I have grown from someone with passing interest to a mega fan in a few years time. I am a huge fan in animation in general. Also videogames, comics/manga, sci-fi, Magic, bears (well, maybe not the community.) I have a couple quests I'm on, namely following Ghibli and Bones as well as a handful of directors and designers. I REALLY love lists. I'm a bit obsessive compulsive. I like everything, really. I like all genres, but usually ignore harem/ecchi, sugary sweet stuff, hentai/yaoi/yuri, and pre 90's anime. I like sci-fi, psychological, thrillers, series with episode cliffhangers, anime that makes me weap like a woman, among ohers. I'm easy to get along with. I don't bash people based on anime they like. I don't HATE anime, videogames, movies, etc. I don't HATE at all. I love. ;)
Ghibli to-see: Only Yesterday, Ocean Waves, Pom Poko, My Neighbors the Yamadas, Arrietty, The Wind Rises
noitaminA to-see: Hataraki Man, Nodame Cantabile / Paris / Finale + OVA, Moyashimon / Returns / live action, Toshokan Senso, Genji Monogatari Sennenki, Kuchu Buranko, Tatami Galaxy, Guilty Crown, Black Rock Shooter, Kids on the Slope, Tsuritama, Psycho-Pass / 2, Robotics;Notes, Katanagatari, Silver Spoon / 2, Galilei Donna, Samurai Flamenco
Bones to-see: Hiwou War Chronicles, Angeli Layer, RahXephon + movie, Scrapped Princess, Fullmetal Alchemist + movie / Brotherhood, + movie, Mars Daybreak, Kurau Phantom Memory, Eureka Seven + movie / Astral Ocean, Ghost Slayers Ayashi, Darker Than Black + OVA / Ryusei no Gemini, Skull Man, Chiko Heiress of the Phantom Theif, Heroman, Star Driver + movie, Gosick, Sword of the Straner, Towa no Quon 1-6
Gainax to-see: Nadia + movie, Neon Genesis Evangelion + movie / Evangelion 3.0 + 4.0, His and Her Circumstances, Modern Love Silliness, Oruchuban Ebichu, Mahoromatic, Petite Princess Yucie, Melody of Oblivion, This Ugly Yet Beautiful World, He Is My Master, Gurren Lagann, Corpse Princess, Hanamaru Kindergarten, The Mystic Archives of Dantalian, Medaka Box / Abnormal, Tokurei Sochi Dantai Stella Jo-Gakuin Kōtō-ka C3-Bu, Wings of Honneamise, Cutie Honey, Gunbuster vs. Diebuster, Appleseed, Top o Nerae! Gunbuster, Beat Shot, Circuit no Ohkami 2 Modena no Tsurugi, Blazing Transfer Student, Money Wars, Otaku no Video, Casshan: Robot Hunter, Anime Tenchou, Re: Cutie Honey, Diebuster , Wish Upon the Pleiades
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