I currently a freshman in college and have read more manga than i can remember and honestly if you have any questions on manga i'm here to help. I've got probably more than 120+ manga that i've read online but i don't have them listed cause it would take too much time and would be a major hassle. Anime isn't my strongpoint, but i have watched a lot but not more than i have read.
I've been reading and watching anime for about 4-5 years now and it has become a big thing in my life. Don't let that mistake my image as someone who lacks exercise. I was one of four track captains in my highschool. I ran the 100, 200, 4x1, and 4x4. I also did a year of football but ended up breaking my wrist pretty badly so i stopped doing that. I'm also now currently enjoying basketball, however i still have a lot to learn!
Manga is my priority and after school and exercise i read my manga for most of the day while talking to friends on skype. I generally pick up an anime only if it looks interesting and if it can keep my interest over reading random manga
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