The JUNE - Character of the Month LE is now closed. We'll inform you again for the next LEs.
There are lots of things that are happening about Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ right now. So, we are bringing the section, "Latest News", back in the club's information so that you guys will have an easier way of knowing the latest things about the anime/game/seiyuu (voice actors).
Featured Video updated! Watch the video to find out what it is. Also, some of the newest Uta no☆Prince-sama♪-related videos are posted in the club's comments! Check them out! And don't forget to thank tsubasalover for posting the videos!
Guys! Our club is hosting a banner contest! Everyone is encouraged to join! Please see this for more information.
[**]Happy June 1st to everyone!
[**]The Character of the Month poll for July is now open! For more information and voting, go [*url=]here[/url].
[**]Also, we already added the Character of the Month banner to the club's layout! Check it out now! If you want to add something to it, you can leave a comment in the club!
[**]You can chat with the other members here about the second season.
[**]Join us in the club games too! >> Let's Count!, This or That? and Q&A Relay.
[**]Official Club Member Cards is always open. Request for your card if you don't have one yet.
[**]Have a great start of the month, guys! Thank you.
(Don't want to receive any newsletter? Request here.)
*Good day everyone! The Character of the Month JUNE 2012 poll is now closed! Shou Kurusu gathered 7 of the 25 votes, and that is 28%. You can check the results here.
*We will be having a Character of the Month LE! So, please look forward to that.
*Be sure to check our club friends (affiliates) out too!
*Three games are also currently open. Please join us!
*For those who have not yet requested for a member card, go here. And if you want to get notified right away when LEs and other things in the club are opened, please sign up for the club newsletters.
*The club comments section is also open to everyone. You can chat with the others there or put updates if you want.
*That's all for now. Have a great week!
(Don't want to receive any newsletter? Request here.)
*The featured video in the club is updated! See it now!
*We need two card makers, and better if they can also do layouts and other graphic stuff for the club! If you're interested, apply here! For more information, please seek the comment in the club regarding this.
*Two newly made games are opened! This or That and Let's Count! Join us in the fun!
*We'll be having more LEs once two people are accepted as card makers.
*Claim Your STARISH member JUNE 2012 is now closed! Thank you for those who made their claims! For those who weren't able to make claims, we hope to see you claim for the month of June!
*Also the 100+ LE Member cards is already closed!
*For those who haven't voted for June's Character of the Month, go here! You have till May 26!
*Starting with this newsletter, all members will be receiving the club's newsletter. Please see the link below if you want to limit or not receive any at all.
(Don't want to receive any newsletter? Request here.)
*Please be an active member so that we can hold games, events, and other stuffs!
*If you can, please do invite more people to join our club.
*Feel free to start a discussion related to UtaPri in the club forums.
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