character and his actions. There were hints thrown here and there about Odokawa actually having a disorder that makes him hallucinates caused by his vision agnosia, but I was still mind-blown by it at the end. Everything was linked together which led to a great final episode that made me really stunned! I agree with you that this anime was the best in 2021 in terms of storytelling, it still holds a place in my heart as one of my favorites.
Lycoris Recoil is a really good one and my personal favorite this season, also Yofukashi no Uta and Isekai Ojisan are pretty good and I think you'll like them. I'd recommend checking those three out ^^
It's nice to see that you're watching Kingdom! what do you think of it so far?